GG. Unplayable. Done

No, they chose to do nothing out of respect for player agency, and because of the utter crapstorm that would have descended upon them if they had been seen as trying to ‘force’ players into one faction or another, or tell players which server to go to. The current mess is all on players, and people have been predicting that it was going to happen since the same skewing of populations happened the first time around, when retail had PvP servers.

The only thing different now is scale, and the fact that players actually know what they’re doing.

Then they should have rolled on Normal servers, where that isn’t an issue. Biggest problem I have getting into MC is that my casual guild filled with casual players only has a few who are in the level range, and we need to team up with other guilds to run it, which takes some coordination.

Arena. You were hoping for Arena in the open world. What you got is what happens on PvP servers, magnified by the fact that Blizzard removed layering like they promised.

Very true. People chose this. We had the lessons of what happened in retail PvP servers over the years, and what happens in war mode. We had the lessons shown to us from private server players. People chose not to listen to the lessons, convinced that people could lobotomize themselves to be ignorant of what PvP could get them, and the best ways to grind for honor. People chose to forget that griefers grief not for honor, but for the tears of the fallen.

People chose to roll PvP. Now they must live with that choice.

You know those stats are basically meaningless, right?

Eh, enjoy your future PvE server.

I play on Mankrik. I chose to avoid all this mess from the beginning.

Ah so you’re just being snide for the sake of being snide. Even better.

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No, I’m just enjoying the crying and butthurt of the big, bad PvP players, after all the drek thrown my way for being a ‘carebear’ and not wanting to play the ‘real’ game.

Like I said, snide for the sake of being snide.

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I prefer schadenfreude.

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Being snide while German is still being snide.

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But it is classier that way.


I see the issue and you’re going to get a lot of trolls doing what they do.

This issue wasn’t in Vanilla because the population was much lower. Those who were crying for layering being removed and who said population didn’t matter got a rude awakening.

Everyone was warned what would happen when layering was removed, when honor was installed, what would happen on unbalanced PvP servers. This is why my Alliance character is on a balanced server that I hope gets locked soon and my Horde on a 60/40 which is decent.

Anyone who enjoys pvp and actual pvp and not just ganking should have transferred to better servers or rerolled. Part of the issue is that this game changes every phase, people would have rerolled sooner had pvp honor not be time gated for whatever mysterious reason that it was.

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I love when people post these sites acting like the numbers the site says are 100% true …I mean it even says at the top of the site
Important note: only players seen on Warcraft Logs are available!

Because of this, real distribution may not be accurate

Post with your classic character.

PvE realm dawg.

Here ya go, check out blizzards response on pvp servers from back in the day

Community Manager

This is going to sound weird, and while I do empathize with the frustration that’s being expressed in this thread, this conversation still warms the cockles of my black little heart.

Why? Because for too long there was very little distinction between playing on a PvE realm and playing on a PvP realm. We had inadvertently created a situation where there was little risk when leveling in the world on a PvP realm. The experiences were, for all practical purposes, virtually identical, but that wasn’t what we had in mind.

Life on a PvP realm can be nasty, brutish and short. Justice is in very short supply. Every action you take in the world carries with it an added level of risk, from questing, to hunting down profession materials, to simply traveling from place to place. You can be attacked at any time, sometimes by an overwhelming force. Of course, the shoe can also be on the other foot, and you’ll be able to turn the tables on your attacker, or find clever ways to delay them or escape from them. Some will become roaming slayers, seeking out enemies to destroy.

In short, the experience on a PvP server is different. We want it to be different, and that includes everything from honorable conflict on the field of battle to horribly despicable ganking. It’s all part of the fabric that makes a PvP server what it is .

Let the blood be spilled ."


“schadenfreude” isn’t German for “snide,” it means enjoying some else’s misfortune. Totally different concept.

“Snide” in German is “häslich.”

Hope that helps.


I don’t think that he was thinking that. I am sure that he was thinking that they were using a German word to be snide.

so one side actually wins the war in warcraft and people think blizzard should fix this?

personally i think its dumb to have a war that no one ever wins

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Truly, the war is won when the other side is dead.