Made this topic before WOW!

Yes it does, according to it is $32CAN

I mean…

The number is bigger, sure, but the value isn’t. That’s not exactly “more.” It is the same cost.

u do realise this is ontop of a monthly subscription right?

It’s a decent enough game I guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯

it should be …if it was cheap it would encourage people to ninja what they can until they cant find groups anymore pay for transfer and do it again. now they can still do that but they will pay.

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So, that’s like a buck fifty in USD?

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I thought you posted two “I quit” threads already this week.

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Tree, tree fiddy.

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$26.80 us around about

Imagine sinking hundreds of hours into this game just to quit over two hours worth of your time :joy::crazy_face:

They make it high to discourage transferring. It was their compromise when they first added it as they didn’t even want to implement it. Yeah it’s overpriced and that’s why I never and will never buy one, but it’s that way by design.

And probably a little bit of greed too, but hey, that’s capitalism

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Hey, we need a few of you suckers that rolled on bad realms to feed Blizzard transfer revenue to keep the whole enterprise afloat.

Appreciate it, guys!

Yup, called it!

was gonna do a pvp to pvp just to a server with more players

If you’re interested in PVP you could literally be on a dead empty server and still get the same queue times as if you transfered for batttlegrounds.

What’s the price in Yen? Or in rupees? How about bahts or Venezuelan dollars? I’m sure we can get the NUMBER up above 1,000. “40” is nuthin’

But the ACTUAL PRICE is still $25 US dollars (or its equivalent in other currencies). It is not higher in other countries.

But how much is it in gil?

Classic is using a brand new client developed based on the retail client. It is not 15 years old. It’s actually the newest software in the WoW universe.

seems like a silly thing to whine about. it’s not expensive relative to the population of your new realm. what is your /played? like someone else said it costs a couple of hours of time vs hundreds of hours rerolling to get back to where you were if you rerolled.

You can reroll then if you want the character that bad.