Gilded crests Should be dropping from 7's or 8's

This is exactly why M+ cannot be made easier than it already is.

It’s already been done, that’s why we got off of valor.

Yea, that’s less than ideal.

Wish hero track was 619, and champ 616, or hero track with hero crests was 623.

Give SOME reason for hero track to be better without dumping in gilded crests.

No one cares what these RWF raiders think. They’re the last people I want Blizzard listenting to.


I mean it is kind of a design philosphy thing

Is mythic track gear and gilded crests just something they wanna fork out

It will be when we’re full gear and the content is nerfed but like ehh, this slowed/spread out gearing is honestly kind of neato

Now if only delves gave high ilev stuffos

Stop right there, criminal scum.

It lets “scrubs” as you call them (you already come off as a tone deaf snob and its your first sentence) make a 636 item every 2 weeks. Every two weeks. Let that sink in. Every two weeks. And you are mad at that? Also, the raidleader of the top guild in the world who is better than you, thinks otherwise. Sorry he is better than you and invalidates your opinion. That doesnt feel good right?


I like this so much more than getting 580 gear for alts

I think when they are admitting that gilded are not able to bridge a gap because of “x” reasons then it warrants a listen.

It’s because they want easy upgrades. It has nothing to do with M+ as a competition.

The race is over what do they have to gain from it at this point? Do you really think liquid are struggling with +9’s?

You think they stop after the race is over? How naive are you?

But…champion track isn’t as good without dumping runed crests…?

That’s just how the overlap system works.

Do you honestly think liquid or anyone in the race are struggling with +9’s?

That’s not the point. They simply want an easy way to farm upgrade tokens like most cutting-edge raiders.

exactly, and why would you dump runed on a champ piece instead of waiting for a hero track upgrade.

Someone from Liquid failed to carry me in +10 Grim Batol does that count as struggling because we depleted and they were pugging?
(Was either my fault or tank’s fault for the most part.)

And you think +9’s are not easy for liquid? Are you naive?

The game is the state it is in because of these players. All of sudden, they care about casual players now?

I listen to their podcast every week, they have some decent insight on things, but they are pretty delusional when it comes to the accustation that the game is being catered around players like them. They say it isn’t the case, but we can cleary see that the game is being designed around sweaty players now.

I personally think M+ needs to go bye bye, along with Mythic raiding. Blizzard needs to slow gear progression down even further if they want their seasons to last more than 4 weeks.

The entire game with the seasonal structure just sucks. Its not aimed at people that want to play an MMO.


The argument that its Max so you shouldnt listen is also a Red Herring on its own - your entire thread is full of a players with a diverse approach to the game who all see validity in the argument that the current scenario has significant pain points. Outside of a few people just wanted to derail, you brought up a good point of conversation.


depends if they’re pugging or not I guess.