Gilded crests Should be dropping from 7's or 8's

I would be fine with this change

Please tell me how our team lead getting hit by two hurricanes in a row translates to my sKiLl lEvEl, armory troll. I’ve gotten plenty of the portals in past expansions despite not caring about them at all. You remember the past expansions, right? When the loot cap was 14 from Legion all the way up through S3 of Shadowlands? And then they started pushing it up , presumably to appease self-important losers like you?

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What is a gilded crest? What is its purpose?

He doesn’t, and hasn’t for years? He raid leads. He doesn’t play. Maybe he helps the farm heroic splits.


“I should be able to get near max power level by doing trivial content in unlimited quantities.”

No. That’s the whole problem with M+ that got us to this point.


But he has in the past, and runs liquid. Even if he doesnt play his character now he is still better than you, better than me, and better than anyone who posts on this forum. Im not simping for him at all, but people trying to tear down someone because their opinion doesnt align to theirs is hilarious.

I remember loot from Legion being distinctly inferior.

In what universe is Runed near max power?

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The universe where it can be farmed infinitely lol. You can convert crests up.


lol and soloing delves giving hero loot isnt trivial?

There is a progression void at the runed level.

I clear 10’s so Im not doing ‘trivial content’ I just see the issue where it is.

I don’t know where max would fall on in game skill level vs players that play. We have m+ title players that post here. Some hall of famers too.

The justification for the reason why thing should be nerfed is more the reason why his opinion doesn’t hold any ground. If it’s okay for one difficulty to award loot above the rest, I say we continue to bestow that honor to delves.

The issue is that at some point, people will hit the bored 619 club, and why should they not all have equal passage to the promised land?

That’s exactly my point too, it’s not. Its capped to make people sub longer for small weekly increments on ilvl no other reason.

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Delves giving inflated gear doesn’t bother me, because Blizzard isn’t tuning the raids around that.

Blizzard absolutely tunes the raids around the pig trough of free loot from M+, so that’s of great concern to me.

It’s actually capped so casuals can keep pace with the rest. And also incentivizes players to improve rather than hit DESPAIR when they realize after a week, they might NEVAR kill the boss.

Like wiping at 80% and getting that 1% power from gear can boost morale.

They will never keep up with the pace the way it is, they already arent.

The crest caps are also a trade-off to having upgrades at all.

We don’t HAVE to have an upgrade system, in the first place. There wasn’t one, most of the game’s history.

The current system wasn’t added until mid-way through Dragonflight. People forget, it wasn’t even there at DF launch.

There’s a good argument to be made that upgrades should be removed entirely.


Upgrade system devalues gear which is bad.

Upgrade system allows for pseudo parity with m+ for loot which is good. (For title players or title aspirants.)

Could just fix the issues with M+ so upgrades aren’t needed. :wink:

Everything just seems to boil down to “M+ was a bad idea”.

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I enjoy it since they added Greater Rifts to Diablo 3, wanted something similar in WOW.

M+ was that innovation. Dislike how it seems to be relegated to loot pinata status or people complain excessively because they can’t max out vault.

Make it 9-11. That would be gear appropriate.