Give All High Elves Golden Eyes

Only this one was started by an anti-helfer whose brain broke when she realized she isn’t getting blue eyes and wants to make sure if her Blood Elf can’t have them then neither can Alliance High Elves.


(Correction): Another, “the Alliance isn’t allowed to have High Elves,” thread.


So… What color do baby Blood Elves come out with after the fel isn’t around anymore?

For how long? Was it permanent? Cause the purple eyes someone mentioned earlier, but it wasn’t permanent if I am not mistaken.

How do we know that for a fact at this point?

Evolve: (with reference to an organism or biological feature) develop over successive generations as a result of natural selection.

No he was not using it right in the context you are claiming. So either he was using it wrong, making a retcon, ignoring his previous statement, AND ignoring HE lore, or he did not mean biologically.

The fact that you have decided all of what you just wrote by his statement means you are not interested in actual factual discussion.

(Commentary): Odd. Doesn’t match the dictionary definition.

verb (used with object), e·volved, e·volv·ing.

to develop gradually: to evolve a scheme.

to give off or emit, as odors or vapors.

verb (used without object), e·volved, e·volv·ing.

to come forth gradually into being; develop; undergo evolution:
The whole idea evolved from a casual remark.

to gradually change one’s opinions or beliefs:
candidates who are still evolving on the issue; an evolved feminist mom.

Biology. to develop by a process of evolution to a different adaptive state or condition:
The human species evolved from an ancestor that was probably arboreal.

Which is one of the reason why people have said BE eyes should go back to blue eventually. It was also confirmed many years ago that eventually the fel taint would disappear.

Like I also mentioned it is also why HE should not have blue eyes themselves. They should be white like the BE in WC3 unless they reconnected to the Sunwell.

Baby elves are actually cats and grow up to become elves later.

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Then you need to look up the definition of evolution.

Biology. change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

(Commentary): Or you need to be less selective about which of the several definitions you choose to select. Other definitions are as valid.

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Oh so you know how Trolls/elves evolve in wow? Or do you think the Lead man himself Ion does?

So yes I am going to say he used it in the correct context, man when he says one thing if its supports you regardless you say he is in charge his words are correct.

But the second it destroys most arguments against the pros you guys are all like nope Ion is wrong he doesn’t know anything.

I play both factions have since classic.

Don’t assume anything because you have a problem with my logic and truth.

Trolls/Elves have shown to evolve much faster and more uniquely then other races.


The definition you quoted said “by a process of evolution”. Which means it says the exact same thing as the definition I listed.

lol, Horde upset because Ion said they won’t get blue eyes for Blood Elves :rofl: :joy:

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Can Blizzard flat out ban these threads already? FFS

(Statement): I quoted multiple definitions, not all of which would be applicable to the one you are using. As an example, how would a political discussion, ‘evolve,’ since it lacks any biological features?


Did you notice the definition with (biology) in front of it? That is the only one which is applicable to using the word to describe biological evolution…

its interesting that fel not only changed the eyes but also the skin color of fel elves.

He didn’t just say they won’t get them.

He said it makes no sense

“That eye color does not make sense for Blood Elves”


Fel Elves fed off demons while BE were just around fel crystals, so there is a considerable difference. It has already been confirmed years ago that the fel taint will eventually go away from orcs and blood elves. If fel energy caused a genetic mutation then why would it go away?

Because elves have a different biology then humans. That is what you can’t comprehend i’ve explained it time and time again. Can you stop being so upset because Ion decided to say something else.

You can’t argue with his words you are trying to fight an uphill battle with a boulder strapped to you and you are on the bottom of the hill.

Well he’s right, it doesn’t make sense. For the first time in my life I actually support Ion.

I will have to sit and think. It sounds like if High Elves were exposed to fel though they would also lose their blue eyes? As for them becoming white… There’s a couple of possible reasons they don’t because A) some still go to the Sunwell, but they didn’t have exposure to the fel and B) there were other sources that some High Elves used when the Sunwell wasn’t an option.

I don’t think so.