Give Death Knights the access to Frostmourne appearance

the current frost dk artifact weapon is a perfectly good frostmourne, u dont really need a second frostmourne

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It is not Frostmourne.


the Lore says that it is the broken shards of frostmourne, though

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Firstly, it’s not Frostmourne. Secondly, in order to be a good Frostmourne, it first has to be Frostmourne. Third, refer to the first point.


It is not the frostmourne.
It does not have the appearance of the frostmourne.

And you’re wrong and trolling.


Because it’s got drip

frostmourne was shattered and frost DKs took the shattered pieces and reforged them into their artifact blades of the fallen prince in legion


Which is neither new knowledge nor the point of the thread

The dinky swords are not Frostmourne, they don’t look like Frostmourne, and they are not what is being asked for by OP


frostmourne doesnt exist anymore


just like the helm of domination is no longer the cool looking crown and is now the burger king crown.


They should just make a version for all weapon types so anyone can use it.

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that I wouldn’t know.

but Frostmourne is a very iconic weapon for Death Knights, just like the Warglaives of Azzinoth are for demon hunters.


Following this logic no one should be using Frostmourne because it got smashed and reforged into two smaller swords.

Frostmourne is a design of Primus.
Primus can craft another one. That is what I have said in OP.

Read the OP instead of discussing a single post in the thread, or don’t even bother posting. It is unbecoming and you end up looking bad.


But heres the thing: he wouldn’t do that because he considered the forging of a runeblade to be a heinous act.

There is no thing.

Read the OP.


Its an iconic weapon in general, if its just a transmog then anyone should be able to use it. Its probably even more iconic than the dh weapons.


“Make us work for something that really ought to have been handed out as a basic artifact appearance in Legion.”

How about you respond to the points that are being made. Failing to do so simply makes you look petty.

The same reason they were gung ho to build a copycat version of it in WotLK.

Considering that Shadowlands just demolished Scourge lore in general? That ship has sailed, there’s nothing left to ruin.


Well this cat is out of the bag already when Blizzard limited Warglaives of Azzinoth ONLY to demon hunters, when the original Legendary were 2 swords.

I don’t mind, it is their thing, but at same time it opens up for Death Knights having the appearance of Frostmourne. Primus can teach or even craft it.

There is absolutely no reason for a paladin to wear Frostmourne or a Warrior, at all. Not even a hunter.

I am ok with having to work to have it. They didn’t want to hand us that in Legion but they handed to paladins Ashbringer and later the Warglaives xmog to Demon hunters only.

How about you actually reading the OP and joining the discussion without being disingenuous and trolling?