Gilneas's Future?

It decidedly doesn’t. The Nelves have a stronghold. The Tauren have a camp.

I get the Nelves are downbad right now but that’s just a categorically incorrect statement.

The Night Elves used to have a settlement, not just a fortress, and now they’re in pitched confrontation with the Tauren in several areas.

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Orcs zone are the same they all have alliance presence. Same with the forsaken now.


Worgen finally reclaim Gilneas

Genn: Now, we will once again protect our nation as only we can!

Unfortunately, canine instincts take over

Assembled worgen dig gigantic hole, dump Gilneas into it, and then bury it for safekeeping

Genn: No, oh nooooo! We ARE cursed, AAAAAaaaa!


Thanks for the laugh :smile:

Gilneas is the zone for the Worgen starting experience. In principal having it phased (or simply making the “old zone” a zone not connected to the rest of the world (like Zerith Moritis) and replacing it.

OTOH, I predict that even if Blizzard wasn’t struggling to generate content, they wouldn’t be willing to be bothered with that. So, unless Blizzard decided that they wanted to make a an expansion so centered on Worgen that they want to have a new Worgen zone (good luck with that, what do you think you are, Humans or Night Elves?) nothing will change.


Which is just sad, the dev team clearly has a thing against the NE and worgen communities. I’m still struggling why though, they’re literally two of the three most interesting alliance races.

(Third being the draenei)


Well, don’t confuse ‘having a thing against them’ and ‘wanting to keep them in the spotlight, but only do so by putting them through #### all the time’. Making the Horde (and variations therefore of, like the Iron Horde) villains ever other xpac doesn’t mean they hate the Horde, they just, shall we say, “appreciate” it far differently than their fans do. Being ‘put through a wringer’ is DRAMATIC, after all.


For all the salt, I don’t buy into the “the devs hate the NE’s” meme. They get a lot of attention. Now yes, some (and we will leave aside issues of how man) of the NE players haven’t liked how that attention was applied, but I have little doubt the devs thought they were writing compelling narratives.

The bottom line is that it comes down the numbers of players. humans and NE will always get the most attention because so many people play them. Worgen won’t. It true for all the races.

using the battle of gilneas as an excuse for the worgen not to go home is dumb.
we continued doing warsong gulch when the nelves and horde had a peace treaty.
people are able to differentiate betwixt story and game mechanic.
but also, if they give back gilneas, do something for the gobbos.

tho, i do think there’s a valid discussion to be had in regards to the topic of the alliance having overwhelmingly more land than the horde.

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Yeah, I still don’t understand their hatred for night elves or worgen. I assume they usually just want to focus on humans though because that is easier to write the alliance as just one generic blob of humans and “others”, they just drag night elves out to have them get beat up or lose something after they do literally nothing.

Obviously massive incompetence within the story team plays a big part, but it’s still baffling to me. There are great races in the alliance but the only time something gets done is when it’s humans doing it.


To be fair, how many players play certain race shouldn’t even factor into them writing a compelling story, which they haven’t done for a LONG time now. Blizz is just LAZY, they can’t be bothered to write for anyone else.

It’s nots that more people play humans and NES. It’s that they truly do not understand what a ALLIANCE is. Battle of Gilneas and the fighting Silverpine proves they can write a good zone based story for the other races. But like I said, they’re lazy and incompetent and they done little to convince me some of their actions isn’t malicious intent on their end.

The Worgen heritage armor quest line speaks volumes on how they really feel and I know there are others who agree with me on that. :wolf:


Yeah, our heritage quest line was atrocious…

I wasn’t expecting a full return in Gilneas out of a single heritage armor quest, but I was so sure we’d get back for a bit and see what’s up in our kingdom. But no…

As for the armor itself, I guess it looks okay on some classes, but imo it’s still a huge disappointment.


Might have started as a meme but now it’s more than that. Red Shirt Guy even tweeted about it. Apparently there actually were a lot of people at Blizzard who hated, full on hated, the idea of Night Elves, and fought with Metzen over them every step of the way. And did whatever they could to make them look bad, even all these years later.

Incredibly childish and sad, but also apparently true. SMH


Having played through some Nelf Cata zones now I really have to say a lot of it feels unfinished.

Darkshore in particular has a lot of quests that sound like they’d be the coolest thing to experience. Like riding a dragon into a tornado to dogfight other dragons. But in practice they’re incredibly janky and just not very fun to play.

And I do worry their maltreatment is due to the Kaldorei skewing toward a more female power fantasy. Everyone from the head of state to the grunt soldiers to their deity is a woman. Most of the men are sensitive shredded chads who poof into cute animals and will go nap when you’re bored of them. They’re basically a Disney Princess by way of Kratos.

Now I do think this idea suffered a bit from the get go. Because in a decision I agree with most of WoW’s societies don’t seem particularly concerned about sex or gender. With the Quel’Dorei for example women heading the military isn’t seen as strange, and if Mother Windrunner had an eldest son instead of a daughter presumably he’d take up the mantle with nobody finding that odd either.

But that would if anything make the Kaldorei easier to write for. So the fact they get little to nothing outside of Ls felt pointed even before we learned of what was going down behind the scenes.


I think its just becauses Humans and Nights Elves are part of the demographic of races that if their stuff gets destroyed or their people killed then people would actually care. Since Blizzard likes to destroy things in Azeroth before shoving us to the next expansion zone all we see is Ls and some platitude in the expansion.
I would be incredibly shocked if in 10.0 if they actually really bother with reconstruction rather than just a mcguffin or a verbal promise that things are totally cool now.

Thats why killing goblins is treated as a joke in wow while killing elves is a tragedy.


I mean if player numbers were what determined story attention, positive or negative, this game would be about nothing but Thalassian elves.


I don’t think player numbers are what determine that.

I think pretty races with lots of cool stuff (mostly Alliance obviously) will get the L bat because if they lost something the audience would care.
The only reason Thassalian Elves have escaped the L bat is because of Burning Crusade instanced city in the game. That probably why the Sunwell and Silvermoon still stand.

The only reason Draenei got hit with the L bat was because we got WoD so we could see the Draenei genocide first hand before we had a chance to stop it.

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It’s more the Nelves consistently catching Ls that’s weird.

And they also catch them in really weird ways that make them come off as idiots.

The Nelves immortality never protected them from drowning or being stabbed to death so it’s weird how their lack of immortality comes up in Darkshore. I genuinely think the writers thought they were invulnerable too because they don’t behave like they have a natural lifespan. They behave as if the concept of self preservation is a new and foreign concept.

To say nothing of BFA where the people who grew a tree inside the cosmic concept of fire apparently had no contingency plans for Teldrassil catching fire. Despite their ancient enemy being called the Burning Legion.

And on the flipside humans have gotten a lot more than they ever lost, which is really just Theramore and Menethil Harbor. Now they’ve Kul Tiras and Stromgarde so it worked out in the long run.

Meanwhile the Nelves lost their uncontested territory and home city. And the attempts to address that were so rushed and ill thought out that they’re arguably more offensive than Teldrassil. At least in BFA we didn’t know Elune was apparently an oblivious idiot.


immortal ment really back then "you are not only longlived but…you are harder to kill and most things cant even harm you…they were even immun to the elementals, they were able to walk through fire without any harm…or dont ´feel if its cold or not…their body was to strong to be affected by unhealthy environment conditions.