Give All High Elves Golden Eyes

Considering how badly Ions faction war turned out on regarding the player base, J Allen Breck (?) may step on his peepee regarding that. Yes, I know both have shown serious anti alliance public views in the past, but money is money and I would imagine they both want to stay employed.

Now if I was to be honest I wish Blizzard would just give the Alliance their High Elves, and Horde their blue eyed Blood Elves.
I was running around on both Moonguard, and Wyrmrest Accord during salute a guard day. I ran into a few people that were playing the game as Silver Covenant guards. I realized that seeing them wasn’t effecting my game at all. I thought that it would somehow make my Blood Elf seem less special, but it didn’t. So I hope in the end everyone gets what they want.


you dont get to choose which part of the sunwell to feed on because of an adjective, and its really a mixture. its not like its split one half to each side

What are you talking about? You can absolutely moderate your dosage and keep to certain energies being exuded. High Elves that choose to push toward Paladin and Priest-dom stand a strong chance of developing gold eyes, like you said, but more arcane-oriented professions and civilians that just don’t push for holy energy wouldn’t get it.

ion pretty much retconned that

Don’t feel bad. Blood Elves are going to get customization options, and I am pretty sure eyes will be covered. Just have to wait and see. No blue eyes option is not the end of the world, unless the desire is for spite:

Also, gold eyes are optional for PCs and NPCs, not the standard just because the Sunwell was rebooted with holy energy or whatever.

lol his argument is a joke i dont think he knows what evolution is


Yeah I was going to reply that guy. But the only reason they changed name was because of the Scourge attack nearly wiping them out.

i just …i’m gun shy of ion’s sudden announcements. i think he’s secretly got belf-based playable blue eyed san’layn vampires hiding behind his back. yep i do. and kael’thas will be their faction leader. so in the end, people berating belfs for wanting blue eyes, will still end up seeing belfs with blue eyes and the san’layn people will finally get their vamps. gads i hope its san’layn and not venthyr. those venthyr females …shudder

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I fail to see how.

As far as I understand, the Sunwell, once corrupted, now exudes holy and arcane energy. We know that holy energy purges fel energy good, but arcane energy has a spot of trouble with it. We also know the blood elves surrounded themselves with fel devices and energy throughout their stay in Silvermoon until just recently when the Sunwell came back online, leading to their contamination with fel energy. So to get rid of the green, the blood elf population had to gorge on the newfound font the Sunwell provided. They also probably gorged on the Sunwell’s energies regardless due to their cravings and withdrawal syndromes. The high elves, however they coped, didn’t resort to such measures, so they kept their blue eyes due to being uncontaminated. Furthermore, whatever coping methods they had seem to have dulled their need for the Sunwell’s energies, so they can moderate their pull and, again, keep their blue eyes.

For blood elves, it’s gold, green, or contacts.

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or blue eyed san’layn.

how does drinking some fel energy alter your DNA? They didnt become full on demons, their eye color just changed.

We should be able to change the color and shape of our eyes by magic. Pink heart eyes are go! :heart_eyes:


I dunno, elves work weird. How does not being exposed to arcane energy suddenly cost you 60% of your body mass?

Mysterious Elves

It’s because he said to a French Streamer who tried to get Ion to confirm during an interview about blue eyes. He said “take it with a grain of salt.” And that Blood Elves evolved.

But that could anything, it’s not restricted to biology. It’s also culture, way of life, etc

I think he try to make surprises as well, like community manager do here trying to cover stuff. But data mining is pretty on point since the past three expension.

this is just wishful fanfiction

tfw you have had blue eyes and pale skin the entire time


That is something I have been saying since the revamp stuff started coming out. When you look at some of the quests in BFA that have you do missions showing a bunch of san’layn, I figured he was setting it up that way. The problem is, the only way Blizzard minimizes the damage is to give high elves to the alliance at the same time. The days where people just roll over and take the unveiled insults ended when patch 6.2 was announced as the final patch for WoD. I would like to think that either Ion, his boss, or at least the board they report to would be smart enough to not want to drive away a segment of their players knowing that launches only bring people back for about a month nowadays.

Well, of course you do. You died a high elf and are now a walking corpse.


with blue eyes and pale skin :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

you’d also think the author of dr. who wouldnt destroy his own writing. big business these days is acting very oddly.

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