GG. Unplayable. Done

Oh look, someone who doesn’t understand math.

80 Alliance vs 150 Horde


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Nah, i getcha. it’s a damn shame, because if this keeps up much longer, people will absolutely be unsubscribing. after that happens, there’s no way WoW will attract new players, then all the precious PVP servers become PVE as there won’t be opponents left.


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Pvp player upset at pvp…

Seriously will the whiny stop?

You need yo play better and take into account the world is more dangerous.

Why the f are you running to MC?? You should be summoning down near BRD. Summon? Yes SUMMON

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No you’re right. I haven’t seen alliance camp brm or anything like that, though I play late late nights.

I have been ganked and 3v1 by level 60’s(it’s sad and funny not complaining)

You know your server is imbalanced when there is more alliance in org than horde though lmao

Too many opposing faction to kill, too little time… :frowning:


While I hate getting ganked as much as I hate ganking, and thus chose to play on a PvE server in Vanilla, these complaints about faction imbalance and ganking on the PvP servers do not stir me to empathy.

Even on the PvE servers; even at the low(‘_’)bie levels, players on Horde Khadgar in Vanilla would flag and group and try to bring down the 55-to-60s who challenged us in places like Tarren Mill.

Sometimes players would call out to their guilds for help and high level reinforcements, and sometimes those reinforcements would arrive, but mostly the 60s In Camineet Avengers on my PvE server were off Raiding the endgame.

I believe most PvE players who flagged and took on the WPvP challenges felt like they were learning to play the PvP aspects of the game.

We were also hungry for payback. And I think my low level experience of WPvP set me up to lead my guild on Stormwind Raids every Friday, once I became the GM of No Mercy.

Even our Guild’s name had roots in WPvP at low levels.

How has this mindset disappeared from Classic?

Has Retail really done this much damage?

The problem with the old Census websites is that they count the total number of characters ever seen(which includes alts). So older servers with more hardcore players who hit 60 and begin leveling alts will look bigger than they really are. And likewise the websites that track warcraftlogs reports will also give bloated values for servers with more hardcore players.

Which is why on the Warcraftlogs-based website, Faerlina is shown as the 7th most populous NA server, smaller than Stalagg and Skeram. Even though Faerlina is almost always full with a long queue, while Skeram/Stalagg are almost always “high” with no queue.

Faerlina appears smaller than it really is because it is the streamer server and is full of Asmongold fanboys, as well as other e-celebs. A lot of those people don’t raid so they don’t show on the logs.

Heartseeker is where a lot of casuals went to escape their imbalanced servers, so proportionately there are fewer raiders and fewer people leveling alts compared to the “original” servers which are primarily hardcore players from the private servers.

Heartseeker is just as populated or at least pretty close to any server not named Whitemane, Faerlina, or Herod.

lol that’s adorable


Agreed. Also, who at this point is not smart enough to send a scout into BRM to see the lay of the land. I suspect a lot of these threads are simply troll threads.

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Thats odd, made it to MC tonight with zero problems. PvE realm FTW lol

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Heartseeker has far more Alliance players than Skeram does. The overall population of the two servers is very close.

Your number is a weeeee bit off.

Spy logs prove otherwise. Had a group of 77 in EPL (not even BRM)…defeat a group of 60.

6 minutes later we had 148 nearby (not even total). Pretty sure there were more than 6 raids in EPL then because alliance were calling out other raids in other locations in EPL while we were hit.

How exactly would that help? We knew there would be horde. There is ALWAYS horde. EVERYWHERE there is horde. They camp both entrances. They camp inside. They camp Menethil, Theramore, Plaguelands… everywhere. As soon as word of an alliance raid gets out, they all spam chat saying which side of BRM they’re coming in at and BOOM, 140 vs 80.

It’s not exaggerated. We’re not trolls. The reason why there is SO many people crying about this is because it’s ACTUALLY a problem. Go figure.

It’s preventing large numbers of people from playing the game AT ALL. It has nothing to do with losing a pvp match and crying about it.

Many of you don’t care, I get it. But guess what? When large numbers of alliance quit (and they will, me included) horde PvP will be ruined too. BG queue times will be laughable. You should ALL care about this problem.


How do you know this? I sympathize with imbalance issues, but you cannot tell me you are doing a headcount of unorganized slews of the enemy while your 2 organized raid groups are smashing into them.

Complain about imbalance, I stand with you. Support actual measures to fix it, like faction ratio queues coupled with free transfers.

But do not simply come into the forum and lay the issue at the feet of PVP itself.

agree with the sentiment, but at least on Thunderfury, we horde still have to deal with alliance equivalent of what youre saying. occasionally a couple horde bros will come and clear out an area, but then they leave and alliance just get back to camping low levels. a couple quests i literally cannot get to. i feel ya

LOL. Bye Bye. Can I has ur stuff?

World PvP isn’t fair.

Just here to remind everyone how Gankfest Servers works :crazy_face:

How’s it feel to be the end of the joke, this time around? All this talk about how much more “awesome” Gankfest Servers are, yet PvE Servers are the ones laughing.

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oh ye i bet its unplayable for you: they killed me cry… game is too hard cry, i expected it to be easy cry… 120 priest battle for azeroth>>> beee mount>>> pet battles cry… DELETE YOUR CLASSIC CHARACTER AND NEVER COME BACK YOU JOKE!

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