Give All High Elves Golden Eyes

This isn’t entirely true though. The High Elves of Allerian stronghold have been surrounded by fel drenched lands and magic. So much so, that those same lands had changed the very skin of Orcs that had never drank the blood of Monnaroth(sp?) If this were indeed the case, none of these Elves would still have Blue eyes. It really leads me to believe that the use of manatap itself is Fel induced and is exactly why the Blood Elves are the only ones that had this change. Those same High Elves have also said, they are not Blood Elves.

As I said earlier, Aurora only knew that it was indeed the Sunwell after Lorthemar had told her, and only then did she pull on it to see if he was telling the truth. This says to me that, High Elves can willingly decide to use the Sunwell or not, and most likely won’t as to not subject themselves to a weakness that had burned them once before.

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yes it is. according to blizzards own commentary any high elf who spent time in outland or quel’thalas after it was rebuilt and prior to restoration would have manifested green eyes. you could be the most pious of priests or outdoorsy of farstriders it didnt matter. its clearly a gameplay distinction now but they should have had green eyes. we also know they knew how to drain mana from artifacts as they give you a quest to just this. and that they dont identify as a blood elf is irrelevant as a blood elf is just a high elf wearing a badge of honor for their fallen people(same race and already playable)

‘high’ elf is now just a political term to show dissent. it doesnt represent a high elf kingdom or race let alone a playable race for the alliance. blue eyed blood elves are dead thanks to you guys. its over. you can spam 5 topics if you wish youre just shouting in the wind now

blue eyes are a relic of the past for the high/blood elves and void elves have ‘evolved’ past being a high/blood elf. its over

the opposite is true. she replied after lorthemar informed her of what happened that she had wondered why her addiction had been eased. the implication being all high elves automatically synced with it when it was restored, thats just how it works. when she ‘pulled’ on it all she did was point out she was familiar with the new magic that is part of the sunwell(WELL DUH because shes a priestess)

High Elves won’t naturally develop golden eyes because they don’t turn to holy energy to purge the fel energy they never had. Blood Elves meanwhile quaffed that junk down like water and needed to actively and forcibly purge fel energy. The key component here is the fel energy.

Had the blood elves not decided to slurp down on that tasty tasty Magtheridon brew, they wouldn’t have lost their blue eyes in the first place. Furthermore, whatever taint the fel brought with seems to have contaminated the blood elves to the point of being unable to receive blue eyes from this point on.

Artificially induced perhaps, but evolution nonetheless.

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I love your tears!


youre confusing orcs with blood elves(high elves). or youre confusing kael and his followers who became felblood elves. felblood elves never imbibed ‘magtheridon’ brew either it was a different source

The technique drifted back to Azeroth and the elves there. Everyone that is a Blood Elf took a sip.

EDIT: I was being facetious in mentioning Magtheridon himself. What I meant was that blood elves learned how to tap demonic sources. This helped stave off starvation but also came with side effects.

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Some believe their head cannon, and fan fiction is reality… who are we to stop them? They obviously cannot handle the truth. Besides in the end no one gained or lost anything. No blue eyed Belf’s, no normal skinned Velf’s, no playable Helf’s. So everyone won, and by us all winning we all lost.

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true. but at least we all could have had the option to be a blue eyed blood elf, they just would have had to suck it up and play horde finally. now its dead, no ones getting it

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OR, and hear me out here, they could have given the customization to void elves and people who wanted blue eyed high elf models could have sucked it up and played alliance. And no, it is not dead. Eventually ActiBliz is going to want a draw and high elves will be on the table or Ion will hit the bricks and the next lead dev will want to make a statement by directly countering one of Ions cornerstone stances. Or Ion himself will change his mind due to the already long queues faced by horde and decide to try to get more people to play alliance. the possibilities are virtually endless as this is all pixels and real people can make them do anything. lore can be changed, models can be changed. Heck, factions can be done away with altogether and all BGs and arenas could be considered “skirmish” or some such.

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Yup and I would have enjoyed at least the teal eyes on my Blood Elf. I also find it odd, that there’s a few different translations as to what was said. I’ve read it doesn’t make sense lore wise for Blood Elves to have blue eyes. That Blood Elves have evolved past blue eyes, and that they do t havecplans to give Blood Elves blue eyes in the Shadowlands expansion.

I have no idea what was actually said. However I take it all with a grain of salt. People are going to put their own trusts on it.

Also it was retconned and made canon back during the burning crusade. Niether the Player characters, or the Blood Elves in Silvermoon, were taught how to drain fel. That was only Kael’thas, and his elite in Outlands. At the time of this retcon I was a little angry because ai was Rping my toon as a Felblood.


That makes less than no sense. The default eye color for Blood Elves is green, and has been since their inception. It also makes no sense for the Blood Elves to decide 'hey, this Kael’thas guy who helped lead us when we got shafted by the Alliance found a way we can beat the pain. Let’s not do it though, ‘cause reasons.’

The technique perhaps wasn’t formally taught by Kael himself, but it filtered down through the ranks and formed the very basis of the Blood Elf racial. Every last Blood Elf gave fel a try because they were desperate and a trusted leader said so. Not enough to get full-on corrupted, but absolutely enough for knock-on effects to kick in. Kael really needed some pale guy in a sharp suit and fading hairline to lean in his ear and whisper ‘Prepare for unforeseen consequences.

At least the high elves that decided to stay in the Alliance’s good graces had a reasonable excuse to not have gone with Kael’s plan. They wouldn’t follow the word of someone they likely regarded as a traitor. The blood elves at the time had no such shelter or logic.

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:dizzy_face: waiiiit. what if he’s just being lawyer-y and when he says no blue eyes for blood elves, he doesnt mention that you’re getting blue eyed san’layn? kael’thas model has blue eyes!

i do believe i have solved the mystery!

The Blood Elves of Silvermoon, and the Players were taught how to drain Mana, not fel. That is why the ability during Burning Crusade was called Mana Tap, and not Fel Tap. Blizzard explained that the green eyes were caused by the fel Crystals that were used to power their buildings and defenses before the Sunwell was restored. They explained that fel permeates everything and explained that the radiation from the fel turned the Blood Elves eyes green. It had nothing to do with them draining or drinking fel.

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Haha, I remember the OP about a month back berated me for saying it’s likely Blizzard won’t give blue eyes to blood elves. Was pretty polite too about it, just saying they haven’t been clear about it so it’s likely not happening as it’s a controversial topic and they never gave a clear stance to that point. Proceeded to get berated about how I had no respect for lore or didn’t know anything and I was dead wrong about blood elves not getting blue eyes. Crazy to see how things have come full circle.


Ah, okay. So they didn’t actively drink the stuff, they just sat around it as it exuded its energy. The same result is there, the fel energy bleedoff contaminated the blood elves to the point that blue eyes weren’t feasible for them anymore. This issue doesn’t exist with High Elves, so the point stands. If the Blood Elves didn’t get involved in fel energy, they’d still have their shiny blues.


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oh dont be too quick. they may get blue eyed san’layn using belf models. never count yer chickens before they hatch. ion loves belfs. ion doesnt love helfs. hehe

yes but green isnt permanent sweet pandaren. gold is where the race WILL be in the future. as both ‘high’/blood elves share the same connection to the sunwell they are both subjected to the same changes

if when the green fades and they cannot retain original colors then why would a ‘high’ elf(biologically identical to a blood elf) retain blue

the original source of the sunwell was pure arcane. now it is holy and arcane but still reflects a gold color. i assume the implication from ion is all blood elves(which are high elves) will reflect that color in time. its how they got blue in the first place, now its how they will get gold

All lore, Ion, and everything else says differently


Because High Elves can gobble down the Arcane half of the Sunwell’s energies and maintain their blue eyes. Holy purges fel, Arcane doesn’t do the job quite as well, so it takes gorging on Holy power to cleanse those green eyes which results in gold eyes.

Since High Elves didn’t get mixed up in fel business, they can drink Arcane all day and keep their blue eyes.

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