Gilded crests Should be dropping from 7's or 8's

You vastly overestimate the power of gear.

You vastly underestimate the power of gear in a game where gear has been king for 20 years.

There are far more people who can’t do mechanics consistently than those who can’t do them at all. People who can’t do them consistently are massively helped by more gear because you don’t have to do mechanics as long when your group is more geared.

It’s literally math.

Yes, it is. Matter of fact, its pretty easy to do a +9 with 610 gear.

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Saying things like this is a good way to get people to not listen to you lol.

While I agree with Max’s take, you are presenting it in such an unlikeable manner it makes me want to disagree with you.

You catch more flies with honey.

Except I’m not even the top 1%.

If anything, I think my experience allows me to talk about M+ more holistically than many others because:

  • I am a pug player
  • I have experience being new to M+
  • I have experience playing above the rewards bracket
  • I have experience playing M+ through 3 expansions

It’s not like I was playing where I am now from the start. I grinded my way up from the bottom.

  1. I didn’t call people stupid
  2. You don’t get to speak for other people

I’ve already told you that I run 2-4 keys on weekdays. I didn’t even play yesterday. Stop trying so hard to paint a nasty picture.

Gear scales linearly while M+ scales non-linearly.

This means that gear has a large impact in low keys, but as you go up in difficulty gear makes less and less of an impact. When you get toward the top of the rewards bracket, +7-10, gains from ilvl is outpaced by the difficulty scaling of the dungeon. I think from an +8 to a +9 is 18% difficulty modifier. Getting Gilded crests would allow you to go from 619 to 626 and the 7 ilvl gain will not compensate for the increase in difficulty. If you are failing 8s or 9s it is highly likely that it is due to mechanical and gameplay failure, not because of gear.

While I agree, that some people, with practice, and probably beta experience… are capable of doing 9, 10, + with less gear than the average… The “average” person WILL complete higher content with higher ilvl.
Not to mention, its not just higher ilvl for 1 person. The whole group is likely to then have higher ilvl.

Meh it’s not really about time.

For the record, I agree gilded should drop from 7s or 8s, but not about your assertion that anyone can be good at this game given enough time investment.

A lot of casuals play this game more than mythic raiders. For example I banged out my 8x 10s on Tuesday for vault, have 9 hours of raid, and that’s pretty much it for me. Probably around 15-20 hours of playtime, which will go down once Queen dies on mythic and we move to farm.

I know plenty of casuals who spend far more than 20 hours a week on this game, they are just not really competitive people (which is fine) and they don’t push themselves to min / max and figure out the best possible way to play their class.

There are people who have been playing this game for over a decade who still don’t bother to learn which casts to interrupt or mouseover debuffs to see what they should be dispelling, let alone properly execute their rotations.

It is these casual players who aren’t really competitive players that are getting hardlocked at 619 and complaining on the forums.

Again, I agree that gilded crest level should probably be lowered to 7 or 8 to accommodate these players, just don’t cope by telling yourself that anyone who is successful and timing 10s must be some no life neckbeard who is only better than you because they play the game constantly.

Some people are just good at video games. I knew a mage that picked up the game in Legion and qualified for MDI with our team and ended up raiding with BDG before the end of the expansion.

It’s like anything in life, I’m sure we all remember back in school there was that 1 kid in math class that never studied but aced every test because it was just easy for them to comprehend.

Hmm no they will not.

Here is the thing:

If you know the basics of your classe and the dungeons you in, then you can complete it until the ilvl caps your out.

If you don’t know the mechanics of the dungeon your in, neither you know how your class works, then more ilvl will not going to let you complete it.

A lot of mechanics, like the dot on the first pack of MoTS do well over 10mi damage if you don’t execute it correctly. If you are a dumb door that don’t know how to deal with that dungeon 2 xpacs later, then even if you had 8mi health at 650 of ilvl you wouldn’t survive to it.

If the average player don’t die to mechanics like this, they can as well complete the dungeon with their current low ilvl.

I wonder what all these peeps will say when people just quit trying and give up rather than grind their brains out on +9s.

I do say all of this in jest of ofcourse. I did three +9s yesterday on my main and failed 2 of them. I reached enough to craft my big boi 636 spear and that makes me feel good.

The only people who cry gear being to easy are those who do not have faith that their skill will separate them as “good” in a equal playing field. They just want to get their self worth defined by having something better then you in a video game.

There’s literally no reason to not want everyone to have access to the same level loot if your truly a better player. And want to show your skill and stand out.

They would just rather hide behind gear advantage.

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ok, gilded crests got hotfixed to 8s.
It is a good step, now remove the double affix from 10s, fort/tyrannical cannot be together.
Make it an endgame challenge, for those who have time and godly skills. Not freaking 10s
or let mythic track vault becomes avail at 9s. seriously.
I am a decent player, and it takes 2-3 hours to find a group, I cannot imagine the rest of the folks. DO IT.

The real issue is that there is effectively no difference between champion and hero track gear, because both get you up to the same 619 ilvl. Hero track goes two steps higher with gilded crests.

If you’re not running +9’s or the last bosses of Heroic raid to get gilded crests, there is no material difference between Champion track and Hero track gear.

Imo this is the bigger issue. There should be a progression from champion > Hero before you graduate to mythic, and there really isn’t.

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We won.

Stick it to em :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t wait for the people asking for gilded to start dropping at +7 because they can’t complete a +8.


Sounds like champion should only be 6/6 like hero and mythic are 6/6?

That is the outlier and solves the problem.

Seems Maximum is developing the game now

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we can consider this a huge win guys! good work! keep going casuals to kick the elitists out of the game


You do realize if anyone is doing 8 or 9 keys they are not even close to being a casual right ?

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I would say I probably have a lukewarm intelligence and I can do +8/9 but I do struggle a bit on the 9.