Ghoul Event Ended Early? Seriously?

This game is dead, the community has no soul and just wants a number crunching dopamine treadmill, not a world to explore and do things in. You have literally years of nothing going on and couldn’t let one week of fun finish up? God damn


i was enjoying the event. honestly tho i think they ended it becaiss of the lag it induced on mega realms, not bcuz of qq

Trash event, good riddance…

Go to the SM or PL’s if you want to kill ghouls… :wave:

The people I’ve seen embracing or disdaining this event would surprise you.

Oh it seems the plague rats and roaches while there, doesn’t give you a debuff (it goes away without dispell).

So it’s over on my server too.

Is ripper still available to get?

The axe? think so, should be attainable throughout all of prepatch now iirc.

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you waited over a decade for an old version of wow to turn people into zombies for a few days?

Man, are you ok?


14 years to be exact

Most people dont wait a decade to do somethig a second time then whine when it gets cut short the 2nd time again.

Oh I am sorry, waiting for a special event only to have it cut short is somehow not supposed to be upsetting.

I identify as brain/brains so I was fine in this instance

Old Blizzard ended it early also


It was cut short the first time. SO you got ur event just like it was


Lets be honest, we ALL knew this was going to happen. Blizzard does not learn from their mistakes, they’ll just keep making them over and over again.

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Yeah kind of disappointed they ended the event early. Was looking forward to the day with no argent healers etc.

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Did some digging, it looks like what happened is something triggered events from later phases while we were in the earlier phases still. Basically, we had early and later phases coexisting. I believe phase 5 zombie levels was last night, but happened before the healers officially left.

The ardent healers were going CRAZY late last night/early this morning, it was some god mode stuff. Zapping 30+ zombies at a time, xD Under correct conditions, I guess I would have never saw that.

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I am really curious about what these triggers are. I’d laugh if it was a kill count and the zombie team just accelerated the end of the zombie invasion.

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Events like this would happen much more frequently if people didn’t abuse it, and if those who didn’t enjoy it didn’t have to take part in it.

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One trigger was probably benediction was not working most of the weekend lol.

gratz…you could log in. Mail not working, instances DC’ing, and if not detered by this you said take my $80…the store was broken too.

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