Ghostcrawler Says Forum Critics are Wrong

these forums are dead


Dude, you guys have gotta get off your Thrawn high horse. Yeah, nothing compared to the originals, and I like the books much better. However, to date, Episode VIII DVD sales beat out even Black Panther by a large margin. So, I guess some people liked it.
Anyway, I quoted them because the person I was responding to said that the reviews were all bad. If you google “Battle For Azeroth Reviews”, these come up. You gotta dig harder or check the forums here for bad reviews.

Listen, I was in guild chat the other day, and one of our more annoying players was talking smack about BFA. It was hilarious because he was directly quoting one of the naysayers on this forum. Point being the forum works itself into a frenzy and the current xpac is always the worst xpac.


This really isn’t the case at all. There may always be some people who think that, but outside of WoD and BfA I’ve never seen such a large number of people express that same sentiment.


I’ll also mention that the number of accounts with active gametime may also not indicate how popular the expansion is. In WoD I kept my account active for a long time when I wasn’t really playing other than logging in to do garrison chores for gold.

I had so much gold in Legion that I bought a lot of game time that doesn’t expire until sometime in 2019 so I’ll have plenty of gametime during BfA, but I haven’t been logging in that much. Yesterday was actually the first time I logged in in awhile and it was to try to decide if I wanted to convert my 110 DH into an Island farming twink.


Negativity is the fluff that fills the forums. Its been like that since people were given the opportunity to scream behind a virtual character.


Yeah, you people criticizing poor design decisions just need to accept it, how dare you request more well thought out changes, balance being done sooner than once every four months, and not having your class fundamentally devolve? How dare you want content? You’re just a vocal minority after all! Lord Ion knows best.

Seriously. Why does every Blizzard sycophant have to get so defensive over this crap? If you like BFA, good for you - it could be better, it should be better and these issues were foreshadowed long before it went live - during testing.

Stop villainizing the game’s critics. They like the game just as much as you do - if they didn’t they would have already quit and not give a damn about discussing issues.


That’s pretty funny. I just read another thread that said your side is the vocal minority.

Though you do have a tweet from someone that hasn’t had anything to do with these forums for a few years, at least you have something to bolster your argument.

Could you guys maybe get together and figure out who’s solid data points are screwed up? Thanks.


Stop acting like your pet issues are on par with a cretaceous era meteor on a collision course with Earth and we’ll get along just fine.

And yet for some reason the WoW dev team decided to fuse that system with the artifact weapon system to create the azerite system.


I don’t even know what to say. Do I call out the blatant strawman, or point out the stupidity of getting annoyed that people invested in this game care about it’s well-being?


Ghostcrawler is right, if you do find a problem, you usually mention in so it can get fixed or looked in to. If you don’t really have any complaints, it’s unlikely to be mentioned because nothing needs fixed or looked in to


I think negative comments are useful however. Look at many of the changes being made in 8.1 - from Island drop changes, to stuff coming off the GCD, to certain class changes and balancing, to the addition of a vendor system for M+ gear.

All these are issues people have raised here and they are changes actually being made.

Yeah, there is a lot of whining and mis-directed hate thrown around here, but to imply any negative comment is ignored because its part of some vocal minority is just wrong.

Critics, or at least intelligent criticism that gets a good amount of support actually gets some traction - the changes might not be exactly what we want to see, but without them there probably wouldn’t be any changes worth mentioning.

Nobody is annoyed that you like the game. The annoyance comes from the dramatization of every nuance and the echo chamber of the forums. See how important you’re making yourself out to be? You’re “invested” in the game. I bet you think you’re “passionate.”

Is that what it takes to be incredibly negative, all the time? Passion and investment?


Ok, again with a false statement. Please explain how LFG,LFR have taken anything away from the MMORPG aspectof this game?

It stopped the leets with their truly excessive requirements from shutting out 90-95% of the players from grouped content and endgame. Something BLIZZ themselves said they could NOT justify the cost of developing content that only 10% of the players base will see(raids), and ALL because of RL and guilds abuse of requirements so they could keep runs as EASY as possible. Gosh forbid you take a noob raiding!

This is a MMORPG, Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, PERIOD, MMORPG does NOT mean that you need to be in a guild to run grouped content, nowhere in that definition online does it say only guilds can run raids, or be have RL of pugs be the “gatekeepers” of content for the masses.

So please stop already, its a MMORPG even without your precious (at this point imaginary) community.

My .02 cents.


This is actually cringeworthy to read. You are comparing the Legion legendary system to BFA as a whole? In fact it’s only half of the legendary system because mostly everyone liked Legendaries, they just didn’t like how you acquired them.

The fundamental mechanics of BFA are stale and pointless. It seems like we just got the same systems you put in Legion but they are all a little worse.

I get that people complained about class design also in Legion but it’s not a fair comparison when it gets worse expansion after expansion. In BFA we would kill for Legion classes, in Legion we would have killed for WoD classes, in WoD we would have killed for MoP classes. When class design deteriorates year after year, you can’t just say “well in Legion people complained too” and brush it off that people like to complain. Imagine you are served 3 plates of food in order, one delicious, one bad, and one absolutely terrible. You would probably complain about the bad dish because it came right after the delicious one, but then once you get the terrible plate of food, the bad doesn’t seem as bad, make sense?


The heck do you mean I ‘think’ I’m passionate? I AM passionate about the game. The fact you have to downplay everything that disagrees with your opinion is adorable. I challenge you to find people more passionate about this game than the people criticizing it.

Secondly, making myself important? Where the hell did that come from? I didn’t know making a post littered with cynicism and sarcasm constituted as self-importance.

That’s the other funny thing about the people who blindly defend this game, they really have to reach to justify this idea that the critics are EEEEVIL. Don’t look at things objectively, just strawman the opposition for daring to criticize the game.

I couldn’t have asked for a better illustration though, so thanks for this half-baked reply.

Edit: Hell, you’re a shaman. You should atleast be mad about what they did to you.


Ghostcrawler also said this:

“As an aside, the best way to drive change is still to try and clearly articulate your concerns in some public forum and hope that the developers take it seriously. I have talked to plenty of players to know how frustrating that answer might be, because at the end of the day, there just isn’t some kind of magic key that you can use to 100% guarantee that you will unlock that lock. Nevertheless, it’s still the best hope you have.”


Yeah, we’re all passionate about it. That’s why we hang out on video game forums all day. You’re not special because you like the game a lot.

You made it clear that you investment and passion precludes you from someone challenging your point of view. I’m saying that you’re not uniquely invested, you just think it makes your point of view more valid than say, mine.

I never called you evil, bud. Posturing, yes. Evil? No. But I’ve seen plenty of “passionate” “invested” players project all kinds of malicious intent on the developers. Maybe it’s that behavior they getting called on and not their critique of the game.

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Never said I was special because of it. I point it out, because the people who criticize the game love it and want it to be better.

No I didn’t. Don’t know how you got that read.

1: No, but many of this game’s defenders just want you to shut up and never criticise a damn thing.

2: I and many other people with the same opinions on the game have never, nor will ever escalate our grievances to personal attacks/threats and such to the developers IRL. The fact you’re lumping me in with the same ilk based on the fact I’m dissatisfied with the state of the game is frankly, disgusting.


Only issue that I’ve had with GC was heroic dungeons in cata until they got fixed. At least when he was around, he didn’t try to take flying away from the playerbase.


I’m not trying to specifically compare but rather use it as an example for an individual feature. I should’ve probably worded it better to convey that in all honesty.