Gilneas's Future?

Surwich is a nice place but laughably small. it would have been nice to see the town made a little bigger. Perhaps on par with something like Theramore give or take. That and that woodland/marshy area of Blasted Lands expanded a bit. That area was a nice touch to an overwise pretty desolate zone.


I always thought of the combination of that house and place as Collinwood. and one of the npcs as Loomis.

The simple truth of it is that in Cataclysm they did the Horde stuff first and then ran out of time and money by the time it was Alliance’s turn.
That’s why most zones are like their vanilla counterpart but with something either flooded or on fire or both if you have the privilege to level in a Night Elf zone.

Logically Worgen architecture would have been used in Darkshire or Darkshore. There would be more quests than meme about Sherlock or Rambo. This is why Legion is the best expansion ever… they even managed to squeeze in a Worgen town in the middle of a creepy Night Elf forest.


Ah yes, the Pyrewood Village refugees. I loved it. Hopefully they’ll be able to go back home someday.


Wasn’t Surwich a reference to “The Dunwich Horror” by Lovecraft? I swear I remember reading that somewhere back in the day.

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WoD comes up so little I only realized the Iron Horde had taken over Okril’on Hold when I fly into it. The place was always under attack by ogres so, it actually took me a second to even realize the Iron Horde took it over.

Well thank God Blizz learned their lesson. No more blowing up towns for stupid expansions nobody asked for. Thank God it was just the Blasted Lands. Can you imagine if they did that to someplace people actually really like?


It would not surprise me. The Lovecraft Estate keeps a tight hand on the copyright as the TSR folks found out the hard way. So Surwich was probably as close as they dared come.

Either way it’s a good name. If a British person told me they were from Surwich I wouldn’t question them.

Yeah that sounds like an English place. Why wouldn’t they be from there?


Of course, they’d insist it was pronounced “surrich”.

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I miss rping in Duskwood with other worgen players. It was soo much fun in Cata/early Mists. Than it kind of just died out. I get that worgen fans are a niche and small community, but it’s hard to find worgen only rp nowadays. :wolf:


I really wish the devs had put resources into bringing Gilneas back to life rather than Stromgarde. I’m all in favor of Stromgarde making a comeback, but let’s be honest. Right now it’s just a bunch of Garrison assets and Stormwind iconography. If Danath wasn’t there, it may as well have been a brand new Stormwind colony. At least Gilneas has a cast of characters that are still alive, not to mention a whole playable race.

I know this is all completely subjective, but it’s so disappointing to me. Gilneas is still dead, the Gilneans are double homeless after Teldrassil, and Stromgarde is 100% monkey’s paw. It’s rebuilt, but soulless and empty. And it’ll probably never be touched again, just like Gilneas.


Old stromgarde was much better than what we have now.
Its just an asset flip of the garrison models. That is no city its just a fort.
Fan made:



In addition to the League of Arathor fighting the Defilers for over a decade, Stromgarde was actually home to an undead population led by an also undead Galen Trollbane. He betrayed the Banshee Queen at some point and made his own little town there. The KotEB tear through him to get to Thoras Trollbane’s corpse during their quest hall campaign, to raise him as one of the 4 Horsemen.

So with lore like that it’s a natural choice Stromgarde would fight an army of Orcs as led by Lady Liadrin.


Duh! How could we have not seen that coming?

Gilneas had been intended to be another Alteraac Valley, an endless PVP battleground only it would be urban warfare instead of a mountain valley. When they couldn’t get it to work, it was just abandoned.

As much as i liked Legion, i’ve always thought it was pretty dumb that the DKs kill Galen rather than Danath. I feel like him being turned undead had almost no pay off. He had no interaction with Danath or DK Thoras.


Hopefully if we ever get a proper Alliance occupied Stromgarde in the game (outside of the Warfront) it looks something like this again. I agree, i’m not a fan of the Warfront look either. That fan made Stromgarde brings back some of that nostalgia of the “Classic” human feel.


I just thought it would’ve been way more interesting if it was Kul Tiras, Dwarves and Gilneas VS The Forsaken, Elves and Zandalari + Forest Trolls.

So everyone has a reason to be there. The Forsaken would obviously eye Stromgarde and you could say the Black Bride was Stromgardi. So there are undead who also have a pretty legitimate claim.

The Sin’Dorei and their Shaldorei pals can be there for the same reasons they are in game, they’re the only one who’s placement makes sense.

And you could have the Forest Trolls getting rallied by the Zandalari who themselves probably wouldn’t need much motivation to wipe out Trollbane and keep Kul Tiras occupied.

The Dwarves and Worgen have similar self explanatory geographic strategic goals. And I’d make the main human backer Kul Tiras. Perhaps Danath wheeled and dealed his way into them backing him up.

This would free up SW to back up the Kaldorei. Which they should’ve. Because the story just has them abandoning their elven allies in their darkest hour to go attack Lordaeron, assist Kul Tiras and try to reclaim Stromgarde.

That’s pretty damning and you’d think would make the East Alliance’s relations with its West half nearly as volatile as it’s treaty with the Horde.

I’d put SW, the Draenei and Gnomes fighting with the Nelves in Darkshore against the Orcs, Tauren, Darkspear, and Goblins.


Yeah. The world needs to be the main character again. Geography needs to be the center of conflict again. The war table needs to just keep us informed as to what is going on in the zones of previous expansions as related to faction interests abroad.


To keep with our Worgen x Forsaken theme, I raise you an oldy but a goody, I Am Forsaken.

The potential is certainly there, it always has been.