Anyone else having this trouble with the G.N. suit? The chest piece is STUCK in my transmog! I can’t mog out of the chest piece… had to buy a whole new chest piece … and when I went to mog that one to my usual saved outfits, the mog widget will only select that Gilnean Nobles Vest for th3e chest piece; I can’t select anything else! Is it just me?
My warrior wears the Gilnean Adventurers shirt
I don’t mind it overall, but the boots do not match at all. They remind me of Uggs and are just random. I wish there was a regal cloak/should combo to go with it. And a walking stick,/cane!
Looks good on the human female model.
At leat you can fish up those groovy glasses.
While I admit I don’t know what WOULD look good, it is kind of silly that they have given the worgen not one, but two top hats now…that look ridiculous on the worgen form, lol.
I also wish hats and glasses weren’t part of the same slot, would love to have different options in those areas. Also not a fan of the flowers, so unlikely I’ll use this suit on any alts, not the end of the world.
It’s not the best I’ve seen, but my Kul’tiran priest looks down right dapper. Would definitely be better with an over coat or duster type jacket.
Never heard of her either. He was surrounded by 4 women, 3 of which were basically trying to chastise him, the Menethil name isnt one to be trusted so Calia trying to pull that card wouldnt have worked, and then Mia who should have been there with the worgen curse happening and the forsaken attacking was just like “sure lets work with the forsaken honey” and Tess is a traitor for working with them.
Not to mention Tess said “we will use the forsaken as canon fodder against the scarlet crusade, you know the people tailor made for fighting the undead? yeah just throw the forsaken at them” and Calia… being a leader herself was just like “YEAH!”. This shows Calia as a bad leader. Not only did she not leave like she said, but she threw her people away as sacrifices basically knowing what was going to happen.
They had to make Genn weak, Tess a traitor, Calia a bad leader and Mia completely forgetful for this story to happen.
Then you have the awful transmog set, its so bad. Frilly shoulders, ugg boots, bad color palette, its just bad. Even with the new revision is a bad set. Its not like the quest like was deserving of anything better. Quite frankly the whole thing needs to be taken out and redone and reintroduced. I dont know who signed off on this garbage but they should be fired.
When you say over coat, do you mean: with coat tails? Cause that would be awesome on a goblin and it would also be deliciously, ironically, hilarious if you all can’t have tails yet your quests gave EVERYONE two tails. hahaha