Ghostcrawler Says Forum Critics are Wrong

I miss the point of GC being relevant now.
Also, why is he talking about it at this stage of the game?

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I don’t really care who is in the majority or minority. All I know is that my circle of friends hate it, most of the streamers hate it and are barely playing it, and I can’t stand it.

I think things will improve, possibly with 8.2, but till then, I’m not paying Blizz’con another shilling.

A new warfront and legion “invasions” are not enough to hold my attention to “end game content”.


Citation? Or fake stats to support your POV?

Citation? Have you personally been conducting surveys of how many active players are still logging in and how many of them are having “fun?” Or is it Talk Out of Your Rectum Day and I missed the memo?


He must’ve been answering someone’s question. /shrug

I miss him on the forums. He was one of those exceptional writers who could write super-long posts about some mechanic or in-depth gaming stuffs that I had no interest and hold my attention. He wrote better than some professionals - his text voice talked directly at YOU.

I have no idea if he was a good lead dev or not - but I played WoW continuously since 2005 so the company was putting out a good enough game to keep me engaged…still playing. GC did his job, as is Ion - I don’t particularly care nor know who all runs this shop as long as I’m being entertained.

That’s all I’m here for…to play this game.

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There is a reason Ghostcrawler left. He’s simply not good at his job.

I do think that he and the current crop of Blizzard reps are indicative of a toxic company culture at Blizzard. They have a mantra that they know best and do not need player feedback to tell them how to make a good game. This has been an epic disaster on all fronts.

I would not be surprised if Activision sold off Blizzard. We all thought that Activision would drag down Blizzard, but the ironic part is that Blizzard has become far worse than Activision. Maybe they can sell Blizzard to one of the many phone game companies like Supercell. It seems like they are only interested in that market so it would make more sense if they were owned by a company who was successful at making phone games.

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BFA is so good its brought tons of players back, ive never seen my friends list so full of people playing wow, and the players you don’t hear from all lover azerite gear, islands, and warfronts, which are the 3 best additions to the game ever.

It vaguely confirms the dumb opinions of white knights that this game is just fine and everyone agrees.



about as creative and innovative as BFA


If there were a lot of other resturants offering better fare that might be the case. However, I’ve tried pretty much every WoW competitor that has been released. In my opinion the worst WoW expansion, to me that would be Cata, is still better that the best of the competitors I’ve tried.

Some of the were engaging for a few months, a couple SWTOR and LoTRO, kept me occupied for a couple of years (I still played WoW during that time). None had the lasting appeal, at least to me, of Azeroth.

Sadly, that’s not too far off. The MMORPG market is practically dead. WoW is the only thing keeping it on life support. They are just too big of venture for companies to risk.

Well unfortunately the game has moved away from its roots in terms of philosophy and what an MMORPG really means and how it is meant to be played. Retail WoW is nothing more than a cash cow at this point.

We can agree to disagree that’s fine. I’m personally looking forward to Classic with a better sense of community and accomplishments within the game.

Ghostcrawler is wrong.

you misspelled irrelevant

Well, he correctly identified the cultural issue at Blizzard which is that devs are the rockstars, not the players. So I guess he’d know better than anyone if that’s how you feel about him.

I believe it was inevitable. As much as I’m looking forward to Classic if WoW hadn’t evolved to adapt to the changing playerbase, and player prefernces, I don’t believe we be here on the forums disscussing the state of the game. There is still enough of the original that I’m having fun although I will be giving Classic a shot when it is released.

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There was a thread awhile back that had snapshots through WoW’s history of the forums showing that GD has never really changed no matter what expansion. Even Wrath, BC, and Vanilla had large amounts of complaint posts.

Not diminishing any of the current ones on BfA or saying they’re wrong, but just that a lot of people don’t remember those past expansions and only focus on the current and assume the sky is falling. When the majority either likes it or is indifferent to it like Greg is saying in that tweet.

People are fondly remembering Legion now, but forget the outrage that followed Legendaries from 7.0 to 7.2. There were multiple threads a day with hundreds of replies with feedback about them.

The forums are a good gauge of activity but not necessarily the “state of the game”. That’s a little more complicated.


Even if the critics on the forums are wrong about the general attitude towards the game, that doesn’t change how you or I feel about it. It’s my opinion that the expansion was released in a flawed state, that azerite, warfronts, island expeditions, professions being gutted, and a lack of flying are terrible issues that are leading to players like myself considering to discontinue our subscriptions.

It’s important to differentiate that what we all have are opinions. The direction the game goes, and its success, is blizzard’s responsibility so even if it’s more of the stuff we don’t tend to like on the forums, they will pursue whatever keeps the cash cow producing the cash. We have our individual options to stop paying for it if we don’t like it.


So there is this batch of ultra casual forum people, some of who I doubt actually play, that sashay in here and try to support this dumpster fire of an expansion just to appear ‘level-headed’.

In the face of actual criticism and when people point out the things gravely wrong with the game, they shake their heads and go ‘but do you have evidence of sub numbers dropping?’. No actual rebuttal, just vacuous filler statements that neither add to discussion and simply attack detractors as doomsday clairvoyants and soothsayers.

It’s sad really, because the detractors are people who actually love wow, but get a bad rap because there’s this club of posters who like to shill just to shill. These are also usually posters who try to be self-important by spamming GD and having a high post count. Furthermore, they also try to shill for the game like the mvps (granted not all mvps shill, here’s to neal, solid mvp worth listening to. metro is also kinda there, after he stopped straight up shilling and actually discussing stuff), with no actual reason other than highlighting their own ‘level-headedness’ that no one gives a damn about.


Comparing the broken promises of class design made to priests and shaman to an evolving legendary drop mechanic? Pretty tone deaf bro.

User reviews being significantly lower across the board on this expansion isnt either tho, right?

Go figure, human nature being expressed on your forums. Humans complain therefore complaint posts exist. Super impressive realization! /goldstar


Actually, thats like an admitted fact at this point. Public apologies for mistakes mid launch kinds shows that.

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