Give Death Knights the access to Frostmourne appearance

The emphasis on the OP isn’t the lore behind the toothpicks of the fallen prince (which I can’t stand because they are not a 2h weapon), but the appearance of the 2h weapon Frostmourne in its original form.

Ideally, I would like to see an option to reforge the frost dk artifact into a 2h weapon with the appearance of the 2h Frostmourne weapon wielded by Arthas. Then maybe I wouldn’t get upset every time I saw the artifact in my bank (because the game won’t let me delete it). The frost DK artifact weapon bothered me the day it was announced and it still bothers me just as much today.


I mean, the sword was shattered by Tyrion. Everyone has seen that probably 3 dozen times at a minimum in their WoW career. Ashbringer was corrupted but intact, and was cleansed in a very involved questline the moment you get to Northrend. This is just what happened in lore. The player DK is already in possession of Frostmourne in a way that is TOTALLY faithful to what actually happened at the Frozen Throne.


That’s the lore of it… fine, doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be some sort of transmog for it, where it looks like the OG frostmourne.


The issue is that neither of the other two iconic weapons (Ashbringer and Doomhammer) that became artifacts were literally destroyed in an earlier expansion. And not in a subtle way, but in a “literally everyone who has ever played the game has seen it happen” kind of way.


Ok? We’re talking transmog, not lore.

Because if we’re talking lore and weapons if more than one Thunderfury, Sulfaras and Shadowmourne exiss in game we aren’t being true to lore, so I think a transmog is fair… plus doomhammer has a transmog and ashbringer has one as well. (You can even equip them)


strange, thought we did have access to that mog, there’s like 3 versions to choose from, looking at them as we speak

We can have 2 h frost now through a talent.


That’s just Blizz trying to justify their mistaken gameplay choice that temporarily forced dw. They eventually realized their error and restored 2h frost, just not in time to give us the proper 2h Frostmourne instead of toothpicks during Legion. I dismissed that attempt at lore outright.

I still want the error completely fixed by allowing at least the proper appearance of Frostmourne as a 2h weapon. It doesn’t have to be via the frost DK artifact at this point (that would be the ideal, but I don’t expect that to happen). It can be something different, as long as the 2h Frostmourne visual is made available to DKs in some way, shape, or form.


After seeing what happened when the Helm of Domination was reforged, you’d probably talk the Primus into doing it, he’d send you on all sorts of busy work, and when you finally get done, he forges you a “Frostmorne” of your own and it looks like this.


Thje real question is who created the starter runeblade that all deathknights begin with. Same tech as Frostmourne.

It’s amazing how they have insisted on not giving players the frostmourne look, of all things.

By the same logic, no one should be able to tmog any notable weapons.


I read an interview a long, long, long time ago, possibly during Wrath, justifying not giving something like Ashbringer to players because it was simply too powerful. I want to say the interview answer was in response to not being able to cleanse the corrupted Ashbringer.

I might be remembering the entire thing wrong, but if I’m not, really feels like that ship has sailed and it’s typical stubborn “you think you do but you don’t” Blizzard behavior

Thing is players dont want Frostmourne - they want something that looks like it. Gorehowl is a perfect example of a lore heavy weapon being added to the game and then a HD version of it, purely for its transmog model - not because of any lore behind it likee the OG Gorehowl.

Add it to the game in some form, maybe a version that cant be enchanted with the glowing runes, make it a template for creating another or something.


Yes, because those were part of non restricted loot drops.

Also (and this is key) they weren’t canonically destroyed and then recycled.

Yeah exactly, I could have been a little more clear but nobody wants the actual Frostmourne, they want the model for transmog. Remove the magic blue aura from it to signify that it’s just inert metal or something (plus you can then put your own enchant mog on it)

Which is why I suggest just putting the weapon model up on the Trade post for a sizable sum so that it can be used by anyone who wields two-handed weapons.

Hell throw remornia on there while you’re at it.

No it exists only now as my pet that talks to me!

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I would immediately spend all my tendies on Remornia; Frostmourne who?

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Drinks souls AND anima!

Again, I don’t care about all about the lore for this and that’s not excuse for a transmog not to be made for it… it’s a transmog, no one is hurt.

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