Gilneas's Future?

Pyrewood Village and Ambermill would be very welcome as well. They used to be part of Gilneas before the isolation took place.

I could see Pyrewood happening as it is pretty close to the wall, but Ambermill is not in a defensible position.

Was Shadowfang Keep part of the kingdom too? I can’t remember.


I have no problem with Silverpine going from Horde Territory to Contested Territory as long as the Forsaken get someplace new to settle… giving them the one of the Plaguelands is kind of problematic what with all the Argents living there, how about the ruins of Alterac City? Clear out the ogres, clear out the Syndicate and settle Strahnbrad too, live next to the Frostwolves in Alterac Valley.


Scarlet Monastery is an option as well I guess, unless the Scarlets are still active. And I think they are so…yeah Alterac seems fine imo.

The Forsaken aren’t even really settled in Silverpine though. The only place that they “live” is the Sepulcher which is just a graveyard.

Come to think of it, they don’t really “live” in any of the territory they control aside from Brill and Undercity, and maybe Tarren Mill. I don’t think that they’re actually all that numerous to the point where they’re filling new settlements.

Being undead also seems to limit how much you actually need territory for given you’d have fewer needs that require exploiting land. It’s one of the reasons the Scourge could thrive in Northrend and live in Necropoli indefinitely.

Oh you poor thing.

No. They were trying to write them well. In fact I think they were trying to write them specifically with people like you in mind with all the references to 70s/80s movies peppered throughout.

Which I get because I’m a movie dork and can give you opinions on silent films as well. I’d list them but just the title of the first feature length American movie has a slur in it. Still interesting from a historic sense, though.

Think that’s for other millennials or zoomers? If it is its in the sense they hope they don’t notice this is just an extended scene from the worst Rambo movie but with Orcs now.

WoW’s not written badly on purpose lmao. They tried to do well, they just failed.


I didn’t say they were intentionally written to be boring, I said they were written to be boring. And that’s not going to change by saying “no more humans”

You think that the reason humans are boring is because they’re humans? And that other races won’t be similarly boring no matter how much screen time they get?

Your solution to things being boring seems to be that they’ll automatically become interesting if they’re non-humans who act like wacky weirdoes, which is equivalent to assuming that a 3 hour lecture about the effects of zero gravity on small screws will become interesting as long as someone keeps throwing glitter in your face while playing a slide whistle.


On that note I’d actually have the Scarlets invade not just Silverpine but Gilneas, Tirisfal, Hillsbrad and the PLs.

I think knights in shining armor fighting werewolves and ghasts and they’re the bad guys is very Warcraft to me.

In terms of Silverpine proper I would have Preywood and SFK be the main southern staging ground for their invasion.

I have such a soft spot for SFK and desperately want it to have a round 3.

I’d actually gear this toward end game content and have flying mounts factored in. So both the Forsaken and Worgen holdings would be pretty scattered.

I’d have their main retaliatory airbases coming out of Fenris Isle and Alterac City respectively. Obviously the Worgen get ‘Norse Doom Wolf’ Island.

I’d still have the factions quarreling but the main threat would be the Scarlets. I actually think the Forsaken and Worgen could have some cool tense but unified fronts not dissimilar to the n/belf ones outside Suramar.

I’d actually have the main villain be not a dreadlord but a fire and brimstone preacher.

And I think it’d be so cool if killing him lead to a bunch of Cult of the Damned getting unleashed. Because the Worgen and Forsaken are also both uniquely skilled at killing them.

Tell me scene like this but with a now Worgen Tess Greymane, Lilian Voss, their respective militaries and just for fun let’s say Kel’Thuzad wouldn’t be fun af.

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Perhaps they’ve some Titan construct that would wipe out all inhuman life in the region. Undead and Worgen alike. And also Scourge.

It was. After it got updated, the ghosts of the former nobles wear Gilnean-style clothes.


Yes. Just listen to this:

Somebody wrote this song, thinking that being a “medieval man” was the pinnacle of coolness.

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I think WC3 really messed up Blizz’s ability to write humans well, because suddenly the humans didn’t really have a narrative core. WC1/WC2, they had a narrative core - “The island of civilization standing alone against a literal tide of darkness”. WC3 upends all of that.

Then along comes WoW. Now, if Theramore had been the human starting city/capital then maybe they could have built a narrative core around people learning to survive in a new and strange land, but they didn’t - they went with Stormwind and…then did nothing with it.

And yet, they could have made it interesting. For example, why aren’t there factions of dispossessed Lordaeranian nobles agitating for Stormwind to reconquer their homeland? Why aren’t there factions of Stormwind isolationists who are sick of the price in blood and treasure that Stormwind pays to be the military backbone of the Alliance? Etc, etc, etc.

Instead, Stormwind is just at best a narrative tool, i.e. need some Alliance soldiers? Well we have lots of art assets for the Stormwind military, and at worst a blank canvas on to which Blizzard’s writers project whatever message that they want to deliver to the playerbase.

tldr: Stormwind and the humans don’t have to be boring, but Blizz is doing a great job of making them boring.


What’s strange is early on they had some intrigue.

The Defias were pretty interesting. SW essentially went broke in a failed bid to expand into STV. Consequently they stiffed their workers and then ish really hit the fan when the queen died in a riot.

And that’s on its own an interesting story. The Defias could’ve been nuanced villains who have a really solid point and a revolutionary edge. But their ragtag nature means it’s borderline impossible to crackdown on psychos who joined up just to smash ish and rob people.

The Crown meanwhile has the trump card of arguing the status quo isn’t really that bad because it’s destabilization could very well lead to its territory being overrun by gnolls, Blackrock Orcs, Gurubashi Trolls and teeming throngs of flesh hungry corpses depending on where you live. Also you did have people like Tiffyn who were on board with getting these people their money.

So you could have a situation where there’s an extremely heated but not irreconcilable point of contention but bad management on both sides threatens to plunge the realm into full on civil war and leave it vulnerable to truly merciless threats.

Instead though it was just a dragon lady manipulating everyone and the Defias are completely unhinged terrorists who seem to love destruction for destruction’s sake.

Oh well thank God. So Stormwind’s aristocrats are all completely trustworthy and working class people enraged to the point of militancy are always just chaos enthusiasts. And the unaccountable mercenary death squads they send after them are actual literal heroes.

Yeah that’s uh. That’s totally a better story. Nothing weird about that. It’s good for the kids and good for the adults.


Actually Southshore, Pyrewood, and the town of Hillsbrad’s remaining population are now Worgen. Lore wise as of Exploring Eastern Kingdoms. Southshore is being rebuilt and Hillsbrad Foothills is under Alliance control at least coastlines. We know that the human population is now mostly Worgen or undead. The Alliance is rebuilding Southern Lordaeron and we may see an update. At least I hope we do!


The Argent Dawn do certainly have a notable human population. But they’re also a true rainbow coalition.

That’s kinda their point though. Their forward thinking, worldly outlook and openess to experimentation is what wins them the day. The Scarlets are dogmatic fundamentalists who rule through terror and have a pronounced supremacist edge to them.

The Scarlets lose, and lose badly, because it turns out not just accepting but encouraging advice and allies from different walks of life with different perspectives is a good idea.

It’s one of the true wholesome and well told fables in the game and I’m always worried Blizz is going to ruin it.


But we were talking about the Alliance reclaiming the north, not the south!!

You can have the south. Gilnean architecture is good. I will allow it.


Yeah I’m 100% fine with sharing Spookistan with the Worgen. We may not see glowing red eye to glowing red eye on a lot but it’s hard to argue they don’t belong in the haunted acre wood.


WTF, I love Alliance in my starting zone now.

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While true, it goes back to the boring human thing. Rick Grimes is just a cop with a bad marriage in the absence of Zombies.


I’ve always wanted to see something of an AU setting in WoW where the humans start in Theramore & that’s their capitol on Kalimdor. It really hurt the narrative that it wasn’t since that was where the humans ended their journey in WC3.

Aside from being disconnected and far removed from the events of WC3, Stormwind could have still worked if they made more references to it. There should have been “Ethnic” enclaves in Stormwind for the refugees of the Northern Kingdoms. There could have been Militias of the various refugee groups in the different zones the player got to learn about. For example, i think Redridge would have been a good “Enclave” for the refugees of Stromgarde to set up shop. In that zone you could have had a militia of Stromgarde refugees fighting the Blackrock Orcs & other threats in that zone.

Duskwood you could have had some Lordaeron Paladins hanging out there. Maybe even a few Gilneans.

Another thing that would have helped is if there would have been some kind of bonus campaign for WC3 based on Stormwind or heroes from Stormwind. Maybe with Bolvar & Varian having to deal with the fall out of the fall of the north & refugee influx as well as the encroaching threats from the Blackrock Orcs, Defias & Duskwood.


Yeah I don’t mind it as a side thing but the humans need to put a ring on something, and it seems like Orcs are the ones the devs keep shipping.

I mean Alonsos already made Turaylon cry by doing the whole “Search your feelings” thing when he tried to strike him down. So. Seems like that’s pretty much over with.

Undead VS Werewolves is just a bit more interesting and there could be some peace there. Always tension due to the history but I really love exploring the relationship between the Forsaken and Worgen.

I think there could be a sort of envy between them.

Many Forsaken might say they’ve zero interest in appearing human but many still would be telling a lie. Perhaps not permanently but it’d be nice to go to Dalaran or Booty Bay without getting weird looks or startling people merely by existing.

Whereas the Worgen might envy that the Forsaken are unapologetic creatures of the night. Maybe some Worgen would like to do unsettling stuff like cling to ceilings or take a more literal bite out of crime. But the nature of their politics means they must always cage the beast sooner or later.