Gilneas's Future?

Would be nice if we were allowed to unleash the beast for a few quests at least. There’s soo much blizz could have done with Gilneas if they spent just half a brain cell trying. You got werewolves, harvest witches, political intrigue with those loyal to Greymane vs those loyal to Gilneas itself.

But for some reason we got people who want Lordaeron back. A city who’s only accomplishments were starting the alliance and getting sacked by a undead army. :wolf:


Gilneas: definitely not also known for getting sacked by an undead army


Seriously. This is probably my favorite werewolf theme song in gaming.

There’s a regal dignity to the instruments but it’s being unraveled by a more frantic tone and erratic notes. And that clicking of a clock’s gears are just chefs kiss.

It’s midnight. Do you know where your sanity is? Why it’s being lost in a sudden flashbang of sensory overload. Scents and sounds sharpen to a razor’s edge, and your teeth are quickly reshaping to keep pace. Blood will spill by your hand this night

Seriously Mick Gordon is such an unsung hero of gaming. Also did the Doom soundtrack. Rip and tear, indeed.

Kinda regretting making my Nelf a Fury Warrior. I’m thinking of trying to come up with a Worgen character who matches with that kinda vibe and outside Outlaw Rogue and Fury Warrior idk whats going to let me slice mfers up with mogged fist weapons.

Frost DK maybe but an undead werewolf is such a hat on a hat to me. I feel the same way about Forsaken but I had to race change my DK to one because it bothers me too much your undead character has to breathe underwater.


For all Gilneas lovers out there, this is an amazing fan-made mini cinematic.
Man. The things they could have done with this zone…


I’m not crying, you’re crying!

That cinematic is beautiful :wolf:


After my initial bafflement subsided upon finding a vacant Gilneas;

I did start to appreciate the place as I wandered it. The place is still fine. So I guess the Forsaken have some sort of Neutron bomb variant of Blight.

I actually really wanted to use it for RP stuff but if you’ve even started the Silverpine questline you are locked into a different phase which even upon completion is different from the same empty one people who never started it see.

Seriously anything north of Thoradin’s Wall is a phasing disaster. And I still think there’s so much confusion about the Sludge Fields because the Alliance cannot see the post questline version where all the horror has been stopped. Much to my chagrin as I wanted to use it as a spot for PvP. It’s got barricaded entrances and enough watch towers to provide overlapping fields of fire. It would be so fun to stage a battle there.

Seriously I guess the Forsaken technically won but both sides are screwed if they wanted to do anything interesting with the areas.

I wound up using SFK as a base. Because a surprising amount of it is accessible via the overworld and outside that my options were Tarren Mill or the Sepulcher which are more FOBs than towns. Andorhal also suffers from phase mining.

And even then it was kinda hilarious how the Alliance and Horde would blink out of existence while trying to fight. Because if they stepped too close to Greymanes Wall or Preywood or Ambermill they’d be put in their own pocket dimension version of it. And like half the Horde had the Lord Godfrey crew following them around because they started but didn’t finish the questline.

I actually wound up contriving reasons to hang out in Duskwood because it was the one spooky forest unmarred by phasing. And a fight in those interconnecting catacombs, particularly the narrow as hell tunnel, was more fun than any of the faction conflict content Blizz contrived in BFA.

Blizz - you are a bad DM. Just let the art team do their thing and let us play around in it. I understand the theory of letting us feel like we’ve affected an area but it’s no fun to hang around if we’ve to have all our friends complete an itinerary first.


I thought that the Sludge Fields were cool and good Benedikt

To say nothing of the fact that the horror wasn’t stopped. The Forsaken had built up zone-wide infrastructure with the explicit intent of supporting the Sludge Fields

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Yeah because you stop the bad guy.

And some, encouraged, labor growing carrion mushrooms might set those SS war criminals straight. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. But they’ll be released in due course.

We here in the Antisocialist States of Spooklysvania are if nothing forgiving. The Alliance clearly agree what with their fulsome support in helping to drive the Legion invaders out.

Thanks for sharing that.


When you first played Cata what were your thoughts when you realized that most Forsaken settlements are playing Naxxramas music

Can’t say I played Naxx enough to notice that offhand. I’m really not much of a raider. I actually saw Nax a lot more recently as Id run it for mog stuff and still never put that together tbh. But as I mentioned there aren’t any good Forsaken places to lounge.

Even Brill was pretty meh after they got rid of Gallows End and while the UC’s various quarters still worked fine they lacked any sense of privacy or casual-ness.

This is why SL was largely frustrating because the Venthyr crypt inns were exactly the sort of thing I’d’ve replaced Gallows End with. Instead of stock Forsaken buildings #3, out of like 5.


I was actually moved by the Forsaken development, as it wasnt just an aesthetic upgrade. It was a lore based cultural renaissance. I thought that was so awesome.

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It would’ve been if the only unique building in Brill wasn’t a duck mothering stable.

Plus cmon Gallow’s End. That is the perfect name for an undead tavern.


Beautifully made, though I did chuckle seeing that worgen jump off the top of the Greymane Wall.


The outpost by the Dark Portal was redone Gilnean style.

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Wow Benedikt, You must feel dumb and silly now right?
The Dark Portal outpost was done in Gilnean style… how could you have been so blind not to see the titanic volume of Gilnean architecture content right beneath your decaying nose.

Really Benedikt how can you expect people to take you seriously when you are willfully so ignorant of all the existing Gilnean city planning that you purposefully neglected to mention. Really. For shame Benedikt. I want you to look Drahliana and her invetigative skills right in the eye sockets and apologize for your totally unwarranted complaint and blatant lies.

How do you sleep at night Benedikt? How? I just want to understand what could be passing through that mind of yours to make a post like that when the Dark Portal outpost in all its glory was there for you to experience.
I wish I could smack my face to the concrete wall next to me just so I could forget and experience it like I did the first time.

Honestly, there is only one way to come back from this Benedikt.
You have to commit Sudoku.
Drahliana I am so sorry you had to experience what Benedikt did here today. Please accept my apology on behalf of this entire community NAY the entire western hemisphere. You are our Northstar. Our lighthouse in the sea of storms, lest we lose our way and perish.


Really? It is imminently missable if a quest doesn’t take you in that area. Especially since the xp system can race you past content that you never get to see.

But I’m not taking any more dance cards from you, we’re done.

There is actually a small Gilnean town called Surwich on the coast of the Blasted Lands. Think that’s what she meant.

It like all Worgen content is brief and not where you’d think to look. Also I’m pretty sure it gets depopulated by the Iron Horde. Which uh - ya know sure why not. People have Worgen fatigue at this point. We’ve seen them a whole 4 times in 10 years. Might as well cut it down to 3.


I used to hang out there with my main while waiting for BG or Dungeon queue. I even did some RP there once.

The only place I could call home as a Worgen. Until the Iron Horde came.

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The Horde is like the Fire Nation confirmed?

They ruin everything and there is no Iroh or Zuko to make it worth it.