Give Arugal layers

Hey Blizz its time to throw layering back on Arugal.
Queue started just after 4 PM and will blow out to 4 hour+ wait by raid time.


Absolutely. I have no idea why we were passed over for layers when were merely about a few hundred players behind Whitemane and Herod on We are the third most populous server of all servers even outside the US region, and people will not be able to log on for raid if they have any other obligations.

And if you aren’t going to layer us at least STOP THE LITERAL ARMY OF MULTIBOXED BOTTED MAGES that have been rolling on this server since it got unlocked. It’s beyond a joke how slack you guys have been at policing bots.


This ^^
Zones up to level ~40 are 99% bots and 1% real players and its not like they are hiding it well


Go roll on yojambo mr lvl 19 rogue

kek, they threw you a bone with black lotus to pacify everyone so they didn’t have to deal with the bot problem.

Maybe in 3 months they’ll deal with “boosting” or “dispelling” to make everyone forget how bad botting it.

1056th in queue, please bring back layers, this is what I deem unexecptable, if you don’t fix this soon I will cancel all 3 accounts as your ruining the game with login times

thank you for helping reduce the queue.

1600 in queue. Please add layer

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yeh dude i was leveling a new toon in the foothills and there were like 3 groups of 5 mages , multiboXing :frowning:

It’s not as bad as it was a month ago but it’s on the way there.
And unlocking the server has only made it worse. The bot problem is INSANE.
Blizz/Activision needs to stop thinking purely about sub numbers and money and give some consideration to their community.
With no actual players the community dies and with no players there’s no need for bots so those subs will dry up as well.

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3 hours now!!! Can they just bring layers back?!

I think I found the problem.

3.5 hours now. Why no layers blizzard? Seriously? I think we’d all like to know the reasoning why this server was passed over for the reintroduction of layers.

after u watch the videos u would know the problem is gdkp and bots.

They run gdkp, so people can buy their gold.


/10 char

Poor Form Blizzard!

why are we paying our monthly subscription when you have the technology to let us play

You really are a Bozho… My wife, daughter and myself play. Whats the problem with having an account each?

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Not only bots are filling up queue but families too? Dang.

Have a good night. Sorry for assuming.

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No thanks. Yojamba is full.

Maybe hyperbolic comments such as this one from hysterical forum kiddies are the reason Blizzard isn’t taking it seriously.