GG Blizzard : WM Off

Warmode is fine except for the fact that some people dont want to fight…and others want to gank them.
Warmode was one of the best changes this game has had. It allows me to play on a server with people I know while NOT having to deal with infantile sadists with nothing better to do that waste my questing time.


It could have been but, it was also a result of alliance players complaining on the forums in a thread much like this one. I didn’t see many horde complain that there weren’t enough alliance, we’re not that dumb lol.
I think my fun rewards would be much better. I truly like wpvp just haven’t been able to with a 10 fps computer. I have my pc picked out for as soon as i get my refund. I filed yesterday.

Awesome, I hope you enjoy your new PC, I played this game back in WoTLK on a potato, when I got my current Rig it was a world of difference.

Very true and many did.

By the way, that last quote is not mine.

It’s not a matter of not liking it. I don’t mind if Alliance has a permanent bonus to XP or AP from it but the free Heroic piece is too much, me turning it off is not going to fix that… So then I should turn it off even though I like being in warmode and hope enough players do it as well so we get the bonus next time?

Sure sometimes I’m unlucky and run into the Alliance camping the WQ and get 10v1 ed, I don’t mind that, it’s just something that happens in Wpvp and I indeed turn it off to do my quest and turn it on again whenever I’m in Orgrimmar.

Alright, that’s fair, they haven’t shared that info but it doesn’t change the fact that the quest is giving free Heroic loot, that’s way too high. And the quest itself is not really promoting a healthy Wpvp environment, it just promotes clumping together and camp a WQ spot for a few minutes, doing that means that in that specific spot one factionA will heavily outnumber factionB while everywhere else in the zone factionB will heavily outnumber factionA.

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Me too but i got it upgraded would probably have kept it through to now but I messed up something in it and got another one… it was an hp, I can’t just upgrade parts or i would.

The whole world pvp system is unhealthy, in fact the whole faction thing is unhealthy. I’d argue that it can’t be balanced in such a way that it will make the majority of people happy. It’s about time it was all removed. No matter what is done one side or another won’t be happy with the “balance”.

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Custom PC is the way to go, I have 7 years on this one, I upgraded it several times.

Except that now removes a portion of the game lots of people enjoy.

Nice, when I can do warmode I look forward to some good world pvp. All this buff and reward does is get people fighting on the forums, and it’s not fun.

Awful lot of crying for a hordie now that the situations reversed, i apologize if i flagged you at the FP in voldun yesterday afternoon

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Just want to throw out an example. Back in the day, alliance would win an AV in battlegrounds, and depending on which battlegroup your server was in, that could be a very high amount. They didn’t compensate with an item or resource buff, all they eventually changed was that you or your group queue up as an opposing faction…

However, how would you feel if you PVP’d WON the battleground, but the losing side got a relevant ilvl piece of gear. That’s how ridiculous the thought of all this is to me.

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Vol dun is kinda broken actually. The guards in our own area turn against us.

It is pretty stupid, alas the only groups that were going on were in voldun…and there was a 30 multi boxing UH dk that dunked on us for like an hour at the fp which was more fun than you’d think

Yeah, it’s indeed difficult to balance, but I think there could be ways, maybe the quest of killing X members of the opposite faction could require you to be either alone or in a small group (no more than 3 players) to count?, and maybe it has to be across multiple zones?, something to try to promote small skirmishes rather than 10v1’s.

For rewards I think the 30% bonus is good, just the Heroic level gear is too much (I think the same about all of the free Heroic loot sources we currently have not only the warmode quest).

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You guys. If that many alliance has warmode turned on you will get the quest next week so please stop spamming these threads.

For every Horde tear that falls, a kitten meows.

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But you cant lose to get the reward. You have to kill 25 Horde. So that doesn’t really fit here.

Also, dont you guys get the PVE quest for I think is Stormsong. I may be wrong on the name.

You’re not really earning it either. You’re getting a high level reward for a low level activity.

We have NOTHING like this. PVE or PVP

War mode “bonus” rewards should not exist at all to begin with. The more they’re trying to fix their broken pvp the worse it’ll get. If people want to pvp they have war mode on, it really should be THAT simple. There should be no experience, gold, ap whatever bonus incentive for doing that. The bonus was added because so “few” people took part in pvp.

The second someone turns on war mode just for the reward you have a huge problem with your game. It should never have got to that point to begin with.