Give Death Knights the access to Frostmourne appearance

Did you actually play through Shadowlands? I know a lot of players skipped it because it was… not great, but Primus made it pretty damn clear that he regarded the forging of a runeblade to be a heinous, blasphemous act so while he could concievably make another one (or even teach a blacksmith how to forge one) the simple fact is He wouldn’t do so

Also I read your OP and there isn’t some deeper truth or such here, you want a mog appearance which is fine but the position that you have ardently ignored is that I disagree with it being a DK only one; just throw it up on the Trade post for 600 tendies and call it a day.


We have the being that crafted it.
That knows its design.
That could get whatever was left of it and recreate it and give to the Death Knights.

That is not given, you would have to argue for that. Why would a warrior have a Death Knight weapon in first place. Why would a paladin have a death knight weapon?

Yes, I did.

It is not the topic of this thread and it has absolutely no standing on this topic.

Garrosh times change dot gif plus, the jailer and the domination magic is gone.

Yes there isn’t anything deeper because there has absolutely no reason to be as an initial idea.

It took you absolutely 2 hours to read the OP and your first act here was to skip and ask questions which were already answered there.

Every following post was already answered before and all you had to do was to be civic and read the topic instead of just posting whatever opinion you had that didn’t add anything to the topic but to keep vandalizing it with the blades of the fallen prince strawman.

Good then have a good night.


They think it looks cool thats all that is honestly needed and breaking it down its the only reason a death knight would want the appearance. Also its more likely to be added as an appearance if more people can use it than asking for a single class.

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Well anyone can think it is cool, but when it comes to class exclusivity they already have their weapons. Paladins have the Ashbringer, which is an iconic weapon teased from Vanilla and that we saw its peak in Wrath, then later handed to paladins for free as an Artifact.

I’m not asking or OP does not discuss removing this uniqueness, but you seem to be. Well, the premise of this thread is to keep that, so I’d say you could create another thread to discuss removing class uniqueness such that and maybe it would be a good discussion, which is not the object of this thread.

They literally are. That you don’t like this doesn’t make it trolling.

No, but they are an interesting idea for a successor to frostmourne given that that sword was literally broken in two at the climax of Legion by a paladin who’s name escapes me at the moment. The weapon being reforged also complimented the fact that the frost DK was a 2 weapon user.

So it is going nowhere. Noted.

You really don’t have any business complaining about civil behavior or strawman arguments or such when you are dismissiing out of hands the inherent problems with your proposal or the actual events that occured in the game.

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Open my inventory.
Mouse over the item.

“blades of the fallen prince”.

Equip it.

It is 2 1 handed swords.
They don’t look at all as frostmourne.
Their name is not frostmourne.

So yeah, It seems that I’m arguing with a 10 years old children. Enjoy the ignore forever, troll, and have all your posts here flagged for trolling.


They are literally made from frostmourne; just look up “Frost DK artifact weapon” on youtube.

Once again: when you come across as hostile, dismissive and insulting to anyone who isn’t rubbernecking for you, you don’t get to refer to others as “trolls”.

By all means though, flag away. I look forward to seeing how many of my responses are still up tomorrow.


I’m ok with class exclusivity if theres a real lore reason behind it with story. Like the relics were fine because they were built for the story, they were a functional item and even then at this point it barely justifies them being exclusive because they got sucked dry. Again if its just an appearance then theres nothing stopping anyone from having a weapon that looks identical. The actual frostmourne is gone so end of the day there’s no reason for anyone to have it, why would anyone even make a new one?

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Im tired, boss…

We are, but it is Frostmourne.
It is worth going there just for that.


This is the point I raised that Henceforth doggedly chose to ignore: Frostmourne was canonnically reforged and the one guy who could have made another one would not under any circumstances.

It’s why I argue that the best way to handle this (in as much as there is a good one) is to just put it on the TP for a decent price or hell as a monthly reward for anyone who can wield a two handed sword.

here I agree with you, which is why I said for that to involve an epic questline, that could happen through more than one season if it was the case.

I didn’t want to elaborate a whole script describing because I know there are trolls here in the forums which would just cherry pick something and vandalize the thread to argument against that with strawman (like that other childish with the blades of the fallen prince).

For the same reason why I wouldn’t like it to be added via trading post or in game shop.

Since Death Knights are still a hero class (just like Demon hunters) this class fantasy is strong, and we could all benefit from having more unique class questlines, just like we all had in legion.

Do I think other classes deserve or need? I don’t know, but I would support it if it made sense, but I am not arguing for them, I’m arguing for Frostmourne and Death Knights.

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Canonically the champion of X faction (player character) who got Ashbringer had the actual Ashbringer, not a copy, not a replica, they had THE Ashbringer, same as Shamans who had Doomhammer, and so on. Gameplay wise every pally got it, but story wise it was a singular lone adventurer who was renown as a champion for Azeroth who wielded it. Frostmourne, a rune blade powered with domination magic, was shattered and its a pieces gathered and reforged into a pair of swords that had a miniscule fragment of its original power. Frostmourne ceased to be. It was gone. At the end of Legion every champion brought forth their powerful artifact weapon and channeled the weapons power into Sargeras blade impaled in Silithus to neutralize the effects of the sword on Azeroth. These weapons continued to exist, but completely and utterly inert and powerless. The depowered Blades of the Fallen Prince, Icebringer & Frostreaper, are all that remains of Frostmourne. In Shadowlands we learn that the Jailer warped the Primus’ domination magic used to imprison him in the maw into a powerful way to control others and free himself and captured the Primus and used him to forge more rune weapons imbued with domination magic. After being freed the Primus realized that domination magic could be corrupted and refused to ever use that form of magic again. Why would the Primus decide to make a unpowered replica of a weapon the Jailer forced him to make just to sate a random DK’s need to have a blade that looked like Frostmourne? Why would a DK even want such a weapon, especially an unpowered replica blade that isn’t even really Frostmourne, the iconic blade of the Lich King, and no one would even call it Frostmourne because it isn’t Frostmourne but a plain old normally forged blade? Why would a DK be proud to carry a fake Frostmourne, a weapon that destroyed them in life and forced them into an unlife of eternal hunger and pain? What possible reason would a DK have to ask this of him that would make sense from a lore standpoint? I understand that you, Henceforth the DK player, wants to carry a replica of Frostmourne like some cringey emo edge lord parading as the Diet Coke of Lich Kings, but why in lore would an epic quest to recreate a hated evil weapon exist for DK’s? Like has been stated repeatedly, you literally have Frostmourne, shattered and reforged as a weapon. You are basically asking for another blade to be crafted that shares the appearance of Frostmourne, lets call it Edgelordmourne, that serves no purpose so you can cosplay in game as the Lich King.

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That is a good question.
First it is not a random DK, and you know it :slight_smile:
And if the sake of a replica infuriates you hat much, it can be the very same sword recreated from what was left of it (pieces of the blades of the fallen prince).

The reasons the Primus would help us recreate? could be many.

Some argue that there can be no more DKs since there is no more a Lich King (earthens cannot be DKs for example), so the Deathlord (and not a random DK), who has a very good standing relationship with Maldraxxus and thus convincing the Primus to restore it etc.

I am not going to debate here the whys and hows because that is something Blizzard would figure out, and I am not going to discuss the other classes and how they got theirs because it is irrelevant when it comes down to the fact they got it, and now we know why Death Knights didn’t get Frostmourne in Legion.

Given that we are immune to domination and the Jailer is dead, nothing bad could come out of it.

You’re entitled to have that opinion, but that cat is already out of the bag with paladins having Ashbringer, DHs having the Warglaives of Azzinoth… with exclusivity.


Frostmourne isn’t a Death Knight weapon, it was the Lich King, Arthas Menathil’s iconic weapon. Henceforth the 508ilevel Blood Death Knight with his loyal fox pet Renny, who’s exploits include completing a +2 Nokhud Offensive astride his Renewed Proto-Drake, didn’t wield Frostmourne at any point in his illustrious career. Lester the Paladin, Champion of Azeroth, did wield the actual Ashbringer, along with Fapfap the shaman who had Doomhammer, and Betty-Sue the Priest who had T’uure, Beacon of the Naaru. Henceforth did use the iconic Death Knight set of swords called the Blades of the Fallen Prince however! Coming up with crazy stupid scenarios and insane rationales on why any Death Knight would want to carry that weapon for any other reason than to be the Dollar Store wanna be Lich King is crazy. Even Bolvar didnt get it recrafted. He had his own iconic weapon forged and he was the second Lich King. You, Henceforth, are not the Lich King and carrying a replica of that weapon is ridiculous from any lore standpoint. Lester the Paladin still has the actual real Ashbringer in his closet though, and he will gladly let you polish it any time you come to visit.


It is THE Death Knight weapon.
And as much as you try to write and put me down (I find funny the fact you had to go check my dungeon history, hilarious you couldn’t argue the topic without doing that, get some help, stalking is not healthy), it just looks bad for you because that is the losers argument. It is a pathetic attempt to introduce ad hominem as part of your argument but it is just sad.

The best part is: you acknowledge that other classes have their iconic weapons, and thus the Death Knights shouldn’t have it because Mungadai, a person who can’t write a simple thought in few words and has to write a whole wall of crap thinks so.

It would be hilarious if it didn’t look sad.


My paladin still has Ashbringer, my shaman Doomhammer, my rogue the actual Twin Blades of Azzinoth (my DH has the appearance!) meanwhile you have no Frostmourne, and never will and that is all that matters.

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Good, thanks for helping the argument that Death Knights should have their iconic weapon!


Keep the dream alive lil buddy.

Thank you for reinforcing why Death Knights should also have Frostmourne.