Gilded crests Should be dropping from 7's or 8's

They do? That’s pretty cool.

3000 guilds, and 20 people is actually 60k.

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Fixed for posterity.

while i agree, the issue is most of the +10 mythic content is balanced around having that higher ilvl gear rather than the loot that drops from the dungeon itself

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But it’s not? People have done 10s before the first mythic vault reset.


Which people, and its important to note this. Are you referring to the people who are among the best in the world? The top 1%, the top 5% the top 10%?

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Probably around 5%, which for week 1 rates, is good?

I dont think it was even 1% tbh. only 800k of 5-6 million are clearing it now which is ~15%.

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7s could give gilded or half runed half gilded and gilded for 8s+.

I’d also say 8 vault+ should give mythic track gear.

Bountiful delve 11s could give gilded crests as well.

People need to stop being afraid of casuals having gear that’s on-par with “better” players. If you’re better at the game you’re better at the game. You don’t need a stat advantage on top of it for any reason. The highest content should give achievements and cosmetic rewards not power advantages.


I would be more comfortable with it being 9 that gives mythic track, as if you make it 8 then there would be no reason to run 9’s at all.

The reason I’d say 8 is because DF S1 (which was a lot more popular than TWW S1) +18 gave rewards that were only 3 item levels below +20. The upgrade tracks currently make the +8 to +10 gap much wider.

The way things are some levels are just pointless from a reward progression standpoint. Delves make 2 and 3 entirely pointless. 4 is only useful because you get crests faster. 5 and 6 are pointless. 7 is only important because it drops hero track gear and is on-par with delve vault if you can’t make it to 10. 8 is currently pointless.

If 9 ends up being pointless instead of 8 it’s not really that big of an issue it’s just shifting the important breakpoints. Maybe they could make the non-breakpoint levels have a chance to drop extra gear or count as 2 runs for the vault?

edit: also you could have 8 vault be 623 mythic track, 9 be 626 and 10 be 629.

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Of course people can. But the average player can’t. This means they don’t really have a path forward, stagnate, and quit. Gear is the crutch bad players can use to experience higher content. It’s always been that way

This is how the M+ redesign should have been done, which gives better continuity with Heroic, more granularity, and actually gives commensurate rewards for the level of play required:

OldLevel	NewLevel	Crest	Drop			Vault
5			-			RF		Veteran1		Champion1
6			2			N		Veteran2		Champion2
7			3			N		Veteran3		Champion3
8			4			N		Veteran4		Champion4
9			5			N		Champion1		Hero1
10			6			H		Champion2		Hero2
11			7			H		Champion3		Hero3
12			8			H		Champion4		Hero4
13-14		9			H		Hero1			Myth1
15-16		10			M		Hero2			Myth2
17-18		11			M		Hero3			Myth3
19-20		12			M		Hero4+Portal	Myth4

This isn’t just about the mythic level crests and vault, EVERY reward tier is screwed up in the current implementation. LFR gear for the equivalent of an old 10? Really?

You broke it, Blizz.


I thought lfr dropped vet gear?

Also i got heroic items out of a 7.

It does. And non-plus Mythic Dungeon, equivalent to an old 10, ALSO drops Veteran loot in the new system, which is bollocks because it’s way harder than raid finder!

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Oooh old 10 not new 10 ok that’s where i got mixed up.

Sorry bout that.

I missed that in the old comment too til now. Sorry for the mix up!

Proposed change.

+8 now drop gilded crest.

Small, simple, and will suffice.


Okay, so why is it so bad that rewards granted by keys from the range of 7-10 grant crests that are needed to upgrade them to max level? The raid will nerf over time with the buff we gain week to week, along with seems like it’s mostly tuned well as well. You have four bosses that are pinatas, and four that aren’t, and overtime will slowly but surely become easier.

In all honesty I think 8 keys should start dropping guilded crests, given as someone pointed out once you start getting into 10 keys, woth current tuning their more like 11 keys as you deal with both fort and tyrannical. Meaning that you have a very steep jump from 9 to 10, and given you have to do 10’s now to even have a chance at myth track gear you can use. It makes sense to nerf things a little, not at slot, but a little.


If your guild can kill queen on heroic, 100% your resident m+ clique can and probably is timing 10’s or at least capable of timing 9’s for 12 crests a run. The trick this season is simply not to be one of those friendless outcasts nobody wants to play with stuck pugging or, if you really want to be a friendless outcast, be a good 500 .io rating higher than the average pug if you want into groups that actually wont fail.

The timers this tier are incredibly lenient. It’s simply the death penalty that is punishing. Play conservatively and don’t wipe is the name of the game. Don’t bring the guy who stands in fire, don’t being classes that only have one defensive on a 2 min cooldown.

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You absolutely cannot play conservatively and time a +10, you just cant. In most dungeons if you pull big pop lust on trash and wipe the key is done. If you pop lust on a boss and wipe the key is done. If you dont pull big you cant kill fast enough and you dont time the key.