Gilded crests Should be dropping from 7's or 8's

Mythic track is actually the top 1%, which is “remotely” close to what they said.

The problem is climbing is no longer “fluent”

It used to gradually get harder and harder, and you got adequate rewards to keep climbing… now there are HUGE steps, followed by easy steps…

3-4 is a big step… 5,6 basically same as 4… 7 big step… presumably it keeps going.

All I know is my climb to 3500 in the past, and my climb to 26-27 keys in dragonflight, was gradual and consistent. Was not a few huge jumps in difficulty.

Before we had affixes.

At a certain point, you had to deal with stuff like Afflicted.

The new affixes take the place of old.

I believe there thought process this expansion is that mythic raiding will be easier and also more lucrative to make up for that, Court and queen even give 30 gilded and in 11.0.5 we start getting 3% damage buffs in the raid weekly iirc.

It’s a tact to try and make opposition seem nonsensical.

People think anything they can’t do is for the 0.1%.

When there is a literal 0.1% title which are keys WAY above rewards. And 0.1% raiding is hall of fame or better.

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No, it doesn’t. Just because he is sweaty about the game doesn’t mean his opinion matters in the slightest bit.

I don’t expect to get the highest ilv gear without doing the content that matches it. And, really, why would I even need it? If all I’m doing is T8 and normal/heroic raiding there’s no content I’m doing that I can’t tackle in the gear I’m receiving from from T8.

It’s akin to someone thinking they need to buy a $3000 stereo when all they listen to is talk radio.

players in wow are very good at convincing themselves they can’t do things. I wonder how many people won’t step into serious raiding because they’ve convinced themselves that’s for uber gamers or esport pros or whatever. We see forum posts about people that apparently are scared to even do m0’s so probably quite a large number.


because if we look at this as a experiment than its a failure. if the choice is this or dead then dead is the correct answer. if everyone is saying the same thing and only a handful of people are defending this failure then the handful are obviously wrong

pretty dangerous to use logic.

because blizzard is historically awful with affix designs. better to have people do it than ignore it cause it sucks so much

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Failure by what metric?

People have complained about m+ throughout every single season.

And if mythic raid gear drops from heroic dungeons, only a handful will complain about it too. So we should go there?


yes we are aware that quite a lot of people want free gear. it’s the same principle as if someone could hit a button to instantly kill all bosses and get full bis they would even though a day or two later they would get bored with the game as a result. players are good at fighting against their own interests.

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It’s not free, lol.

This take is stale and shaky. Should everyone be forced to kill 8/8 mythic at the same Ilvl as liquid since they could do it and others dont need higher?

If you want mythic gear, yes. If you’re not doing mythic raiding you don’t “need” that gear, you want it. You already know how to get it if you want it, so go get it…or, is mythic raiding too hard for you? So, you want the reward, but don’t want to develop the skill or put forth the effort required.

Typical entitled gamer mentality

I don’t think OP got the numbers, I think he was saying that the Liquid guy said 95%. Now, where did he get those numbers? From Raider IO of course, and as of right now today, the number is somewhere between 99%-90% raider(.)io/mythic-plus/cutoffs/season-tww-1/us remove the () after raider surrounding the “.”. As you can see the top 10% starts at 2264, which is still lower than timing all your 9’s, timing all your 9s is 2360 points. Top 1% starts at 2619. There are 55.7k people in the top 10% and only 5.7k in top 1% it is very reasonable to guestimate it is about 95%, maybe even more than that because it gets very lonely at the top. I don’t know when OP posted this, didn’t check at the time of writing, but If it wasn’t today, than that percentage is even higher, every day people are clearing higher and higher, which means yesterday it was less and the day before even more less. You could do some fact checking I guess, hope this helps explain where the numbers are coming from though, its not thin air.

Mythic will always be harder than a 10 even the hardest 10 simply because you can nuke the timer and still get your weekly vault. And you only need 1 versus 2 mythic bosses. That is not to say 10’s are easy, it’s just easier than doing mythic bosses.

If you had to time a 10 to get your weekly vault it would be far more comparable to Mythic Bosses.

Mhmmm… uncapped valor in S4.


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ive accepted the fact most people who cant only see the extreme are simple but this is getting insulting to simple people. if earning a reward is free than this game is a free game that is p2w since there are only extremes.

by your logic it shouldnt matter then. just because it can be done by the top .1% of .1%. we could just get rid of mythic raiding as a whole with that logic. its not entitled to want to be rewarded for the difficulty your doing. it is entitled to think that you can.

not true at all. mythic raid will always be harder because it requires 20 people. nothing in mythic raiding is harder than getting 20 people to show up

You misunderstood, I was saying mythic raiding is harder than mythic plus.

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its not but you can keep thinking that

People do need to get better and Max is a man child who gaslights pugs when he makes a mistake.