Gilnean Noble's Suit

I get that “big shoulders” is a WoW thing… but not EVERY set has to look like that. :woman_facepalming:

I’m starting to wonder if some of these sets are phoned in by just painting over other assets and that’s why the silhouettes suck so much. :upside_down_face:

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My avatar is in the new mog and I fished out Godfrey’s glasses.

One Ally was happy for me, and another slapped me. Also, Graymane looks like a defeated old man trying to escape.

I loved the quest because Gilneas was my very first introduction to WoW. Just doing quests to kill elites and grab the bombs took me back to 2016.

It was a bit short. I had expected at least a Naval response, but this was more a shock and awe surgical strike.

All in all, I hope the Alliance is there to help take Silvermoon back. For two reasons. One is if it’s Horde only…ain’t no one but me trying to fight mobs on Moon Guard.

In lore, there’s only a Volkswagen van amount of living blood elves left. Invite some gnome and goblin engineers

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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To quote Mr. Horse from Ren and Stimpy… “No Sir, I just don’t like it” It’s like a edwardian goth dressed up to judge a dog show.


They didn’t even let him finish his own previous narrative without handing the Sylvanas vengeance arc to Tyrande and then the reclamation of Gilneas to his daughter and the forsaken.

Both of those were the entire worgen storyline as well since the race only ever gets the spotlight through Genn and all of it has been wrecked.

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I think this is the funniest thing I’ve read on the forums to date. I know it’s not a joke, but that’s what makes me laugh is just how much people want the set out of their sights.


They hotfixed the set. Boots look better but their coloring still sucks and they still have part of the pants included on their model for no reason whatsoever.


Just plain ugly

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Yikes I’ll stick to the island expeditions Cloth set transmog thanks.

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Yuh add in the new half robe things which they could of used to make an nice overcoat which not only Genn wears but we also see Godfrey wearing in this old cinematic but no give us a lazy and hideous transmog that’s even worse then the Heritage set like the hat could of been decent but nope it hides hair unlike the Heritage one so.


Because, respectively, Tyrande had a better want for vengeance considering her people were specifically targeted by Sylvanas, while Genn only wanted vengeance for his son and not the Gilneans as a whole.

Worgen storyline will continue with Genn, the Gilneas as a people will continue with Tess.

Genn lost his son, his kingdom with a bunch of his people and then a bunch of his people again in Teldrassil all to Sylvanas and the forsaken and had about 12 years of him biding his time for revenge all for Tyrande to completely push Genn out of the picture and have him be completely uninvolved in the closure of his main character arc. That’s just trash writing.

Having Genn be the only relevant worgen is also bad, even when he does stuff he’s mainly backed by random assortments of humans, night elves and SI: 7, writers refuse to acknowledge worgens so much they don’t even show up in their own leader’s story most of the time.


I can agree that the worgen, as a race, have had no good story… but I think that’s because worgen are seen as a curse and not an actual race of “people” if that makes sense. Gilneas has always about Gilneas, and not the actual curse itself. Unfortunately, I do not see worgen being pivotal for quite some time.

As for the Sylvanas story, eh… I am just happy the writers for that particular scenario no longer work with the company. We will see what happens with Genn in the War Within, since he’s still an advisor within the Alliance.

I dunno… I think the Forsaken attacking Gilneas was kinda specifically targeting them… Sylvanas was leading the attack and using blight… so… the Cataclysm interrupted things, other wise we were looking at more Gilneans dead at her hands…


So, about this quest chain… which was borderline horrible.

You basically repeat the same kill quest three times then kill a boss, and the writing was terrible, with logical inconsistencies… I could go on a rant about how bad this was, but… I won’t.

Anyways, about the quest… Did Genn step down as leader when he said “this is your kingdom” to his daughter? Or was he saying that he secured the kingdom for his daughter? Because Tess did all the leadership stuff and we did all the heavy lifting, Genn kind of just ran around waiting to wait around.

It happened because that’s what Garrosh demanded as Warchief. He was basically sending Forsaken into combat as suicide troops/bombers so that he could set up a port town where Gilneas currently is. Sylvanas said “Hey, we can actually make more Forsaken now, see?” , and then he responded with his line about her being evil and cheeky and what ever. So, he wanted the Forsaken to die and he wanted the Worgen to die.

So, everything that happened was because of Garrosh just being awful.


It’s bugged on the forums it doesn’t even show up. Look at me I’m half naked now!

Ah ok, I forgot about that… but Sylvanas jumped at the opportunity so she wasn’t really ‘forced’ but I forgot about her motivation of making more Forsaken.

Yeah, this is fair. As far as I can tell she didn’t shy away from it. But I don’t think it would have happened if Garrosh wouldn’t have mandated the invasion.


When have We ever seen any of the Gilnean NPCs Wearing these kinds of Ugly Clothes and colors? They Usually wear darker ones and look Nice. This is Horrible. They had all this time to make the Worgens Something better than the Heritage set. Ffs Blizz.


No shes not. The majority of people have absolutely no clue who she is.

He hasnt even been a king either. What was he king of? Gilnaes? Something they dont have possession of? That was the point of this, to get his kingdom back.

He also isnt too old, want to know who is old? Drek’Thar, he was in a wheelchair and literally couldnt do anything anymore and passed the mantel of Farseer on. Genn is still out there fighting but hes “too old”. Yeah right.

This story is just bad. At the start he is all ready to go get his kingdom back, thought the forsaken left and it turns out they didnt. He said “whenever I look at them I see Liam” and thats why he couldnt work with them and as King that should have been it but he just rolled over and said “maybe you can show me the way”. Sorry, but thats just bad writing through and through. He took a back seat in this entire thing to push a unknown to the majority of people out there and then he just gives his kingdom away.

Its just bad. Through and through. The story of Gilnaes and the Worgen are over. This is it.

The Worgens absolutely failed in why they were even introduced. Yes, its a curse that is basically just… ignored just like everything else.

Also, Genn going after the Forsaken is 2 birds with 1 stone. There are 2 reasons, his son, and his kingdom. One will be much more prominent than the other and that would be his son.


I had never hear d of her. I thought, “Oh they made up a daughter all of a sudden for the new expan?”
I agree… I wanted to see Genn in a lead role as king of the reclaimed city… the lore gave us the excited expectation of this story happening and then we got a bait and switch. Booo.

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