Gilneas's Future?

Ought to be synymous with the future of the Alliance in NEK.

In fact I’d go as far to say the Argent Dawn had to pack up to Northrend to deal with the unleashed Scourge so outside Light’s Hope the Forsaken or Worgen have claimed their holdings.

The Worgen have my fulsome support for reclamations of Hearthglen, South Shore and Dun Garok with the proviso they

A. Use their gorgeous architecture


B. Blizz remembers nobody rolled a duck mothering werewolf to be a generic human with a thyroid problem, so let them rip and tear.

I think this would be ideal. It’d keep the Northern EK entrenched in it’s now historic post apocalyptic spooky vibes intact. It’d make every town look properly Gothic. It’d let the Worgen finally have teeth again because the Forsaken are a lot of things but wholesome is never one of them.

Hell I’d jump on the silver bullet werewolf lore to suggest Worgen also can’t be truly killed unless you stake their heart with silver and wolfsbane. And the Forsaken are uneasy about touching that because it’s been said the same is true with them but with sungrass. Everybody’s too afraid to double check and just doesn’t want to screw up their dismemberment as an inconvenience situation.

Also for the love of God let the Worgen be as delightfully misanthropic as the Forsaken. Obviously there’s no fun in tearing out the throat of a walking corpse who’ll just be more annoyed than anything else. But that’s why both factions have elves and humans. Perfect targets to turn into slasher villain fodder.

Additionally one thing I’ve noticed is the Gilneans also celebrate the Wickerman festivities on Halloween. So we could call ceasefires to do this;

In case anyone was slow on the uptake for the vibe of this part of the continent.

I see this as an absolute win for both factions.


I know you really like horror monsters fighting each other Benedikt but it’s like candy. You can’t have it all the time without some kind of moderation or else you’ll just end up feeling sick and weird after the sugar high wears off.

You need to have civilization rebuilt for a while before it’s fun to tear down again and toss werewolves and zombies everywhere. You need to give control back to the normies so they can build a sand castle for you to knock down.


Tell you what: Alliance rebuilds the north EK and monster mash can happen in the south EK. We rotate every ten years.


Nah, that’s boring.

Gilneas is better than some lame return of Lordaeron. Gilneas has werewolves. Human Lordaeron is just North Stormwind.

Werewolves vs zombies > Bland Humans Too.


Barring an actual annoucement of news for them upon the new expansion reveal, the fate of Gilneas is to be ignored for the next two years, and the fate of the Gilneans is to be the Wrynn family nuetered corgis.


Well I may not know how things work in that untamed frosted borderland called Mapleistan. But down here in the God Fearing US of A, fixes stenson hat and fires a revolver skyward on the 2nd floor of a 5 story building we consider a lack of moderation to be excellence.

You’re in far more danger near an amphetamine addict in a suit that wandered out of a skyscraper clutching a pen than you are from one that came out of a dark alley with a knife. Americans worship the gun but the dotted line remains our deadliest weapon.

But that rant aside a Halloween Town area would more be an option in the buffet table.

If you want generic human VS orc stuff we’ve Arathi or (hopefully as I’m for rebuilding Theramore) Duskwallow. Humans shouldn’t fight the undead for the same reason a raccoon shouldn’t fight a Reaper drone.

It’s just not a fair fight. The Light doesn’t work on undead with souls like it does on their less personable cousins. If it did there wouldn’t be so many undead in the Argent Dawn or the Conclave.

Seriously between Faol and Calia it remains hilarious that anyone even brings this up.

No the antithesis of undeath is, well, life. And the Worgen provide an interesting counterpoint because they’re decidedly the unfriendly side of life. They’ve resistance to shadow magic. But they’re still decidedly in the life domain, just on the more horrific end.

So they’re not just the perfect counter point to the Forsaken but they’ve enough in common that some peace could be believable.

One vein I think that would be interesting to explore is how they mirror eachother. The Worgen can blend into human society. They can take days off from their inherent monstrosity. But the Forsaken can’t. And indeed behave in such a fashion that bothers even Orcs and Trolls.

So you’ve a “grass is greener on the other side” vibe to affairs. It’s just too perfect of a matching. As much as I’d love to turn a Paladin into a rapidly desolving chemical reaction and would hesitate to visit the same horror on the Worgen, thats kinda the point.

The shamanism of the Orcs mirrors the druidism of the Nelves. There’s a chance this might be able to be handled peacefully.

The Worgen and Forsaken have the same asymmetric connection. Which is far more interesting than more Paladins to eat. Because as we all already know;

But these werewolf chaps might be open to reason.


I’d love to see them do something with Gilneas in the future


I really do adore the Gilneas architecture. Its a crying shame there’s not more of it. Plus then we could have this but it’s not completely embarrassing;

Same goes for the entirety of the Underworld franchise. Which was a fascinating in that it completely relied on Kate Beckinsale looking amazing in a skin tight black leather outfit.

And Hell we can always give Voss a makeover if that’s all it takes. Just give her her original appearance, dye her hair black and have Laura Post do the voice. Game, set, match.


Worgen are going to continue being big silly stupid furry bait dogs and you’re going to like it.

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Nah, Humans/Alliance versus Undead is too cool and iconic.


I mean I guess. If you’re addicted to failure. I don’t enjoy bullying though so best to put up a proper Blue challenge.

This could be fun but I agree with Ainhin about it needing some balance. A good compromise might be to have Stromgarde become a major settlement again with the human commanders warning adventurers that beyond Thoradin’s wall to the West is Worgen territory. Really drive home that while the Alliance commanders see the Worgen as allies they are still scared of them. From the Worgen’s perspective have them laugh at the Humans in Stromgarde and the Dwarf’s of the Aerie Peak for being squeamish but still respect them for defending their homes.

As for Gilneas itself I think there should be some competition/rivalry/feud between the different parts of society. From the old guard Gilneans, to the Worgen who embrace the more savage aspects of their lives, to the Worgen who like to balance the two. I think the competition between these groups, and how they address the world around them would be an interesting story and a fun thing to play through.


Hmm. Well put.

But normies stay out unless you want to be splatter bags to entertain the audience. That goes for humans and elves.

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We can’t all have devs on our side that swoop in to undo our opponent’s victories


That’s cute. We both know what would happen if they let faction PvP decide the victor.


Well, the devs do play Horde

Well a lot of devs did play Alliance but they’re kinda being sued. Don’t recall a NPC in Orgrimmar needing removal.

The Horde only pretends to be monsters. I always thought there was something off about people who’s escapist fantasy was being a competent and respected human.


Dave Kosak wrote all that stuff about the Forsaken in Cata you love

Yeah the Devs have admitted they just kinda let the quest designers do w/e. Those unsung heroes would be mine.

I know they are because I’ve seen what happens when cdev tries to write the Forsaken.

Your favorite thing about this setting is as remarkable as the dog turds who came up with it.

Make peace and move on.

Dude really said the author of Edge Of Night was some Forsaken champion. Christ.


While were at it lets have a new independent power rise in Alterac. A coalition of Frostwolf Orcs, Ogres and Ateraci humans.