GG. Unplayable. Done

Absolutely legendary

Can confirm what Niia is saying is legimately the case on Whitemane right now too.

Alliance brings two raids, horde will bring 5. It’s frankly a giant mess caused entirely by Blizzard not being proactive to address faction balance concerns before people leveled up and dug in.


Go play PvE you troll

…listening to people who wanted #nochanges, and letting players decide where they wanted to go, instead of changing things by trying to force people one way or the other.

Making servers 5x larger, then letting people leave slightly unbalanced servers for weeks to ensure they were now massively unbalanced are both things Blizzard did that were huge changes from Vanilla.

If it were #nochanges, servers would be considerably smaller, and even the worst servers like Stalagg/Skeram would be closer to 40/60- which is still brutal- but not nearly as bad as 20/80 like it is now.


it’s not even a change/no change issue in my mind… as it’s not directly impacting a gameplay system…

All they had to do was:

  1. Logon queus being faction specific

  2. Warning confirmation popup dialog when you try to create a toon on an overpopulated faction for that realm. Followed by recommendations of more balanced servers for your faction of choice.

  3. Not be stupid enough to let the weaker of the two factions xfer off a realm that is overpopulated in general… because guess which faction is going to take the xfers off first and make the problem even worse?

  4. Anytime a player who clicked the dialog box in #2 then cries about faction balance related issues or the queu times present from point #1, ban them for 3 days for being a moron who tried to faction stack, and then still had the balls to whine about the consequences.


Imagine being this sweaty about a 15 year old game. Lol.

Nope. Wrong. Folks made choices to make a character on a PVP server. They alone and nobody else is responsible.


With absolutely no way of knowing who/how many people where present on each faction… Right buddy. There are a number of really really basic steps blizzard could have taken to help nudge people into more balanced realms without taking away player agency. They just chose not to out of laziness, and the game quality is suffering as a whole.


Pvp happened on a pvp server.

No offense but are you stupid? Some people have jobs, girlfriends. If getting into MC isn’t possible for an extra hour cause the server ratio is 3:1 gotta do something on Blizzards end. People will quit if its that bad (no my server is NOT) and thats called MONEY lost for blizz


It’s called a pvp server. And everyone that is complaining about it signed up for it.

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Good. Bye. See you never.

Sounds like you need to axe the things that are weighing you down then, doesnt it? Its called priorities, did you think classic was going to cater to your normal lifestyle? Seems like this game is too much for you to handle in your adult life.

You cater to classic, not the other way around.

completely agree. this isnt pvp. this is avoid the death squads. i cant do anything outside of a city and get laughed at for expecting better on a pvp server…? I was hoping for some good encounters in classic but instead im playing frogger with death squads everywhere i go. Literally 9.5/10 its 3+v1


LoL, sure, people who are having fun don’t quit. And BTW any of us vanilla wow players will just laugh at you. One time you get pvp’d at the door and you quit? ROFL, PVP guilds used to park themselves at the entrance to raids for months and we didn’t quit or come here on the forms to complain about it. Grow up.


Oh look the south park dude is here.

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This thread is gold btw. Same thing when warmode launched then horde had 0 peoples to wpvp in US servers and blizzard did what they always do in those situations. Gives a lot of benefits for playing in the underdog faction. But cant do that in classic soo most pvp servers will be a pve snoozefest lmao.

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Taking my ball and going home!

Don’t announce… just bounce…

Incorrect sir,
In any of these threads are people claiming the things that have been happening on PVP servers for 15 years, and now Warmode, are new and need to be fixed. It’s so simple, YOU CHOOSE YOUR SERVER. It’s your mistake, and you have options, you just don’t like the choices. When Blizzard comes to your rescue, and opens PVP to PVE transfers, you guys are gonna cry about the cost, I’m calling it now…

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