Gilded crests Should be dropping from 7's or 8's

So this is awkward because I’m on the same side as you here, I agree that Gilded Crests are too hard to get. But no, Max’s opinions are not worth more than any other WoW player’s. He has a rare perspective and is certainly very knowledgeable on the topic… but that doesn’t make his opinion more “valuable” or mean we can use it as an excuse to disregard all other opinions.

Its more of a troll deterrent than anything else, people like that have egos and generally will stay away when someone better disagrees with them because they cant stand on their usually leg of “git gud”

Gilded crests are not a mythic reward though? They drop from the heroic raid and are used to upgrade the hero track. They are used as a bridge into mythic. Whats your next point?

Nobody’s opinion “trumps” someone else’s, because as the saying goes: “Opinions are like backsides, everyone has one, and they’re usually foul and need daily maintenance.”

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According to actual facts. Not feelings.

Really? When did they institute a weekly lockout for m+ bosses? I’m curious. Yes, there’s a universal currency cap at the start of seasons, I do acknowledge that.

It’s part of the fact that m+ is and has been the most optimal way to farm mythic upgrade tokens for multiple expansions now. But let’s not worry about silly things like facts, am I right? As long as YOUR preferred content is optimal, who cares about everyone else.

I’m somewhat changed on my opinion on it.

Put my big monk pants on last night and I did just think that it WILL get easier with time.
If i’m failing these +9 by 1-2 mins now then it will be all that much better when i’m 626.

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Simple. It’s because I don’t. I want to be rewarded commensurately for my own time. I don’t want to be “forced” (yes, I realize I’m not actually forced) into doing content that I don’t enjoy simply because it’s more optimal.

Then I see these complaint threads where the optimal content has been brought in line with the rest of the content and just shake my head. Welcome to my world for the past, what… three expansions?

Keep it as it is now or change it for ALL forms of content imho.

Should be 8s imo. As with 7s you just start getting hero track. More of a natural progression.

Doing 9s for crest, that give the same end loot and vault as a 7, feel horrible. With the exception of crests, in which most players are chasing the crests and are sub 615ish, so any wipe fails the dungeons and it either disbands or you get a nice 5 crest reward after 45 minutes.

For pugging there is essentially a wall at 9s. With most tanks/healers that are capable ilvl and RIO refusing to do anything but a +10, so 9s are filled with undergeared tanks/healers or alts of people who have minimal understanding of whats going on. 9s are also not low enough to incentivize players that normally can run 10s, to run lower keys if they just need to crest spam.

Nah. I never said I wanted them to nerf m+. I’ve generally advocated for other forms of content rewards to be brought up to m+'s level.

Now… am I getting a little bit of giggle over some of these salty replies about the m+ nerfs? Probably a bit more than I should admit to.

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You didn’t answer the question, you deflected. What’s wrong with a major portion of the guilds clearing Mythic in the 2nd half of the tier? That’s literally whats called progression and what this game is designed after.

M+ bosses dont drop Myth track loot at the end of dungeons, it drops weekly from the vault. Sure you can get gilded at 9+ but you still NEED myth track gear to upgrade it.

Why is it an issue if the same is applied to keys?

There’s nothing wrong with it. I simply mentioned it because if you only do mythic raids then your acquisition of mythic crests is even further behind m+ players until months into the season. So it only proves my point more. Thanks for proving my point even further, I guess?

Yeah, I never mentioned loot, I specifically mentioned upgrade tokens. Mythic bosses have a hard cap on how many you can get every week (i.e. lockout), regardless of the weekly cap on tokens… if there is one. There are no boss/instance lockouts on m+. Both forms of content get mythic gear rewards at the end of the week, but one rewarded significantly more upgrade opportunities for said gear.

Thanks for helping me prove my point further.

How about only giving players gear that can be fully upgraded from the level of content they’re doing?

And when you do harder content, you get better gear and relevant crests to max that gear.

Myth track gear is fine how it is currently IMO, but guilded crests need to available at 8s so finish off our hero track pieces. Having guilded crests drop from 1 key level away from portals feels weird IMO.

Tiered progression needs to be kicked to the curb.

So game adjustments are still made by people who do not even play the game :joy:

Some things never change in WoW

imagine being this cringe to make this post

I actually wanna play thru this season at this difficulty and see how it goes before they adjust it. This week is really the week for a lot of players to get 9s in and start upgrading their gear further. Perhaps that would be enough to lead to 9s next week…. And then 10s the week after. Once a higher percentage are able to start to grab some Mythic gear and crests, it could trickle down for the rest of the players to have more access to it later in the season. It’s not a bad idea to have Mythic gear largely unattainable for the majority. Tbh it’s Heroic Raiding more fun/fair and more excited to loot gear from it.

IMO, 8’s are a yes but no to 7’s. For whatever reason I have noticed quite the difficulty jump between those two key levels. It is like actually going from Heroic to a Mythic Raid kind of feel or comparison. Again IMO.

Are you noticing it because it coincided with this week being Fortified? Or did you also try 8s last week too?

PSA: Sosari is in the top 0.02% of Pally tanks, and is not in touch with the average player. Take his opinions and advice with a grain of salt.