Classic Community, it’s time to finally complete the quest. Forget mankirks wife. The biggest mystery in World of Warcraft was the Ashbringer.
It existed in the game files. Atlas loot had it listed. Wowhead has it listed now. It exists. It’s out there, waiting for someone to go get it.
We’ve tried fishing for it. Killing random mobs for it. Obsessing over lore to try and figure out the puzzle, but to no success.
Well come classic, we’re going to do it. Someone is going to get that sword and finally beat Blizzard. So get your fishing poles ready.
We need to finish the final quest of Classic WoW.
Corrupted Ashbringer drops in naxxramas.
I’m talking about the legendary version. The one we haven’t found yet. The myth. The sword that causes you to become the new leader of the scarlet crusade.
It’s the biggest legend in WoW.
He means purified Ashbringer. It was hinted it was in the game in quest text, but no one ever found it.
I imagine that version would require you to cleanse the Corrupted Ashbringer.
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And the event didn’t exist until TBC, so the ashbringer will be unobtainable unless they do Vanilla + content.
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I believe they made a quest or something where you took the corrupted ashbringer into Scarlet Monastery and everyone kneels before you and stuff and then you present the blade to some dude and it uncorrupts it?
They can let you finish it the day they shut the servers down.
That’s not what some guy named Tom overheard a GM once say at a bar one night after work.
GM said it was in the game.
Isn’t it under that one truck in Vermillion City?
"From what ive heard you wont be able to “cleanse”
ashbringer but the second son of mograine (scarlet commander mograine
in SM being the first, BTW his name is renault in old hillsbrad)
will be able to make you a new ashbringer (alot of people think turalyon
a paladin from warcraft 2 who is supposably being held in the black temple by illidan is mograine’s second son)
Ashbringer Will probably have like 140+ dps"
LMAO some of these comments from 2006
That didn’t stop Indiana Jones from going adventures.
“Oh sorry Indy, the rare tablet isn’t in this pyramid.”
Nonsense. It’s in the game. We just haven’t looked hard enough. 
yeah but I haven’t gotten a mew yet to test it.
Extremely doubtful, and if it is it will be datamined so quickly that there will be no mystery.
Isn’t that the reason people think its in the game? because it was in the game files?
It’s in the game. We just need to figure out what to do.
You may need to duel a gnome on a Friday night at 8:39 in the evening, while then declining the duel at the last second. Then you need to roleplay as a member of the scarlet crusade and call out Arthas name three times in the emote chat feature.
I look forward to the crazy ways people will try to get it.
My bet is that you would have to re-craft the sword, it says so during the scripted event any how.
There is also some hint about grinding the phylactery of the lich who created the sword from slimes that over took his essence.
Likely go something like this to re-craft:
- Obtain Corrupted Ashbringer
- Initiate Scripted event, receive quest.
- Go to UBRS and run it until an orc mage drops a special stone (0.5% chance)
- Return to SM, turn in quest. Receive new quest to find the phylactery of tomlain.
- Grind slimes for ages until the phylactery drops.
- Go back to sm, turn in quest.
- Activate phylactery, lich quest mob spawns, gives quest about how to make it.
- Go find materials (a lot of gold) and find a master swordsmith (some relevant npc)
- Scripted event in a major city happens as you turn in quest to receive sword.