Gilneas's Future?

The Horde should have just used giant water balloons. The Worgen would have reeked of wet dog and been forced to spend incessant amounts of grooming time :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, there -IS- still that giant freaking sword stuck over in Silithus :stuck_out_tongue:

Question is, does blizzard know that? :stuck_out_tongue:


Good point.

Also, shouldn’t that thing cause like major global shifting and throw the planetary orbit out of alignment? Next expansion: Wrath of the Climate Change :stuck_out_tongue:


If Marvel Earth can abide this…

You can fly over the top of the Sword so it’s not really that tall.


Yeah I still have zero god damn clue how N’Zoth factored in there.

And it seems so obvious that you should’ve had the sword break some of his chains. Then from there his influence could’ve helped start the Blood War.

We know for a fact N’Zoth can make people see entire armies incorrectly. Because you’re tricked into bombing the Wastewanderers in that one quest.

And that would actually explain why we see the Horde and Alliance committing war crimes that don’t appear to the players.

We could’ve had a really diabolical reveal but instead it was just lazy design.


That should really be a side plot. If we have an expansion where that sword becomes the big bad Ill cry.

During the BFA gameplay panel, back in 2017, there was a tiny quote about Gilneas while discussing about the Stromgarde warfront. I’m talking about this :

But it was never mentioned again. If you ask me, they definitely had some plans, perhaps a Gilneas warfront? Unfortunately, we’ll never know.

We were supposed to get like 4-5 more Warfronts over the course of the expansion. They all got cut.

There was a barrens warfront that was scrapped before alpha:

What about the Barrens Warfront speculation?

Nothing is planned. That was a very early internal prototype, when first beginning development of Battle for Azeroth, which served as a test bed before any of the new areas were created. Most things were taken out and never even made it into Alpha testing, but a few strings remained and were found by datamining.

I think warfronts were planned as being a bigger feature, but they ended up just scrapping more of them. I thought there was another datamined warfront as well, but it seems like their initial concepts were probably just too ambitious for what they are capable of putting in the game so a lot of it probably gets cut.

I think this would have been interesting for the main purpose that it would have made Kul Tiras do something. Rather than the poor showing they got outside of their leveling experience. Them backing & helping rebuild Stromgarde would have been refreshing. Would have done them some justice & introduced somewhat of an interesting human story rather than their navy just getting flushed down the Naz’jatar bathtub & having a questline about giving their best ship & crew to Anduin.


Yeah they kinda made a huge song and dance about the navies. Then both of them were completely crippled in like the same week. Much like Azerite and the World Wound it kinda just fell to the wayside.


Before cataclysm remade the region you could walk through the non-instanced area of what was supposed to be the Azshara Crater battleground, I think it was supposed to be a 5x5 battleground as it was very small.

Gilneas should become the most hotly contested zone in the history of wow. 2 cents.

Don’t know what the horde has won, only faction that looses characters and now doesn’t even have many. If your talking about zones. Yes horde needed zones it had way less then the alliance. Even now most of the zones have a strong alliance presence.

Like the Alliance zones such as Ashenvale, Darkshore, and Feralas, and other so-called Night Elf lands that are full of Horde outposts?


Feralas is not an alliance zone, I would say ashenvale is contest too as since vinalle horde has had a base there. laterally every single horde zone in kalimdor minus Mulgore has huge alliance presence.

Humans vs Undead: overdone, cliche, kinda cringe
Werewolves vs Undead: this is the real sht

I love it when monsters fight other monsters.
I don’t like it when horror/fantasy stuff makes it just humans(snore) vs everything else.


It can be fun. Which is why I suggest wheeling out the humans and belves for when it’s time to traumatize a Paladin;

Otherwise I think it’d be more interesting to have the Undead and Worgen both fight and try to have some coexistence.

I think there’s the potential there for a really fascinating story. Their history means normal relations are not going to be on the table for some time.

But otherwise they’ve more in common than arguably even the Tauren and Kaldorei.

Nothing buries hatchets like a common enemy. Which is why I suggest we’ve the Scarlets turn up to force them into cooperation.

Warcraft is at its best when it’s a disobedient fairy tale. This isn’t Middle Earth. The scary, monstrous looking things are often not just people but heroes. And in this story the Orcs and Humans had to shelf their beef and tag team Sauron if anyone wanted to survive.

So having a subplot where holy knights killing creatures of the night are explicitly the bad guys sounds on brand to me. I could picture a tense truce similar to what we saw outside Suramar with the Red and Blue elves.


With the destruction of Teldrassil, there is not a single “Night Elf Zone” without a Horde presence in it. In fact I’d say Ashenvale has more Horde than Night Elf in it.