Gilneas's Future?

Okay but the concept of a tsunami attacks them. Like a sapient natural disaster has their number, and they dilly dally about getting out of the way.

Also Orcs and Trolls bodied Cenarius and a bunch of Nelves when they were still immortal. Why tf would now be a good time to decide they shouldn’t be taken seriously?

that was never an disagreement from my side, i wanted to add a few details to your statement…overall i agree to your statement.

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It’s just bizarre writing.

And they could’ve just had the Black Empire let loose a plague. I know that’s more the COTD’s thing but the Nelves not really knowing how to deal with an epidemic would be interesting. That would be new for them. And not having the infrastructure to handle a sudden influx of sick and dead citizens would be a big problem.

Then the Gnomes poking around would add up more too. I’m not complaining about them but it’s weird they need a Gnome biologist to help diagnosis the root of the corruption affecting the wildlife. That feels like the Trolls asking the Forsaken for help with an axe throwing competition. I thought that was like their whole deal.

But a Gnome epidemiologist? That’d be interesting.


Found the guy who didn’t read Cata’s quest text.
They won every nelf zone.
And Stonetalon, by way of Garrosh destroying what’s his face’s army after tossing him off of a cliff (after outplaying what’s his face to the point of “I’m gonna kill innocents cause I can’t kill these warriors!!”)

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I’ve verbatim quoted and commented on quest text and dialogue lol

Granted I still have to do Feralas and probably won’t do AV unless I’m really bored as I already got that achievement on my Orc Rogue and really thought the quests stunk. Lot of jerking you around. Lot of stuff that sounded cool but was really boring to play. Hell a lot of quests that were just really obtuse.

That one where you ride a kodo through an ambush confused the hell out of me. Because my instinct was to hop off and kill the attackers. But that’ll glitch the quest out. You’re supposed to just tank the shots.

And everything I said about Red AV also applies to Darkshore so not super interested. And yeah the Nelves sorted out Darkshore but it’s still a complete wreck when you get out.

I will say the Forsaken probably have the best Cata content I’ve played so far. It’s hard to say because I’d probably find a documentary on the history of shoelaces fascinating if it was presented by the Forsaken. But it’s mostly about securing territory and what destruction to the environment there is, is beautiful. Because it means we’re finally doing something about those naked robot infestations.

Darkshore on the flipside is a pretty considerable downgrade. The place has some beautiful spots left but it’s mostly gloomy coasts covered with dead sealife and dying nelves.

I guess the Nelves won it but idk that feels like telling someone their dogs dead but they can still keep it if they want.


The Night Elves+Alliance player undo literally every single thing the horde player does in Ashenvale.

Hopefully not blow it up - again.


Going by past experience, it will be blown up by the Horde, willingly and eagerly. With blight and magic fire. After stuffing it full of as many civilians as possible. Right after they sign a peace treaty with the Alliance, as not simply an act of war, but as a pointless act of cruelty.

Then, Blizzard will act indignant about players being angry about it, and insist that they ‘have a plan’, and that ‘it will al make sense’, that we should ‘wait and see’.