Give Death Knights the access to Frostmourne appearance


The Jailer is gone and we know Primus knows the plans for Frostmourne.

Make an epic quest, that lasts like 2 seasons or so. Or a whole expansion if needed. No rush. Make us work for it.

Take us Death Knights back to Shadowlands to help Primus with an important mission, in return he will teach us the plans for Frostmourne so we, Death Knights blacksmiths, can craft its appearance, learn and wield it.

Frostmourne is one of the most iconic weapons that exists in the game along with Warglaives of Azzinoth, and the later was given exclusively to Demon Hunters.

Make it happen. Death Knights are also a Hero Class that deserves love.


I’m pretty against solo class legendaries.

Or even ones that just favor a specific group, like strength melee.


That sounds like a not so great idea lore-wise. And I’m pretty sure that the Primus doesn’t want Domination magic running rampant through the living world again. He was trying to wipe it out in the Shadowlands by turning the Helm into a happy crown.




Legion would have been the time to do it.

Enjoy your 2 one handers.


That was given to Warriors / Paladins / DKs.
Anyone of these 3 classes can Mog it.

The cat is already out of the bag when they gave the Warglaives of Azzinoth (which were not warglaives but Swords) to Demon Hunters only.


Not really.

You do realize this suggestion would hurt DKs…a lot?

And thats why its a bad idea.

Please, do enlight me.

You know what happens when a singular demographic has a legendary tied to it?

They are nerfed until they get that legendary. The legendary balances them with all the other specs. We just saw this happen in DF with the strength axe. Classes that could equip it were left behind until they get the axe.

So in this scenario. DKs will stink until they have Frostmourne.

Oh, please, re-read the post.
I didn’t ask for a new legendary.

I asked for a weapon appearance.

If one would just read the post instead of sharing their opinion


It is literally in the T I T L E.


My apologies.

I was thrown off with how you continuously responded to me talking about legendaries without ever bringing it up until now.

I guess you didn’t read my response either.

Honestly would be neat to have solo quests to get special things again

Like hunters/priests in MC


Why in the hells would a death knight even want to wield a replica of the blade that ripped out their soul, shredded it into bacon bits, and put that meaty mess in the blender? Let Arthas go man, even giving the appearance of Frostmourne would desecrate his legacy as a character.


I responded to your quote “against class legendaries” well it happened with the Warglaives visual, it is demon hunter exclusive, and I am not even mad about it, because it opens the possibilities for Frostmourne.

Why would a Blood Elf that has the Sunwell reject it and embrace the power that is totally opposite to the light and to the very same source of energy to their own kingdom and thus accept the fact you’ll never going back to your own homeland?

I guess you have your answer.


Just put the appearance in the trading post. For 1k tenders, or something.


For random things or replica of some mounts I would be ok but this is the kind of thing that deserves its own epic quest chain we gotta see through.


If Warrior’s aren’t getting Shalamayne from Anduin, why should you get special treatment?


And allow everyone to use it. Even not sword users.

Because that is his weapon and he is currently wearing it.

Ok you didn’t read the post before and now you’re literally trolling.

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The appearance would be pretty cool :metal: