Give Death Knights the access to Frostmourne appearance

Unfortunately, Frostmourne doesn’t fit any of our 3 specs.

Frostmourne on Blood, nope.
On Unholy? Sword is a mere decoration.
In Frost? For some reason we need two weapons to freeze things…

The philosophy of our mogs are based in these tree aspects:

Unholy: rotten and disgusting things.
Frost: Short, pointed things that have nothing to do with ice or frost.
Blood: Something very cutting and lacerating that might make things bleed.

Weapons like Frostmourne don’t fit any of these descriptions.

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How about you stop projecting accusations and respond to the point that is being made?

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I don’t care what blizzard did with that, its not like they couldnt change those either. This isnt you being salty about the warglaives is it?

You’re looking from the wrong perspective.
It is the most iconic death knight weapon that ever existed and will ever exist.

You are thinking TOO HARD when you dig into the specs.

It is the appearance of Frostmourne. And if you ask Death Knights “would you like to have its appearance?” the answer would be an outstanding YES with very few maybe negligible no or questioning, like you.


Another question comes to mind: why would this weapon’s appearance be limited to DK’s if we’re effectively stripping it of all the connotation’s of Frostmourne and breaking this down to being a mog?

It is a Death Knight weapon, just like the Warglaives of Azzinoth are Demon Hunter weapon, and the Ashbringer is a paladin weapon.

Absolutely not, I am just saying that the precedent already exists.


Two things:

  1. The warglaives were originally wieldable by anyone who had the sword proficiency
  2. In this case it wouldn’t be frostmourne (since that sword got shattered by ashbringer and then reforged into a pair of shortswords) but rather a glorified wallhanger (IE not a legendary)
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Are you actually being this pedantic over the warglaive precedent being used in a slightly different context?


Well thats a dumb precedent to follow, especially if all it essentially would be is a weapon appearance. What sort of lore would go with that? Especially if someone could just forge a look alike anyways in an azeroth version of forged in fire?

How is the quoted pedantic? I’m pointing out that frostmourne was never actually a statted weapon that players could get.

Wow, you’re telling me this for the first time…


Is this going somewhere or…?

They should have made it one of the legendary weapons from legion so y’all could.


Blizzard allowed the legendaries to be transmogriphed but restricted the Warglaives to Demon Hunters only.

Frostmourne is the name of the weapon that Primus crafted while being held captive by Zovaal as the Runecarver.

He has the knowledge and can craft another exact weapon, which is what I have discussed and asked in the OP. Frostmourne (appearance) which we, Death Knights, can transmog into another weapons.

Whether Primus would ask us to bring pieces of the existing frostmorune that became the blades of the fallen prince or whatever. You’re being obtuse and continue ignoring OP where I have described what it would be.

Well it is not because it keeps the class fantasy.
For the same reason for example they didn’t add the appearance of Corrupted Ashbringer in the Secrets of Naxxramas to everyone.

Just like makes no sense for a Warrior or Paladin to be wielding Frostmourne.

Seeing what passed in Shadowlands I understand why they didn’t add it. Now that Jailer is gone and there is no domination anymore, Death Knights could handle Frostmourne.


I mean… they kinda did? The frost DK weapon is literally frostmourne reforged to be a pair of short swords called “blades of the fallen prince”.

Would you stop trolling with this strawman? the Blades are not frostmourne.


Ahhh… never did the DK stuff in legion.

They don’t look nearly as good though, real shame.


“Erm, you took my dead end irrelevant statement and gave a sardonic reply to it??”



They don’t look the same and they are not the same.

Which he is incapable of understanding (a very basic concept)


To be fair it doesn’t make sense for anyone to be wielding frostmourne considering it’s a dead relic now. They are perfectly capable of unlocking those appearances too, which I would call the preferable option to everyone.

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