Give All High Elves Golden Eyes

You do understand that the word “evolution” has different meanings? I mean this is basic English here. It has one definition that is in reference to biology which clearly does not fit here. It also has multiple non-biological definitions.

So what is that about you knowing nothing and John Snow?

(Commentary): My only issue with the, ‘gold eyes are a result of connection to the Light,’ explanation for them, is that you’d think High Elves would’ve been sporting gold eyes LONG before the Third War even happened. Liadrin didn’t have gold eyes in, Blood of the Highborne. Even her mentor, High Priest of Quel’Thalas, Vandellor, didn’t have gold eyes. Its actually been a very recent phenomenon, and only seems to happen with the Blood Elves. We can only speculate as to why, but the obvious link would be the new state of the Sunwell.


The lightforged were the first instance. Perhaps the essence of the Naaru in the sunwell is corrupting them to become much like the Draenei subspecies.

humans that use technology are considered evolved over those that didn’t, they’re still human however.

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There are 3 types of Evolution.

The one the blood elfs experienced are the one caused by pressure.

Ion said they evolved past blue eyes. That would mean they wanted to distinguish themselves from the High elfs that side mostly with the alliance.

That means they felt pressure and a need to show they are not the same as them so they wouldn’t be mistaken as an enemy.

So yes you know nothing. Ion used the word evolution, he could have said the taint of the fel removed the possibility to fully go back to blue. Then that would have been a form of fel poisoning.

You also brought up starwars so I will humor you. They never used the word evolution as to why the darkside does what it does.

So one last time. The biological definition of evolve does not work here which means he was either using the word wrong or meant in a non-biological sense. So which is it mr.knowsnothingyetclaimsothersknownothing?

There is a simple thing to consider… though it’s likely not the “correct” thing.

What if Blood Elf eyes stayed green for those who aren’t super light centric because of the Sunwell’s mix of Arcane and Holy energy?

Sure Fel is green… but so is mixing the colors Blue and Yellow (Arcane and Holy).

It seems like a really simplistic and maybe even silly explanation but… meh there could be worse ways to explain it.

The biological sense does work here.
For a huge factor. We don’t know how Troll DNA ElF DNA works.

Ion used the word evolve for a reason.
please don’t try to say he meant a different word.
Or you can stay in Denial that is fine too.

What part of there being different meaning for a single word do you not get?

No it does not because the biological definition involves subsequent generations.

(Commentary): Except where elves are involved, since a source of magic is all it takes to cause biological changes. I’ve seen many players stating the Void Elves evolved into a different race because of their exposure to the Void, as an example. People say the Nightborne evolved from Highborne thanks to the power of the Nightwell.

(Speculative): -If- the Blood Elves have evolved on a biological level, I imagine we’re seeing the short-term effects. More pronounced ones may become more obvious down the line, but learning they can no longer have blue eyes would be an indication of a biological change.


What part of evolution is evolution do you not get?

You are so far in Denial you don’t even realize it.

He used the word evolution in the correct context.

You are saying he didn’t mean to use that word

What part don’t you get?

You know Elf DNA?

We know that they change very fast depending on there environment
We know they live a very long time, which means they have a unique form of DNA
we know that they changed from trolls yet trolls are still around in abundance same as night elfs “not so much Night elfs now”
so as i said you can stay in denial i don’t care. I understand when Ion used the word Evolve instead of another statement that would not even bring up any debate on this topic.
He used that word for a reason, but you think he meant to use a different word.
of all the meanings of evolution not one other then the Genetic sense would work here by the way.


Blood Elves are High Elves. However, High Elves are not Blood Elves.

“Evolve” in a biological sense doesn’t actually work, but this is a fantasy world so I don’t know how much real life science we can apply.

Fel for orcs/Blood Elves and void for VEs actually work more like… Mutations maybe? I would have to sit down and look into it and brush up on my genetics. It does sound like there is something on a physical level though, based on what he said.

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What part of the word evolution has multiple meanings do you not understand and that there is only one biological definition which would be used wrong here?

So what makes more sense here.

He used the word incorrectly, he ignored his previous statements, and ignored High Elf lore.


He did not mean the biological definition of evolve?

P.S. We are evolved with our response to disease control. I guess that means we are biologically changed!

Fel orcs, fel elves, and VE absolutely. BE on the other hand did not mutate. Eye color changing in response to a saturation of magic energy is actually a trait of high elves. There were multiple instance of this in the books where a HE drained an object of power and their eyes changed color. One purple and the other green.

Look man i really don’t know how else to explain it to you.

He used the word correctly and changed the lore to make blood elfs and high elfs different.
yes we evolved our response to disease control. Good job or the proper response is we expanded our knowledge on diseases so we have came up with a solution to handle them better. Not “we evolved disease control” by the way diseases evolve and mutate all the time in a very short time period. so I wouldn’t use that as an argument.

He didn’t ignore his previous statement as that was the past. This is now, things change as time moves. Guess what his choice changed.

You don’t get it I understand please stop trying you seem like a fool on blowhard.

It’s like you forget retconning is a thing, that they do all the time :man_facepalming:

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(Query): Which High Elves? The most notable ones that come to mind are Valeera Sanguinar (Blood Elf), and Lady Liadrin having gold eyes early.

No because that’s not how it works.

Blood Elf tears are kinda spicy.

Yep, it’s another High Elf thread.