Getting the Ashbringer

I was in middle school when I read most of the wow books, and I’m 25 now if that gives you an idea. I need to reread chronicle 1/2/3 as well to relearn all the retconned stuff.

i know, i just mean like the quest line, or something somewhere was left unfinished with it or so we think.

I think it would be one of the greatest gaming stories of all time if someday, someone figured it out in classic and it was under our noses the whole time

The quest was left unfinshed, they ran out of time was i feel the biggest problem more then anytihng else. By i think 1.11 Everyone was waiting for BC, and Ashbringer is a pretty Vanilla Item. It was a legendry 2h weap and we already had rag. I think if there was a few more patches in the game like say 1.13 1.14 Dragon islands and so on, they probably woulda finished it but sadly we went right to BC

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I remember going into scarlet monastery with someone who had the corrupted version to get it purified it was pretty epic as far as cutscenes go and all the npcs were friendly towards us, I cant remember when it was though either very late vanilla or early BC either way I had seen it done myself and was very cool to witness and be a part of.

With that kind of attitude, it definitely is!


Oh yes, it will look great on my hunter. Those wing clips and raptor strikes oh my.

I’d love to see them add this in as a very long questline after killing KT with Corrupted Ashbringer equipped.

Have people tried fishing on every square foot of fishable water in the game? I imagine you can catch The Ashbringer in some remote portion of water far off the western coast of Kalimdor.


I don’t think there is a quest for it, a fair portion of the weapons database contains weapons purely for npcs, it’s like frostmourne while technically usable but its not really ment for us. Especially ashbringer when it has a functional on use spell that mind you if i remember correctly is an aoe fire spell.

If the Blues are to believed it wasn’t obtainable in-game (at least as of February 2006). Eyonix said that one day in the future it will be, after a caster Legendary is added. That caster Legendary was Ateish, which was added in 1.11.

Did they possibly slip in some means to acquire Ashbringer between then and TBC? According to Eyonix they at least planned to at some point…and I doubt he was referencing Legion artifacts which was 10 years later.

Or maybe he’s just referencing the Corrupted version in Naxx that was still months away from coming out.

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There was a quest for something about Ashbringer in early vanilla i think it was removed 1.7 or 1.4 it dropped from oozes in WPL, but no one knew what it lead to if anything.

Didn’t they hint at, back then, there was one or two hidden quest-chains yet to be discovered? I know some speculated in, that it would probably be a ghost quest, like the one in BRD, just never found.

I feel like 14 years later someone at Blizzard would have spilled the beans about such hidden quest chains that players never figured out. Especially after Cata when any such quests would have been removed from the game anyway.

Perhaps. Then again, how many know about the Unseen?

Is the item i was talking about.

That’s a load of BS considering they gave out Atiesh, out of all weapons, as loot.

Aye. Never really delved in to the history and rumours about it. Fascinating nonetheless if there is something un-discovered out there.

Atiesh isn’t technically all that powerful in my opinion not in the sense of its in use effect, while i don’t know the damage dealt by ashbringers on use effect, but as far as I’m aware its rather powerful. Edit: Also NPC weapon

Atiesh is the legendary, both literally and figuratively, staff passed down through the guardians of tirisfal.
Most notable users were Aegwynn and Medivh, which could possibly blast down most of the crusade with not much effort, medivh alone singlehandedly stopped the massive gurubashi invasion on stormwind.

If we’re taking non lore power and just in game power, that’s even worse.

If the sword would be too strong for the game they would just tone it down a bit like they probably had to do with every single legendary item, this isn’t south park.

You can see the vanilla weapon here

Didn’t say it was fact, I suggested it was a possibility. We’ll probably never know why it was never available to players. All we have is speculation, unless they mentioned something in the WoW Diary (haven’t taken a look at it yet).