I think Blizz is really outdoing themselves with a lot of the customizations. One thing with the eyes on Velves though that I wish they would add is I noticed they don’t have the one/both eyes blind option. My rogue wears an eye patch because she lost an eye per her backstory. I would love for her to be able to have that blinded eye, along with facial scarring so her appearance would match her story. I doubt I’ll use any of the Belf skins however because my girls are Velves and there is no reason for them to appear otherwise and if I make anymore (have four already) they too would be Velves. If I want different hair, skin and blue eyes I’ll log onto my Belves. WHO NEED TATTOOS! Oh and facial piercings too, another thing I’m jealous of the Nelves for
Rangers aren’t Farstriders, which is a designation and organization that came later.
Oof, no. They’re Sin’dorei. Elisande makes this clear in Legion.
Yeah I’m also hoping for some scars and burns. No way after all our questing and god slaying we should be in one piece.
But the Farstriders are Rangers. Why do you think their leader is also the ranger general?
Alleria was a Farstrider when she went through the portal. Her tatts are there because she was a Farstrider (you don’t see them on mages, priests). So yes, they are Farstrider Tattoos. And just a PSA…Blood Elves, same race (Quel’dorei) new and better name (Sin’dorei).
edit for one more thing
You do realize Quel’dorei encompasses all Highborne and Highborne descendants right? So technically, Night Elf Mages (Highborne) still Quel’dorei. Nightborne Highborne, still Quel’dorei, Blood Elves, still Quel’dorei. Its not exclusive to Alliance High Elves.
The rangers she led were Farstriders, this was explained in “Tales of the hunt”
“Alleria instead focused on practical matters and chose to become one of the Farstriders, a group of rangers that fought for her people all across Azeroth. She made a name for herself after a number of quick, decisive victories. Alleria’s sister Sylvanas would one day rise to leadership in her stead.”
Where Elisande mocks the High elves for abandoning their culture for the humans.
Show us the Warcraft II-era source material that states this. Post-WoW retcon novels don’t count.
It’s literally in game if you read the description of her bow which I just quoted to you.
Why? Void Elves are literally Blood Elves who broke the law and got exiled. Alleria’s tattoos predate Void Elves and are clearly just a part of Thalassian culture. All Thalassian elves should have access to tattoos that look like that.
I also LOVE the subtle runic tattoo look from the box art, and I’ve always wanted markings like that. Night Elves mark their faces and always have. It seems to me that elvish folk ought to look more…wild and mysterious. Yes, even the ones who sit around on plush cushions. ha ha
Body markings have always been used in great civilizations to indicate things about a person’s station in life. The elves love that kinda stuff, so it would make sense for all elves to get tatted up in some form or fashion.
She also makes clear what a shameful disaster Vareesa and her bunch are for diluting the noble blood with humans.
Just read the description for Alleria’s bow “Thas’dorah”
Thas’dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners, Part Seven
A few years before Horde invaded Azeroth, the ranger-general of Silvermoon was Lireesa Windrunner, who had three daughters: Alleria, Sylvanas, and Vereesa.
As the eldest, Alleria was to take on the mantle of ranger-general, but she had little use for tradition or expectations. She decided to apply her training to practical matters, so she became a Farstrider, a member of a group of rangers focused on fighting for the Highborne all across Azeroth. She made a name for herself after a number of quick, decisive victories. Her sister Sylvanas would one day rise to leadership in her stead.
What is current? Oh yeah this is World of Warcraft, not WCII. Which is getting Belf skins and blue eyes for Void Elves? Oh yeah…World of Warcraft. WCII is history and all those novels with the ‘retcons’ are actual lore.
That’s part of a retcon.

She also makes clear what a shameful disaster Vareesa and her bunch are for diluting the noble blood with humans.
Better to be made fun of by a villain for having human friends than be a degenerate Sin’dorei who actually dilutes their blood by joining a band of savages

Alleria’s tattoos aren’t Farstrider tattoos. They’re Quel’dorei Ranger tattoos. Duh.
They aren’t either.
Neither of those things exist in WoW her tattoos are based off of WC2 Rangers when the entire High Elf race was more Celtic in design.
In WC3/WoW they completely ceased to be based off of tribal celtic people and are more Arabian/Roman like. Effectively retconning them out.
They brought them back specifically for her as an homage to her old WC2 design but they are not part of Blood Elf or High Elf culture at all currently.
They are specific to Alleria.
Allera Tattoos =/= Farstrider/Ranger Tattoos because there is no such thing.
Just simply for the fact that’d it be super strange for Horde to get to look like an Alliance leader before Alliance players can, I wouldn’t give them those Alleria tattoos. I’d go with all the other options people are suggesting, though. Those runic eye tattoos would look amazing.

It’s in a retcon.
How is it a retcon, where does it say she didn’t join the farstriders? And like it would even matter considering that’s the official lore of the game when she was released, so clearly it had a large part in her design.
Her tattoos are of Farstrider origin, so it makes far more sense for Farstriders to have those tattoos than the magisters of the void elves.

Her tattoos are of Farstrider origin

Just simply for the fact that’d it be super strange for Horde to get to look like an Alliance leader before Alliance players can
Except those tattoos were deliberately meant to reflect her position and appearance as a Farstrider, y’know, a blood elven group. This is essentially saying that Farstrider themes belong to the alliance because one of them popped out of a portal from a thousand years ago and decided to join her husband back in Stormwind.

The lore says you’re wrong.

In WC3/WoW they completely ceased to be based off of tribal celtic people and are more Arabian/Roman like.
I’ve always wondered what blood elves are more based off of in WoW. Architecture is pretty Arabian now that I think about it.

Farstrider, y’know, a blood elven group.
This wasn’t the case back when Alleria was one. And as of right now, nobody in the Horde or Alliance can make their characters look like that. It’d be like giving the Alliance players a way to look like Thalyssra because Night Elves used to live in similar societies, when the Horde can’t even do that yet.