GG Blizzard : WM Off

I got a 415 this morning from the warfront.

Um, that’s like saying your not earning a piece by dropping a boss in a raid. Its not like a follower went out and killed 25 horde for me.

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How can they be a horde biased development team if everything the do is cater to the Alliance. Story, PVP, PVE, Litteraly everything is designed in Alliances their favor.

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you got a free 370 and several 340 pieces via Warfronts and at least two weapon rewards from WQs before Alliance had access to them a few months ago, don’t give us that garbage.


NOBODY is “tagging” a boss and getting 400ilvl loot. You’re sitting around a FP, waiting for people to fly in and getting a tag on him while 20-40 people destroy them. It’s not exactly a lot of skill or coordination going on.

Hell, the title I have for Alliance slayer I did on my own. That was gear worthy, not dying at all till I completed.

You guys have had both Warfronts first 370 and 385 items
 Not sure what you’re talking about.

You’re also assuming we will get this quest as well. Which we won’t, because populations being what they are.

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Sure we had the warfront first in arathi but that didn’t give alliance a guaranteed piece of gear like horde got for doing the battle.

Are you saying you guys didn’t have a quest on the table? We also didn’t get the world boss either till after.

I’m actually not sure why I’m arguing this point, because it has nothing to do with the buff/gear you guys are getting. Totally 2 different things.

No actually I didnt get to just tag a person, it was battle after battle. At most there was 4 or 5 people there, which Horde quickly out numbered us and then I was back to trying to pick fights away from the main group. It took me a couple hours to complete this.



I see what you did there. Suck on your 400 ilvl pacifier, grown ups are talking. If this was a horde thing the community would be in an outrage. Kids lost their minds when they got fat Humans. Hell, they even gave you a blood elf model so you guys would stop complaining. Give me a break.

What are you even ranting about anymore? Void Elves and Kul Tirans have nothing to do with WM. You’re just salty for the sake of being salty at this point.


No alliance did not get the quest on the table since they ‘owned’ arathi until next cycle.

Same thing as you - once it is your turn to be underrepresented you will receive the buff.

I didn’t see many of you guys complaining about getting that wm bonus for months for doing not much extra.


Are you talking about the same bonus you had access to?

Reading comprehension problems I get it. Reread it or have somebody else explain it to you.

I’ll assume you’re not in the know. See, your faction cried because they didn’t have blood elf models, they wanted light elves back. Ion said no, so they gave you void elves, even though they existed no where in the lore, but who cares. Then you guys cried about how the Zundalari models were so much better and you guys got fat humans. Then you guys wouldn’t WM ON so they gave you a buff and a relevant ilvl item to appease “how salty” you guys were.

The reoccurring theme is Blizzard appeasing alliance only players. Ya know, the “salty” ones still being salty because they’re getting something extra for being “salty”. Does that make the info more palatable for you?

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Yes and you will have access to the same quest when you become so outnumbered that you can’t even take advantage of that bonus because you spend most of your time dead.

I find it hilarious that you think Alliance players who dont PvP as the Minority and that people who do PvP are the majority.

You cant be serious

First, that’s a DUMB plan for wPVP. Second, outnumbered how? WM on? Sub mains playing? Let’s just say it happens for the next 5 weeks, and we get it once then back to another 5 weeks alliance only. Is that a good plan?

That’s like giving an extra touchdown, 2 extra timeouts each game to the Raiders till they start winning games. It does nothing but give one team an obvious advantage regardless if it balances their games out. Give me a break.

Going to be nice. Maybe you’re misunderstanding. Minority = Alliance who don’t wPVP VS Majority = Horde who do wPVP. I’d also like to state this is subjective as they have changed how sharding works.

I stand in solidarity with my horde brothers and sisters and will not be turning WM on until this outrage has been remedied.

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I don’t think there should have been any bonuses for warmode. I personally would be okay with wPvP dying the death it deserves.


I would agree with that to an extent. A location for world PVP to spawn in an area would be good though. Skirmish area with PVP rewards only.

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Only for Classic

I went without playing almost all of Cata, all of MoP, all of WoD and didn’t come back until the end of Legion. I’m not one of those people that HAVE to play the game.

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