Gilded crests Should be dropping from 7's or 8's

Depends. What do you consider as casual? I’m pretty active to the forums thanks to having a job on the internet, but I only play 3-4 hours a day, at max 4 days the week. I have +2500 I.O and AOTC. Did +9 on the first day of the season.

So, by knowing the BASICS of my class (and I say that because the max parse I did was 80%) and reading guides about the dungeons I am not casual anymore?

I’m not trying to kill anyone with arguments, just asking briefly, is the term “casual” now defined by skill?

The casuals are in LFR and heroic dungeons.

Think of it this way, if you spent similar time, 3-4 hours per day 4 days a week, on a different hobby, would you consider yourself casual? You also frequent that activities forums.



Anyone graduates from there week 2.

I did have a season where I just did LFR, cause I was covering management for 6 months and had enough things to worry about.

But I can carry some of my guild again in +8. Its a bit easier then a +9 from personal experience

Exactly 10% easier even.

Go easy there. We skipped from talking to a game where u log in a night and start playing immediately to sports where a lot more is needed from you than only mouse clicks.

To further explain to you my take, here is a example:

There’s 2 people playing that other game of another kind.

  • One plays 3 hours everyday and his rank is GOLD III.
  • One plays 10 hours PER WEEK and his rank is CHALLENGER.

Who is the casual, who is the hardcore?

Ill have to try applying to that lvl. Harder with low io though. xP. Twos to 4 feel pointless atm xP

Silken court heroic is quite easy, and I’m in an extremely casual guild full of bad players that get carried every week.

Queen is super tough though

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That’s a good question, and will likely get varied, and likely opposed, opinions.

I’d lean towards 10 hours per week, that’s a lot of devotion.

Less with better ratings is just being…good.

Although tbh even 3 hours a day is fairly hardcore. That’s almost a part time job.

This is 100% true. Although it really only helps guilds clear heroic raids which have been tougher as of the past few raids

This is a hard cope and makes no sense. You literally contradict yourself in one line.

I play 2-3 hours a weekday and I consider myself a casual. :melting_face:

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Yes. But matter of fact, I don’t think that learning about your class and reading guides about the dungeons don’t make you less of a casual.

And I will defend this opinion until the end: If you know the basics, both of your class and the place your in, a +9 is easy by far.

Casual is a super nebulous term that tbh doesn’t have a ton of meaning.

Almost everyone posting on this forum considers themselves a casual, yet I’d suggest anyone who cares enough to post on video game forums probably isn’t that casual with the game.

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Exactly, that’s why I can use it and it’s a terrible term people keep trying to use in their arguments.

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He’s a troll, dont feed him.

This is the part many people are over looking. Adding those two extra levels to myth gear essentially turned hero gear into champion in comparison to season 4 dragonflight.

Canceled my sub & plan on ditching the remainder of s1 & s2 if the devs dont move back crests to 6’s and myth track wall on 8’s as it was during dragonflight. they will not move them back otherwise. been raid logging and spending time on other games. /shrug

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I wonder who blizzard sided with /shrugs

Things that didnt happen for 500, Alex. Looked at both your tank and dps spec. You dont have a 9 timed or untimed on the first day. Also, tanks have an inherent advantage to dps because they get taken underscored and under-geared since there is a massive shortage of them. For every 1 M+ a dps can get into a tank can complete 2-3 dungeons.

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Reasonable solution