Ghostcrawler Says Forum Critics are Wrong

Well your example pretty much backs up his argument. If a video about BFA / WoW flaws has a million views and only 41K likes (vocal minority) then the majority (silent majority) disagree or dislike the conclusions in the video.


This is usually a minority opinion unless the game is actually a broken mess, Mid-late Cata, pre-ToT MoP, the entirety of WoD, Pre-nighthold Legion…

I think the main takeaway from this should be that they need to double-time it and add some QoL and balancing tweaks to the game. The facts Shadow, the shaman specs, marksman and non-Blood DK tanks have had to wait this long for even a numbers buff is frankly unacceptable.


Its an embarrassment.

Its also painfully obvious some of the issues as well and nope it doesn’t even look like its being fixed in 8.1

They’ll nerf your class a week after the raid is out without any regard for the world first race, but if you want a buff?! Well, that magically takes four months, a major patch, and a complete fundamental overhaul of how your class works.

Now granted, said overhauls are usually awesome (Love what they did for fury in BFA, Shaman in Legion.) but they could at least make them hurt more to hold them over.

Prove it.

Prove this as well.

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It is a lack of consistency that gets me. Sure nerf say BM first week of raid then ignore Blood dominance in mythic plus’s for months.

Its not like it was painfully obvious there is an issue with the tanks.
( looks at wall of Blood DKs)

But jokes aside the current state of class balance is so ludicrously terrible that its painfully obvious to average players.

As a BM hunter (yes, they forced me out of MM when they redesigned it) I must be blind or something, but didn’t our nerfs just make us on par with most other specs instead of being light years ahead of them in performance?

The nerfs to BM were mostly felt on the pvp front. They were not small, and they didn’t explain them, they just chopped down our damage and moved along with their day.

I may be a casual 1800 xp player, but I am still a PvPer and my pet and I still tear quite a few people apart with about the same effort I put in before.

Do you not recall how absolutely atrocious the class balance was at the start of Legion? This is actually not a new thing. Everytime they try to change the classes up it happens.
I am not saying this is a fine or ok thing… far from it… but it is definitely not just a BFA thing.

I’m glad I missed out on that, actually. WoD being gutted for the entire expansion left such a bad taste in my mouth that I didn’t even play Legion until it had been out for a full two months when most of the tuning had already been done.

They reduced all pet damage by 18%, they reduced dire hawk by 60%, and then they increased the energy cost of basilisk, and now for 8.1 they are reducing barrage damage by 78%.

Mastery compensates for the pet damage nerf because I stack haste/mastery, Dire Hawk was overpowered to begin with and needed to be nerfed, the basilisk is just as situational and Barrage has always taken an obscene amount of focus to use anyway so I never specced into it.
I’m not denying these are nerfs, I’m just saying these really aren’t gamebreaking changes for an already exceptionally powerful class.

If you que for an Epic Battleground and dont pick barrage you are actually holding your team back…

This is where our experiences and playstyles differ, because I usually don’t participate in the teamfight and stack towers or capture mines (as in AV) instead. Even if I do find my way into a teamfight DB: Hawk still does significant damage because it has no target cap.
Also there is no vicious war hippo for Epic BGs, so I haven’t done quite as many of them this season. I’ve been inching my way through 2s and 3s pugs to get my best boi.

Yeah WoD had the same damn problem. I was maining warrior at the start and it was SO bad I rerolled to my monk even though at the time I loved warrior. In retrospect it was a good thing since I ended up loving my monk to death… but yeah :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I hope you can pull it off. If you can finally find a way to improve communication, it would be a huge boon to the game. Probably more impactful to the common player than any realistic gameplay changes through a patch.



You left out a few.

Since you’re here can you answer me one thing please? Why was the survey box removed when you cancel your sub? As someone who was a loyal fan do you have any idea how much that hurt me to not even be given the illusion that maybe someone at Blizz would read why I canceled my sub and care even just a little?

I have spent thousands in support of your company, look at my transaction history on my account for proof, and while you have returned my loyalty with great games, the current direction they’re taking WoW has given me such a level of disappointment I never even knew possible.

In past expansions by now I had every class at level cap and geared to be somewhat useful, now I only managed 6. I always heard memes about people logging in, looking at their character then just logging out because they felt no desire to play. I thought that was just exaggeration and even told people they were being dramatic for attention. Well I take it all back because I actually experienced that sensation and it was not a good feeling at all.

From your posts the devs acknowledge on some level that the expansion did not deliver the hype and they need to find a solution as soon as possible. While I remain hopeful I’m not going to rely on promises. When I see action taken that’s acceptable I’ll resub, that’s a promise. However if they can’t deliver or we’re given buffs (like exp gain) that people never even asked for or wanted and somehow we’re suppose to be grateful and accept it then I won’t resub.


Takes away from the MMORPG aspect of actively seeking groups and others to complete things in the world. Of course it’s more convenient to add LFG/LFG to allow players to see the content.

You said or else it would have been removed from the game if it wasn’t good. It’s too late for all that because it’s if it gets removed let’s say a month from now, guess what! People stop playing solely based off that feature being removed. Gee I wonder why? Is it because they actually have to interact with people at that point and try to find a group to do something instead of joining a queue and watching something on YouTube while they wait? Don’t lie and say that doesn’t happen either because I’m guilty of it myself. :joy:

In all seriousness it’s not my fault that someone didn’t put in work to earn something and felt left out because of a time constraint or them not being able to find a group, that’s a load of bs. People are anti-social in the wrong game that needs that player interaction.