Ghostcrawler Says Forum Critics are Wrong

I dont remember a whole lot of complaining about the legedary system except how people got them. I think the system was great. You got a little stronger as time went on. They fixed the issue of how you got them and then abandoned the whole thing for the crap they currently have now.

It hard to beleive a blue is comparing this crap of an expansion to people complaining in legion on how the legendarys were gotten. Not that they were bad. The devs and blues are just so out of touch. Can only hope they eventually clean house and get some devs that actually seem to care about what they put into the game.


/10 characters required

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The bigger issue was the massive power disparity between certain legendaries, which the gap was reduced several months into the expansion. That was actually the issue which caused everyone to be upset about the rng in the first place. It did not feel good to be benched because you had the wrong legendary, to do 10%+ less dps than someone of your same spec only because they were luckier, or to have your only legendary you had gotten be so bad that it literally sat in your bank in favor of an epic item 40-55 ilvls lower.

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Okay but that isn’t my main gripe. If a nerf needs to happen it needs to happen my main gripe is that it took one week for them to attack that issue and they have left Blood alone.

Blood is clearly dominating the field it isn’t even a contest

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Okay. So your problem is that they took down one spec that needed taking down, but didn’t take down another.
That’s understandable. I agree with you.

When blizz gets heckled in their own safespace for the Diablo mobile announcement. I have trouble accepting that it is a ‘vocal minority’.

When my ‘Full’ server has absolutely nothing in Trade/General chat except spam. I have trouble accepting that it is a ‘vocal minority’.

When 3 of my guilds in BfA have collapsed due to lack of interest. I have trouble accepting that it is a ‘vocal minority’.

Get my drift?


:fire: Very Nice Burn :fire:

Legion was an overall solid expansion but the legendary system 7.0-7.2 is one of the worst things ever put into this game. I enjoyed garrison shipyard more than that because I knew that I couldn’t compare my performance against other mages until RNGesus FINALLY decided to bless me with the right legendaries halfway through ToS.

People complained about artifacts being alt-unfriendly but that didn’t hold a candle compared to the legendary system.


Several classes/specs desperately needed help as well.

Bear druids and cat druids being an easy example but those issues still haven’t been addressed either.

Buff those that need it
Nerf those who need it

I don’t even care if I play the classes that need nerfs so long as my spec is still viable.

The issues though are too obvious especially since they have made mythic plus a core feature of the game.

It’s great for “feedback”, i.e. a wide range of perspectives and experiences from casual players to hardcore and everything in between.

Expecting it to be representative of the playerbase as a whole (or even the majority) is where it’s useless.

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Very disappointing, I was hoping to get some sort of clarification, what you said there isn’t nice to us as a community. We don’t give feedback because the game is good, we share our concerns and things we’d like to see some sort of change because clearly like I said before you need to play your own game. You’re a CM who’s supposed to be our closest connection to Blizzard and writing what you wrote here is not something any player would like to read shows complete disconnection and lack of care; I’m glad my sub runs out this week, I’m so done with the response from you. it made me sick! With that sort of arrogant attitude from a CM It’s an absolute waste of time posting in the forums and giving feedback. No wonder why the game is at the state it is right now. I’m sorry for everyone that writes detailed posts and actually takes time to express their concerns, if you don’t care at all at least be kind enough to let them know so that they don’t waste their time.


I think some of the blues (this one in particular) actually do care. The problem is the “people” they give the feedback to either don’t care or can’t do anything about it. Either way, they aren’t really listening anymore. Just look at the Dibalo Immortal announcement. Out…Of…Touch…

I agree! They are a joke. They usually answer questions that they’ve already said in a blog post or forum post before. Hardly anything new is said on those things anymore. I can count on 1 hand how many times something new has been mentioned. It needs to change.

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Any bad publicity through Q&A looks bad for investors/casuals/white knights who want everything to be puppies and roses while the building is obviously on fire.

I like it fine but after they announced the patch 8.1 changes I’m definitely in the this was the beta of azeroth crowd, and 8.1 is the real launch.

PS who cares what gc thinks? He was ok when he was with us but his opinion is far from relevant

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This is a reply I made this afternoon, I’m aware of all that’s been going on. I’m just so upset right now, no wondering why game companies have lost millions in a few months not just in sales but also in the stock market. It just shows how little they care about us as a community, if we can call it a community after the CM post. Not sure what to call it anymore.


There wouldn’t be any critics if there wasn’t anything to critisize. The forum critics are the people who care enough about the game to actually take their time and make an effort at posting their concerns.

Majority of players who don’t like the game simply unsub quietly.

You can feel how empty the game is now because the non vocal majority has simply unsubbed without much of a whimper.


Different. Changed. Not-the-Same. Regression. Decay. Entropy.

Just a few suggestions.

Cheer up buttercup, Path of Exile new league, Betrayal, starts Friday. Gonna be lit. check it out


Been looking for a reason to get back into PoE. Thanx mate <3

From what I understand, the boring, uninteresting traits are being tossed out with new more interesting ones, plus a lot of numbers and have been shifted around on the current ones. The new ring helps a bit too since it gives you some spec specific stuff regardless. How things will balance out is yet to be seen. PTR doesn’t attract as many people as it should so expect hotfixes and changes to happen to try to make some balances. Very least, doesn’t look as boring.