Gilded crests Should be dropping from 7's or 8's

I tried pugging M ulgrax that didn’t go well.

And guild group itself spent quite some time on it.

Not sure if you know this, but I don’t raid w/ my guild. I am pretty casual w/ time played. I got heroic queen week 1 w/ a PUG. Then I took a break from WoW because I was in the woods moose hunting for a week. I only barely broke into M+ the 1st week it was out then wasn’t home. :man_shrugging:

Not sure what you’re trying to prove?

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Then luck into the same pugs that make you think +10 is just as trivial as a +7.

I mean a lot of it has to do with comp, some comps are for sure better than others with utility and defensives.

Players make the comp. Invalid excuse.

It’s like complaining m+ is hard while neglecting battle res exists and no one on the team can use it.

I never said that, you just like to talk crap in here and make things up. I said 7/8 seems about as hard as queen right now. Queen week 1 and now aren’t the same fight, just like court isn’t. IMO +10 keys are harder than heroic RN. Regardless I think Gilded should drop from lower keys like they always have. I do not care about what scale is what or how hard content is. They made a change and lots of people don’t like it. It’s really that simple.

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From a community enjoyment perspective? Nothing, but I could imagine that then it turns into everyone taking the highest ilvl people in trivial keys and creating other avenues for toxicity. Gotta do em as fast as possible after all.

From a game design perspective? It’s boring. Why would anyone want to just put in random time without improving their ability just for an in game item that’s higher level to do more trivial content?

How are you not posting from a Hunter?

You know a lot of people would like it a lot more if gilded crests dropped at +2.

Actually, why have it drop at +2? Heroic dungeons. Everyone can complete those.

Just call that valor.

Many WoW players equate the rewards they get to the difficulty of the content.

For example, “I faceroll easy keys during push weeks and it gives me Mythic gear, therefore I’m a really good player. And when I stop getting Mythic gear, that’s a problem with the game, not with me never being a great player in the first place.”


I genuinely worry that you are serious. If you dont understand that meta classes for one get picked up easier in pugs than non meta or that pushing higher keys with meta classes is easier, then I worry for you. Im not saying non meta classes “Can’t” do it, im saying its easier for meta classes to.

The difference is you can spend an hour wiping the raid… If you wipe a few m+ you’ll be starting over with an entirely new group.

BUT statistics speak for themselves… with less than 1% of plaeyrs completing 10 keys… you cant argue that they are even comparable to raid.

In the age of H paladin, aug evoker, shadow priest, fire mage, guardian druid, meta +x has always been a thing.

Yea, we can argue they are way easier.


I dont think many wow players do this, only the self important ego inflators. I personally like seeing progress of my character and pushing it to be better while playing with people ive known for 10+ years.

But this isn’t solving that? Giving even easier access to gear through just pushing low keys and maxing it at 619 is not going to teach players who don’t have the skill/knowledge to get to the level they need to in order to get Myth gear? Where as challenging players to get gilded forces them to at least confront if they’re able. :man_shrugging:t2:

Waste of time responding to faux. Dude just makes outlandish statements thinking he proving a point.

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I think what we’re dealing with now is people who only want Gilded to finish filling out their Hero-track upgrades. If Gilded crests were only used to upgrade Myth-track pieces, we wouldn’t be seeing all this pearl-clutching.

And these aren’t the kinds of players who will ever try and improve. They just want to get the free gear for doing trivial content. It’s why they’re relying on M+ in the first place.


I’d rather people participate more than what the current restrictions have led to. There are very few parties going on.

If it’s anything I’ll provide how it would be a value add to me.

When I am with my gang, we can pretty much do anything. I’ve got no doubt I’ll get full portals, etc this season. The restriction in reality doesn’t affect me a lot.

However when I tank for PuGs it feels incredibly hit or miss and so when I’m off a bad key I might tank a lower one (+6/7) to get a feeling of a win.

Removing crest restrictions would actually give me something to work on rather than being like ‘ok more 9s or I take a break’.

Outlandish, how?

Challenge sure… I agree with a challenge. But the challenge to go from 6 to 7, and then 7 to 9, is harder than the challenge to go from 10 to 11…

Now with that said I admit I’ve not cleared 10’s this season yet… But I have cleared 26 or 27 in the past, and I remember the scale up felt so much more fluent… It did not feel like such a huge jump from 3 to 4, then no jump at all from 4 to 5 to 6… then huge jump to 7, then huge jump to 10 etc…

This season is all about slowing people down as much as possible, presumably to get more game time out of them before they get geared up and quit…

Only time will tell if it worked or if people quit because it didnt feel good/consistent grinding there way up.

I know the only 2 ppl i played with have already quit because the climb did not feel good.

The “challenge” needs to be fair and consistent… going up… not huge spikes here and there…


That’s because a huge chunk of the people who want easy epics for trivial content are doing delves.

The only thing that was ever propping up M+'s numbers as “content that’s so popular!” was the freebie gear.