Gilneas's Future?

looks at Ashenvale

looks at Azshara

looks at Hillsbrad

looks at Gilneas

looks at Theramore

mhmm quite


Dude you’re wasting your breath.

He routinely suggests Forsaken players are misanthropes for finding their horror comedy vibes amusing.

While not seeing anything wrong with telling actual human beings they should have their favorite fantasy zones smashed to atoms so he and 6 other people can fondly reminiscence about how cool a largely forgotten game from 1995 was.


I’ve had to explain this numerous times over the years and its gotten old. In vanilla there was an imbalance in territory between the Alliance and Horde. Alliance had more questing areas than horde did by a fairly large margin. Horde used to run out of quests in Vanilla because of this. All Cataclysm did was rectify the imbalance and give each faction an even amount of questing zones. You, and alliance fans like you, are literally children for refusing to acknowledge that and pretend its some vast conspiracy by blizzard to favor horde over you. So let me reiterate. Grow Up.

Also, mentioning Azshara is especially amusing because Azshara was the worst zone in the entire game in vanilla and turning it into a goblin themed horde zone was a vast improvement by every metric.


Oh okay, so it’s not that the Horde doesn’t permanently steal Alliance territory, it’s just that when the Horde does it it’s justified.


Again, grow up. The one time its happened in the eighteen year history of the game it happened for a very clear and justified reason and rectified Alliance favoritism from vanilla. Cry about it.

It also happened entirely off screen, so this attitude that “Horde players get to enjoy conquering stuff” when they’ve never actually conquered anything is just silly.


You guys couldn’t even handle losing territory in BfA for a single expansion and yet you’re lecturing others about how it’s important to let go of lost territory if it happened an arbitrary amount of time ago

Just say it. You don’t see any problem with the Horde acquiring territory at the Alliance’s expense because you like the Horde better.


It’s just funny to me that nobody acknowledges Starcraft was Blizz’s actual RTS achievement.

Nobody would be talking about Warcraft outside very niche circles if not for the MMO.

WC3 came out two years before Rome: Total War. It was dated even then.

And while its story is pretty good, Morrowind was dancing circles around it already in terms of interesting fresh takes on a stale genre.

It’s literally just WoW that’s kept this franchise up and running. And the Forsaken have been one of it’s foundational blocks since its inception. The idea the faction they hastily invented to justify the color blue in an okay at best RTS from the Clinton administration should replace them is completely delusional.


Seek therapy.


Uhh, Warcraft 3 is one of my favorite games of all time, so you’ve lost me with that. You’re also forgetting that Warcraft 2 was a pioneer in online multiplayer and Warcraft 3 was a similar pioneer in regards to game modding. Dota, and mobas as an entire genre, came from Warcraft 3. Trying to downplay the game’s significance to win a lore argument is a bit much, imo.

See that’s kind of my point. It’s legacy is MOBAs, not RTS.

Frankly Age of Mythology was a lot better. And came up with better multiplayer games mode. And bothered to educate people on ancient culture along the way.

That never took off the way it should’ve because it too was outdated. Once Total War turned up and properly sorted out that resource management and actual real time strategy should be two sides to the same coin it was all over.

I think you’re comparing apples and oranges. Total War and AoE/M are macro focused RTS while Starcraft and Warcraft have always been more micro focused. Warcraft 3 also has an avid pro scene to this day that’s bigger than any of the ones you consider better than it, so clearly, Blizzard did something right with the game design.

To be fair, let’s try not to mix up gameplay reasons with lore. Okay yeah, you are right about the Vanilla quests.
That doesn’t mean that story-wise, the Alliance didn’t lose territories. I personally adored Southshore for many reasons. Mainly I enjoyed the fact that it was the last remaining Lordaeronian living town in the hands of the Alliance. I even had my hearthstone set there in one of my characters.

I’m still sad for the loss of Hillsbrad to this day, I don’t think that makes me a crying child though.


Well, you’re being reasonable about it, so I was not really talking to you when I say that. I understand not liking their choice of zone to change. Honestly WPL probably would’ve made more sense as an exclusive Horde Zone given that its right by Tirisfal but they wanted to keep the argent presence there for whatever reason so it stayed neutral.

Fair enough but it’s completely eclipsed by the Starcraft scene.

Personally I thought DoW was the best in that vein. It streamlined the resource gathering process. Still a crucial part of the game but making that a more passive process so you could focus on the actual, ya know, War was inspired.

Horrifically ruined by its sequels but I still bust out Dark Crusade now and again to play the single player. Zero idea if that’s still popular online. Never looked because if the answer is yes I already know I’m going to be instantly turned inside out by a 11 year old in Daegu.

The Gilneas’ future thread, featuring Undead players complaining about the Alliance


Listen I am appreciative of the fact they weren’t aware of the effects of lead based paint, or more aptly were paid to pretend they weren’t, when you were a child but you’d be the one arguing against the Worgen getting stuff.

I’m all for them getting all of the EKs Alliance holdings. Humans should just stay behind Thoradin’s Wall. And be made to stay out of the spotlight while the Kaldorei, Draenei, Gnomes and other actually interesting parts of the Alliance get stuff to do.

I’m literally arguing for a reconquista of the EKs Blue Holdings. Just not by the robots with a skin condition who make the Terminator come off like a fountain of personality.


A quest about the Worgen getting to retake Gilneas from… uh… whoever currently holds it? would be good.

Also, tails. This oversight long needs fixing.


I don’t know why you think literally anyone here would think that you’re arguing in the Alliance’s interests in good faith. I think you just have an anti-human vendetta brought about by the fact that humans in WoW are boring right now without realizing that the reason they’re boring is because they’re written to be boring.

By like, say, being written to be entirely reactive to the fact that a bunch of zombies control their historical and cultural heartland and have been doing horrible things to them. And in the one case they are proactive, that proactivity is instantly reversed and the Forsaken are given back the stuff they lost.

That being said, that’s also not a surprise since you seem to largely consider the game’s entire setting to be a giant joke. In which case, fair, this game is in fact incredibly stupid. But that’s going to get you clashing constantly with the people who don’t see it that way or would like to see the setting be treated with a bit more seriousness.


They can literally just have it. No one is using it.

Oh God, why was the first thing I thought of a bunch of worgen standing around the re-claimed Gilneas City saying “Well, now that we’re back, in order for everyone to know that this place is and always will be OURS, we better… mark our territory” ?

I may have issues.