Give All High Elves Golden Eyes

I mean, yes? So, is the new proposed solution for all blood elves to die?

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no undead or void corrupted. thats the compromise

That is very true. My less than positive thought is that Ion’s ego is going to get him to give BOTH Blood Elves and San’layn blue eyes and just tell the alliance to suck it.
That would be a mistake to say the least, but it is a concern I have.

I mean, sure? That doesn’t help living blood elves, but y’know.

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Well, for nightborne, that was literally their source of sustenance. Like how if you went without food for weeks you’d shrivel right up. Not that I’d expect a pandaren to know about that.

Yeah remember all those “you’re not gonna see it coming”-type posts before BfA that, surprise, everybody saw coming?



No matter what he meant, there’s a reasonable avenue for high elves to maintain their blue eyes and for blood elves to be resigned to either green or gold and that’s the fel contamination that Silvermoon went through. Since the high elves weren’t there, they weren’t exposed to the contamination, and thus weren’t in any point to desire purging of fel energies or whatnot.

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Blood Elves cannot wear contacts, the energy coming out of their eyes, burns them up.

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Yes, yes, you’re a pretty corpse. Now come over here so we can warm you up beyond room temperature. :rocket: :see_no_evil:


Are you kidding? Destroying Doctor Who is the first thing I’d expect out of its writers. I mean, just look at it.

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didya see him?

I’ll join on to this.


The amount of time fel devices were uses was fairly short. The Sunwell has been restored for 3x as long. I also don’t believe they yet had the green glow in vanilla.

Actually with the lose of the original sunwell in WC3 we saw Blood Elf eyes turned white and lost their glow. High Elves should not have glowing blue eyes.

High Elves also have these same cravings. The difference are many of them fed of magical items vs. BE feeding of Mana Wyrms.

Again, no sunwell should mean white eyes, not blue.

What about BE who weren’t in Silvermoon for long periods?


if you want to be a light skinned and majestic elf ling the horde is waiting. gold, green and yes even a blue option

If that was to happen then the whole Blood Elf arc would need a massive retcon. The green eyes are simply due to draining on fel crystals from the Outlands.

The Fel Blood Elves, and they’ve been wiped out at the Sunwell Plateau liberation.

I would rather have red eyed corrupt Kael’thas leading the San’layn. Then the san’layn could have black, yellow, and crimson eyes.

Seems about right. Are the devs being deliberately obtuse, or is this actually some kind of social experiment to see how much they can do before one faction becomes defunct? I came back to retail after many months away, and the alliance side already looks like a ghost town. Alienating one of the few groups left is not the way I would go about fixing it.

And that’s fine if they do that tbh. But to the thread in question, all I really said was I don’t think they’ll give belves blue eyes cause they (Blizzard) keep acting shady about it. They never give straight answers etc. But I wasn’t even given any middle ground, I was literally told I don’t know any lore or have any respect or common sense for thinking otherwise. Pretty much insulted time and again just for thinking it. Now Ion has come out and gave an official answer, which is why I said that we should wait and see in the first place.

those might be customizations. its everything they want all at once- sanlayn, blue eyed belfs, vamps, dark rangers, etc. the whole enchilada. if they dont do it, i’ll be surprised


then transfer to moonguard or wyrmrest accord if youre on a dead server