Gilblins as new allies?/The Unshackled?

I can see that line of thinking as a developer. Of course, if Night Elf Worgen become an allied race, San’layn can be their counterpart to fit that theme, albeit a bit late. ^^;

my thoughts exactly. We have multiple other races we could add to either side…but people want to be goblins with gills…

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A lot of what people say on these forums isn’t backed up by facts. Don’t let this discourage you by any means. I know I love goblins and gnomes and their player bases should get a fair chance at an allied race akin to theirs. There is plenty of elves and furry races in the game now. Gilblin and Mechagnomes if released would each be a new theme of race we don’t have playable. Aquatic and mechanical.

This can be applied to any situation, and the only way to fix it is to correct them. That being said, I fail to understand how this relates to anything written after.

By all means, they can have them. I wont play them, I have no interest in them, and can think of other, and more lore-friendly allied races we could use. The Broken, The Mok’nathal, Ogres, Saberon, Arrakoa, to name a few.

4 races of elves is fair…the furry one is strange since we only have three, Tauren, Highmountain Tauren (which are just Tauren really), and Worgen. and there shouldn’t really be a “limit” to how many we can have, if they are varied.

Ah. Goblins are a tricky one, I get why Gallywix joined the horde, but it could’ve been worked to keep them neutral, and give the Horde something else like Ogres or something. But Goblins fit the aesthetic and balance it out for the Horde, so its justifiable. Also given the history between the Old Horde and Goblins, it works too.

And no, the Demon Hunters are a class, not a race. the special skins is class specific.

Goblins are the second most least race played. I will never say no to more customization options, but no way no how would EVER I play a goblin or slightly glowier water goblin.

Gnomes are dwarves aren’t that popular either, dwarf got a decent AR and gnomes are getting one that suits them. Each core race from the looks of things is getting an AR similar to them. Popularity doesn’t matter. It is primarily lore that matters and the AR formula.

Oh, I’m not against them, more choice = good. I just would NEVER play one.

They shouldn’t have been a playable race =/= they shouldn’t have been in the game

They are a meme race with an AWFUL starting zone just packed full of mistakes. The race should have stayed neutral.

The goblin starting zone is one of the best quality, most fun and well written starting zones in the game. I literally made characters for the sole purpose of just doing that starting zone over. After which I deleted them.

I told you before. Goblins have existed in wow from the very beginning and they have a profound impact over the affairs of Azeroth. Without them Azeroth would be very drastically different. They are instrumental to the horde and are responsible for many inventions that have shaped it. Many of their creations have been raid bosses as well as goblin’s themselves. You don’t know what you are talking about.


Well you can keep your 2 and 1/2 hour long Jersey Shore joke, I think it’s complete rubbish.


There’s a lot to unpack.

Goblins are a WC2 race. EVERY WC2 race was a joke race. They all slowly became more serious over time, including Goblins.

Cataclysm was a time when Blizzard thought it a good idea to add a lot of outdated jokes to the game. Goblins just happened to become playable around that time.

Despite this, the starting zone is actually pretty immersive. You play the role of the Kaja-Cola Company CEO, who is trying to overthrow Gallywix and take control of the Bilgewater Cartel.

If you read Gallywix’s short story, and play through the starting zone, a lot of his actions make sense: Gallywix refuses to give up power, and becomes increasingly irrational as he feels it slipping away. It makes him a good villain.

This was all well and good, except that Blizzard decided Gallywix should also be the racial leader. The starting zone story does not set that up at all. So while everything in the starting zone leads to “The Kaja-Cola CEO overthrows Gallywix and joins the Horde”, they instead have Gallywix stay in charge, even though it makes no sense storywise.

In my opinion, the Goblin starting zone is a decent story, but it does have the worst ending.

If I were writing it, I would’ve changed a couple things:

  1. Sassy Hardwrench is the Kaja-Cola CEO, and you are her assistant.
  2. The quests and story remain largely the same, except you’re doing things as her most-trusted assistant.
  3. Gallywix dies at the end.
  4. Sassy takes over the Bilgewater Cartel, and then formally joins the Horde. She then asks the player to go out and “prove our worth to our new allies”.

Goblins are a WC2 race. EVERY WC2 race was a joke race. They all slowly became more serious over time, including Goblins.


False generalizations. There is a goblin demolition squad in this game and a large chunk of the units in this game are goblin units. They don’t seem like a laughing matter to me.

As for the rest of what was said, the thing I like about the goblin starting zone is how nicely it captures the general style and theme of goblins. There are charming and likable characters who fit their roles nicely. As for the ending. Now there may have been a number of critical reasons why they went with this ending and it may have in fact been the best result. I wouldn’t kill off Gallywix, but have him be a recurring villain. Not a faction leader.

I would expect Giblins to be the least popular race of all time. Too niche.

I still think Vulpera will be the next allied race for the horde that releases alongside the new fish people for the alliance, that way its balanced on both sides.

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Alliance should get the Jinyu. That way we can have the Jinyu Force. And the memes will write themselves from there.

But if we get Jinyu, I demand we make Hozen playable as well, so we can all ook dookers.


I love Sassy so much, she proves that goblins can care about other things too. Would’ve made a great leader :sob:


congratulations you win. 8.2 datamining reveals new gilgoblin models and now a female model.

It’s either going to be vulpera for horde and mechagnomes for alliance in 8.3.5 or they will both be neutral and available to both factions.

I know the Horde have quests to help the Vulpera, but the Alliance never actually want to hurt the Vulpera either, and the Vulpera could easily identify with the Alliance, the faction full of homeless refugee races that know all about suffering and loss.

Similarly, I doubt the Horde will be doing anything nasty to the Mechagnomes and it would be an opportunity to let Horde players have a race with the gnome skeleton, and Vulpera would give Alliance players a race with the goblin skeleton. Think Void Elves giving Alliance players the chance to finally have the high elf model they have wanted for so long, albeit a very moody purple/blue reskin of high elves (at least they have the high elf blue eyes).

Sounds weird right? 2 neutral allied races?!?!? It’s something they never done before with Allied races, and it would appeal to everyone and maximize their race change profits for that last quarter of 2019 when they give us 2 new races to play in 8.3.5 when we settle in for the endgame patch before the new expansion’s prepatch wipes the slate clean again.

It’s either going to be vulpera for horde and mechagnomes for alliance in 8.3.5 or they will both be neutral and available to both factions.

So far every allied race that has been released has always been the same racial type.

Void elves/night elves=Elf
Dark Iron/Dwarf=Dwarf

There has never been an exception and the important thing to realize is that Vulpera aren’t goblins. And the highly speculated mechagnomes are following the same route. Not only this. All allied races have shared some sort of intrinsic similarity with existing race. Gilgoblins fit a lot of the criteria that falls into being a potential AR for goblins.

Sounds weird right? 2 neutral allied races?!?!

Blizzard isn’t fond of the idea of neutral races. They have gone on record saying that they didn’t like how things turned out with Pandaren as a neutral race.