Gilded crests Should be dropping from 7's or 8's

I agree! I don’t mind even if they just uncapped crests and spamming +7s/8s

No, what YOU need to understand is that m+ has always been too rewarding when compared to all other forms of content. Infinitely spammable mythic upgrades (up to the weekly cap when it exists) vs. content with a weekly lockout already and a limited number of bosses. Not to mention the fact that most mythic guilds don’t get to the latter half of the raid until later in the season.

It’s interesting how some people loved to point out how “popular” m+ was when compared to raiding. Well now that rewards been brought in line with other content suddenly it’s not as quite as popular as some maintained.


Bruh, M+ and the raid are a joke, and not funny ones either.

According to who…you?

This hasnt been true for awhile and isnt true now.

Whats wrong with this exactly?

Why do you care how players are rewarded for their time? This bizzare mentality is so stupid. Its a video game.

If an activity drops hero track gear, it should also drop the means to upgrade it.

Why do you care if people upgrade their hero gear 2 more times?

Maybe they shouldve put mythic track gear on its own currency.

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Says the guy stuck on 7’s, 8’s, and 9’s. I’be yet to do more than 1 triple pack in any dungeon yet and I’m what… sitting on timed 10’s almost across the board? I’m telling you the timers are lenient.

You don’t need to pull like a madman or mdi route it. You don’t even need meta classes that are burning the crap out of the place in dps. You literally just can’t wipe. And you can’t have some random guy who dies 8 times a dungeon. The added penalty at 7+ is what kills dungeon timer, not the timer itself… and other than hero pulls or very specific easy pulls, it’s almost never worth pulling more than 2 packs at a time.

If you’re trying to play this season with las season’s mentality of “zug zug vdh pull 5 packs at a time” maybe that’s why you’re complaining about not having access to gilded crests?

cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face


: to do something that is meant to harm someone else but that also harms the person who does it

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Your a liar and you know it. You didnt pull more than a 3 pack in your necrotic wake 10? Thats rhetorical, I know you did.

Necrotic wake is entirely a one boss key… don’t wipe on boss 3 and you timed the key… wipe and the key is bricked. The rest is totally incidental and if not for one boss it would be the easiest dungeon in the season.

The timer isn’t even an issue there and there are almost no threatening pulls

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You can deflect all you want. We both know that first pull was more than 3 packs. Just like the first pull in stonevault is more than 3 packs. You need to stop moving the goalposts and sidestepping.

You can kinda mess up the early pulls if you are careless with patrols but ya you pretty much nailed it.

I think Blizzard caved in to mythic raiders saying it was “too easy” to get myth-track gear via M+ in DF and they felt “forced to do it” even though they’d rather just raid-log. So Blizz agreed with them and put a pretty steep increase with the death penalty going from 5s to 15s at +7 in exchange for hero at end-of-run and if you want myth-track in the vault, then +10s (used to be the old +20s) is going to feel like mythic raid difficulty. Crests to upgrade that myth-track gear being one keystone below seems on track with this “M+ is harder now because it was too easy before” dev philosophy.

Subsequently I don’t see this changing. Oh, and mythic raiders still complain about feeling “forced” to do M+, so guess that will never change regardless of what Blizz does unless they remove all mythic gear entirely, which gimps an “end pillar” of content so contrary to their “three viable end pillars” goal.

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The point is that you don’t HAVE too pull big to time the key. Just dont wipe on boss 3 and you’ll finish with at least 4 mins to spare… which is a LOT of time and more than you’ll save even if you single pulled the entire place.

Ppl are mis-mathing the risk to reward of large pulls this season. It used to be that you would pull a dangerous 5 pack, pop some cd’s…. Eat 3-5 deaths on the pull and still come out vastly net positive on the timer. Do that 2-3 times in a key and you buy yourself a wipe on a boss and can stil time the key. The math is different now… eat 3 deaths in a dangerous pull and you’re probably not even net positive on time saved anymore compared with splitting the 5 pull into 2 pulls. And with the average skill level out there you aren’t going to buy yourself a free wipe even with fairly aggressive pulling. There’s no point. Focus needs to change from “buy a wipe on trash” to “just dont wipe”

Especially on necrotic waste. You CANNOT overcome a wipe on boss 3 no matter what you do on trash. A wipe on boss 3 after spears are used is ALWAYS a bricked key with current gear levels. Might even be an no complete key. And a one shot on that boss almost always equals a timed key

Just saying I appreciate this take. While I understand blizzard’s current system and respect their choices, the crest thresholds are probably the one area where they decisively missed the mark.


Nope! You still had to do stuff to get it. You didnt literally log in and boom your toon was maxed, and BIS. M+ is infin scaling anyways, if its not hard enough for you then you arent pushing hard enough, which then in turn is a personal problem <3

Plus iirc there were still requirements to hit to upgrade.

+8 is fine.

+9 is dumb.


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Wouldn’t it make more sense to just remove Gilded crests from Heroic track gear upgrades?

Have Myth-track require Gilded and only Gilded.
Have Hero-track require Runed and only Runed.
Have Champ-track require Carved and only Carved.
Have Vet-track required Weathered and only Weathered.

The same place you got the item, is where you get the upgrade components.

Get rid of the overlap.


Yeah, and do an extremely easy dungeon that was basically impossible to fail. Which is what this whole fiasco is about and what people want to return to.

Because it was easier.

Can we freaking please go back to the old system… You wanna keep the affixes? all of them? then let them start at 14-15…
it has been 2 hours and I cannot find a group for 10s…
3/8 mythic raider here, all logs 90% and above… 3.2k - 3.4k io in prevs seasons.
I am a freaking pumper, yet I cannot find a group.
I upgrade my key and someone always dcs and we go back to 9
I am about to go insane.
I am begging to play the game ffffssss
FU in in the FUN


I think they added extra upgrade track in the first place to be more inclusive of ppl who didn’t have access to myth track gear. What they didnt count on were all those ppl feeling entitled to instantly 6/6 that gear instead of having to wait and exchange runed for gilded at unfavorable rates.