Gilneas's Future?

You insinuated that people who play Alliance are sex perverts and apparently I’m the weird one.


Don’t crush my dreams, man!

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If you let Genn have a kingdom he’ll just ruin it again.


It wasn’t even Genn who ruined gilneas though. If the cataclysm doesn’t happen, the horde doesn’t invade and sylvanas doesn’t plague it to the point of it being uninhabitable :wolf:

I get some y’all don’t like Genn, but ya guys come up with some wacky headcannon


Kinda forgetting “Walled off his kingdom from the outside, made attempting to escape a capital crime, and then infested said kingdom with face-eating werewolves from Dimension X”

'Cause that’s what Genn did. That’s why all the worgen are worgen. It’s why there’s the whole cinematic of wolf-people in ripped jorts bouncing through the city like Gummy Bears tearing everyone to bits.

Genn should have been the one catching that arrow with his face; Liam could still have the whole story beat, without the “ha HAAAAAH I’m still the worst thing to ever happen to my people!” thing Genn has going.


Gilneas itself was literally fine. Sure some of the people were wolf men now, but that hardly qualifies as a ruined kingdom.

As for walling it off? I’ll say it again, lordaeron and the rest of the alliance wasn’t his problem.


I mean if your measure is “Are the buildings still there” then yes. Gillneas, the physical bricks-and-mortar collection of buildings was indeed fine. Aside from all the windows that the face-eating space lupines smashed through dramatically.

“Some of the people were wolf men now” my brother in fur did you not actually play the starting zones? Did you race change from gnome to Worgen? Maybe started in the newfangled newbie island? 'Cause like the whole story is that the Worgen curse reduces Gilneas to tattered vestigial communities surviving by luck and the skin of their teeth; most people are either interdimensional dingoes, or they’re being eaten by said interdimensional dingoes.


Did you actually play the zone? Because you would know that by the time the worgen pc is captured….gilneas and it’s people were doing okay.


True, most of us play Horde so we’re just used to losing in canon all the time, even when we should be winning.


After making another Worgen I kinda noticed how little they got in terms of customization. It’s still hands down an upgrade but compared to most other raves there’s not that much there.

But of course the counterpoint is you also have a human form and get all their customization options as well. So technically worgen have far and away the most options.

And it got me wondering if maybe letting Worgen appear as human was the start of the mistake. It’s kinda necessary for them if you want to do the whole werewolf thing.

But Worgen are only really doing that aesthetically. They’re pretty much just fursonas after the Nelves turn up with the fixit moon juice. Unless I’m missing something you really never see them losing control. Magical as it would be for one to snap and maul someone holding up a line at the store.

Consequently the Worgen are probably at their most interesting as enemies in a storyline. Most notably with Booty Bay’s werewolf pirates and in Silverpine where their quite literal killer instinct gives even Sylvanas pause.

I think about Raven’s Hill Cemetary a lot. I used that area for RP a lot because the Northern EK is such a phasing minefield and shocker I know but I like haunted forests. And I always wondered what was going on with the Worgen hanging out there.

They’ve a pillory placed over a well and affixed with a bloodied guillotine blade. Doesn’t take an engineer to figure out the one and only one thing that could be used for. Turns out they’re using it to hold feral worgen.

So I figured they’d of course behead the ones they couldn’t save. That wouldn’t even be morally gray. That’d just be a good thing done gruesomely. You’re tasked with killing ferals yourself elsewhere in the zone so it seems that’s the consensus on how to handle them.

But then that never happens. And its not even implied to have ever happened. So it just comes off as an outlandishly irresponsible way to detain something you mean no harm to.

And that’s my frustration not just with Worgen but Blizz’s approach to the Alliance in general. Anytime it looks like they’ve done something not even evil just coldly pragmatic, it turns out to have been caused by bad actors or was a mistake.

My favorite example of this is post Battle of Dazar’Alor. Where we find out apparently the plan wasn’t to cripple the Zandalari navy and Capitol in an overall pretty justified preemptive attack. But to drive a wedge between the Horde and the Zandalari.

… By attacking their city in such a way that they had to lure the Horde away from Dazar’Alor. Then smash everything quick before the Horde doubles back and chases them out.

Yeah really showing them not to trust the Horde by engineering a situation where they’ll definitely be riding to the Zandalari’s aid and saving the day.


Goldshire is a thing.

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You aren’t getting Lordaeron. Forsaken are probably going to reclaim Tirisfal in 9.2.5. Any dream of an "alliance’ northern EK will never come to pass.


And the horde perverts hang out in Quel’thalas. So what exactly is you point? :wolf:


I hate Vulpera so much.

Irrelevant. People been using Quel’thalas for their perversions since it was added in BC :wolf:

I mean. Most of Silvermoon is fine.

Meanwhile I’m the sort of person who’s celebrated Halloween at raves in Chicago’s Boystown. So when I say I’m not easily shocked I don’t mean I’ve seen the same horrifying videos every tween growing up in the 00s did. Whatever you’re picturing, I’ve not only seen it, but seen it with the participants dressed as a piece of bacon and a DBZ character.

If that sounds specific that’s because it is. And I will probably forget my own name before that particular image leaves me.

So pretty high bar for shocked. And even then Goldshire made me feel like I needed to go to church.


Goldshire is something else for sure. My point is perverts play on both factions. It’s something that isn’t strictly unique to the alliance :stuck_out_tongue:


It must be great to be Horde and always win even when you lose.


I don’t know what you’re talking about.

The wall managed to keep the Scourge at bay. When the tide of undeath became even greater, to the point where it couldn’t hold for long, a decision had to be made.
And after discussing with Arugal, Genn took a hard, but right choice. Sure, he was the reason behind the Worgen curse that doomed part of his people (I say a part because not every Gilnean is a Worgen), but at the same time he was also the savior of his kingdom.

Granted, if Arthas wanted to get in, he definitely would. But he didn’t. So the wall & the summoned Worgen did very well against the Scourge. Otherwise Gilneas today would be yet another undead kingdom, an extension of the fallen Lordaeron or part of the Forsaken. At the end of the day, better to be a wolf man than a rotting corpse.

It may be abandoned / in ruins now, but the Gilneans are alive and well, cursed or not. As Mia Greymane says, a kingdom is not a place, but a people.


“What’s that? I can’t just take territory from other races? REEE Horde bias”
It’s not like the horde permanently steals alliance territory either. Night Elves are getting something in the near future to compensate for Teldrassil being gone. Just wait and see. Alliance fans need to learn to stop acting like children just because they aren’t being allowed to steal things from the horde.