Yeah I completely agree, though I think I’d prefer shorter CD feral lunge with 1 charge and root/snare immunity for spirit walk rather than 2 charges of lunge, that feels a bit more like copying warrior i think.
It is unfortunately complete trash, worse than last season and it still wasnt better than totemic at that point either. They buffed ice strike/lava lash/stormstrike by 100% at the beginning of ptr but it didnt apply to pvp, and at the end of ptr they nerfed stormstrike by 50% which applied to pvp which really hurt, and the change to awakening storms requiring 4 procs instead of 3 made tempest casts less frequent.
They did make really good changes to totemic though, it is a lot more fun than last season imo.
They need to go back to the way tremor used to work. When u can use it to BREAK a fear. Idk when they changed it but having to use it preemptively is just too unforgiving. Sitting in a fear even though u have tremor bc u missed it by a gcd feels bad.
And just a little more mobility. We desperately need a true freedom whether it be windrush or spirit walk. These two just give so little value right now when u end up getting slowed immediately after.
I’d be happy with that
I dont disagree that tremor currently does feel a little too unforgiving in that a lot of fears are instant, though priest fear is pretty telegraphed at least but most shamans dont pre tremor war fears and if they do the wars team just kills the tremor first. I dont mind it being skill based either though, but i find it odd that warrior got an easier version of tremor
What is even the point of disarm if enh has a disarm immunity and fdk has 25 trinkets so they only trinket disarm
Things like this or the similarly fried and way too common “we need something usable in stun bro” make me so mad at the people that don’t wanna actually play the game the right way
We need significantly less zero counter play buttons
No ur right thats why I changed my thoughts and the title of the thing. i disagree with what i said when i started this thread
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I would like it if feral lunge applied a brief but significant snare though
and I wouldn’t complain about doomwinds giving stormstrike a 10 yard range for its 8 seconds
Trying to do anything to a good mm hunter, good moonkin , bad devoker, bad arcane mage , or a god tier warlock can feel literally impossible without literal kidney shot on your team but id be MUCH happier with their mobility being nerfed rather than ours being buffed
Just my hot take
Fully agree, but the reason I ask for increased mobility instead of nerfed mobility is because I just have a feeling current devs are all about players having fun, and almost every type of player loves mobility. Removing mobility will come with a lot of pushback, and it will also affect pve which is where the mobility bloat issues tend to come from, so I just dont think its likely they scale back mobility in any significant way especially if its mostly only pvp that suffers heavily from it.
I mean look at how long its taking them to figure out the defensive bloat issue. They mentioned at the beginning of TWW they are aware of defensive bloat potentially and will be looking into it. We don’t know what that will look like of course, but they are very careful about removing things like that. Its very different from their philosophy heading into WoD from MoP, and to be fair they did get a ton of pushback for years from that prune.
Either way, I do agree I’d rather mobility get toned down than increased, but as I really dont believe they’ll do that I just prefer to ask for a bit more mobility to solve the issue currently. Decreased CD on feral lunge and root/slow immunity from spirit walk would be all thats needed to help increase our uptime. If they end up removing a lot of the passive/random roots and slows that are in the game now from hero trees/spec trees/etc (hunter hero tree, frost mage spec tree, dk hero tree for some examples) then spirit walk can remain as is, but if not it should be granting immunity.
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Sometimes it’s worth to use buttons like parry or sanc to just close out games by making your go harder to stop, like pre sancing before ur go or pre parrying to avoid leg sweep disarm bash etc
Is that like when rogues use vanish offensively?
They more or less kind of have to. Assa does it to 3x garrote the whole team. I take it more like when a dk gets the grip blind and pre uses AMS so you can’t stop what’s ab to happen
Not rly the best way to use the button but it works.
To add onto the mobility thing, what I’d like to see ideally is something like this:
-15s off Feral Lunge
-Two new choice node talents that path from gust/spirit walk. those two being: 1. Spirit Walk now grants you immunity to roots and slows for the first 4 seconds of its duration and 2. Gust of Wind now hurls you further.
Think that would be kind of fun but not broken by any means. Nor would it effect pve poorly in any way.