Quel’dorei is a Thalassian elf or Highborne, which Blood Elves are. Only they call themselves Sin’dorei to honor their fallen (who were Quel’dorei too). The only tradition that High Elves uphold are the Windrunners passion for Human Potential. The Sin’dorei remain in their homeland carrying on the true traditions of their people.
If you keep repeating it you might actually beli…oh wait you believe that fan fiction. Sorry princess but a Blood Elf is just a High Elf with a different name who rejects the shameful travesty that Alliance High Elves became. As another poster pointed out, even Ellisande recognized they were an insult to the name Quel’dorei with their long eared human ways. Blood Elves are the true Quel’dorei.
Joyeuce has no actual argument, which is why it always boils down to some puerile comment like “They’re not High elves becuz!” and then moves on, ignoring all evidence that points to the contrary.
Stop being mad because the Quel’dorei are winning.
Winning what? I essentially get to be a High elf, complete with blue eyes and a Sunwell to boot, while you get to be what? A servant of the void. Grats!
Essentially, but not literally in the way it matters: being part of the Alliance.
Yes, yes, yes to all of these! Some traditional and tribal looking, some runic and magical.
I think living in Silvermoon, being connected to the Sunwell, and getting to experience actual high elven lore is far more High elven then being a void aberration pet in a human city.
Quel’dorei winning? I didn’t realize its a contest.
Ohhh you mean people like you winning? Yes, your winning 10 points for mental gymnastics from all judges. Your winning the award for biggest user of Headcannon in an actual conversation. And many of you are winning the Biggest Whiner award because you just can’t stop crying over what you didn’t get and appreciate what you did.
This would be so cool!
My mage would have blue eyes with golden tattoos.
Watch out or I’ll e-mail the ACLU :<
Also, I fully appreciate regular flesh tones for Void Elves. Not sure why you’re claiming I don’t. My appreciation doesn’t change that Blood Elves aren’t and will never be true Quel’dorei.
Gotta be honest. From what I’ve seen so far Night Elves got the best yet. The new hairstyle that has the hair around the face in front and ponytail (I think) behind, the leaves in the hair. They are gorgeous! I was playing around in the Wowhead dressing room last night with my Nelf and she’s going to be looking so good come Shadowlands.
Would you like me to google their address for you?
I’m so excited for SL just because of the new customization options
It’s fine, just laugh knowing a tear will roll down her cheek every time she’s playing her character and it lights up like a void popsicle.
Much high elf.
Yeah, those new customizations are just crazy. So jelly, and stoked for Night elves!
Why wouldn’t the blood elves have Farstriders tattoos? Last I checked the Farstriders are allied with the horde.
Alleria’s tattoos aren’t Farstrider tattoos. They’re Quel’dorei Ranger tattoos. Duh.
It is sort of weird but I have my own personal headcanon for that ^.^
She conveniently forgets that before Alleria traveled through the Dark portal she was a Farstrider, hence why she has the tattoos in the first place. Why Joy is under the impression all of the Farstriders would suddenly lose their tattoos is beyond me.
And since the Farstriders never joined the Alliance it would make zero sense for any of them to have their tattoos.
Which are Farstriders. Every single living blood elf is still a Quel’dorei.