Getting kicked in dungeons for low DPS

Again, I’ve never said that. Quote where I said there is 0 votekick abuse. You CONSTANTLY put words in other peoples mouths that they’ve never said, or you take what people have said out of context completely because you have no reading comprehension skills.

I’m calling you a liar, because you’re a liar. We all see through your BS.

i have never been kicked for low dps as long as ur not afk most people wont kick i have alway ding 85 and jump in to heroic if ur realy low flask up at the start of ur gear grind

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Yeah? Welcome to my world and harrassed into being called a liar. A gm/mod/admin/dev whatever authority figure here who can look up accounts and logs will know. But who wants to do that? You cheapened the thread and made the issue trivial by your constant moaning and whining about a person’s authenticity when it is clearly an issue. Even though it may not affect you and maybe only a minority amount of people or a minority amount of times. But to me it happened quite significantly enough to put up with your impolite, issue detracting defamation.

I main healer and I got into random heroics with half int gears as ret doing 10k-12k damage unless I press my cooldowns I can get to 17k-ish damage, been there for 10 queues I haven’t gotten kicked once. Come to think of it they never even pointed at my dps either.

It literally NEVER happened to you because you don’t play Cata classic. You’re a troll, making a troll thread to entertain yourself on the forums.

Otherwise you would simply switch accounts and show us that you truly have an 85 paladin.

It’s crazy I knew INSTANTLY that you were trolling, and also KNEW you would not change to a cata account (Because you don’t have one).

Your story changed no less than 6 times in this thread, it’s been called out by other people, not just me. And it’s clear to ANYBODY who actually plays that you’re just making crap up.

Also no… I don’t live in your world, never been there. Why? Because I’m not a liar. You were not harrassed into being called a liar. You’re simply… a lair and you got busted in your lie. Thus called a liar. If the shoe fits right?

To prove me wrong you literally ONLY have to log on that paladin. You do that, and the discussion can move foward with less doubt on your claims. It’s a simple fix. Why wont you do it?

This votekick system is unforgiving for beginners. I just votekicked some dps because they made a mistake and had low dps. Also votekicked a couple tanks because they pulled a little too much.

[02:02 AM] [W From] [censored-Ati]: WHY?
[02:02 AM] [W To] [censored-Ati]: its how the votekick system is
[02:02 AM] [W To] [censored-Ati]: if u wanna complain open a ticket

well there are Afk players that only cast 3 spells during the encounter, the people who are not spell hit cap, then there are the people who don’t know their class yet. getting hit caps with reforging is eaiser now but for the other cases i dont know.

Ok from the point of view of an ethical group member, replacing a dps is fast and trivial. From the point of view of the votekicked dps, the consequences are a 30m deserter as well as a longer dps queue timer regardless of whether the dps deserved it or not.

There should be a moderate middle ground somewhere that accounts for tanks and healers abuse leaving the instance and unethical groups votekicking members for minor and unreasonable infractions.

To people saying “go farm some gold and buy some bis items of the AH”

yeah… that isnt happening. Its almost 35k gold for pre-raid bis ring, 15k for shoulders because of strength and mastery, 9k for chest, 30k for legs most of which is all entirely pointless to spend so much on.

Its fishy someone is getting kicked often enough for 11-15k dps (probably not the reason they are kicked) when its more than enough.

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I’m new to 85 on my enhance sham, and my dps has always been on the lower side, because I’m just not good at the game. I have fun, but still, lol.

But the only times I’ve been removed from a dungeon was if I d/ced for too long and couldn’t make it back. If the group is chatty, then I’ll joke with them. If the group is as quiet as the grave, I’ll just keep my trap shut and go with the flow. We usually get through with hardly any issues, if we wipe then we wipe. But nobody gets kicked unless they’ve been afk for more than a few minutes.

This is just my experience though.

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well enhance is flame shock, lava lash with 5 stack, lighting bolt 3 stacks or more, unleash weapons, stormstrike , earth shock, fire nova. But the first thing to get as enhance is spell hit cap.

Lets be real boys, youre getting kicked cause your a furry and a druid. Its plainly obvious

I think right now my shc is around 14% or so.

What I usually do is:

  1. Get out meh totems
  2. Open with flame shock (lava lash immediately after if it’s a bigger sized mob)
  3. Use fire nova (if AoEing) but if single target, use Stormstrike
  4. Unleash Weapons
  5. Use Lava Lash at 3-4 stacks of Searing
  6. Use Flame Shock again
  7. Ghost Wolves (if it’s a bigger health ST and I’m taking unavoidable dmg)
  8. Rinse and repeat.

I haven’t been doing Lightning at all, because I use maelstrom to heal myself most of the time. But I might start trying to do that.

Sounds like you should be on your best behavior if you’re queuing as a DPS then doesn’t it?

I got kicked for low dps (that was their claim) when i was doing 13k dps on a primarily single target fight (pet died on the last pack before boss and they immediately pulled so i did the fight without a pet)

It was stonecore first boss. My guess is they were kicking me to 4 man (guild group) the second boss and try for the mount, and then get a 5th person back in.

Did they kick you during the boss? It drops a good trinket too.

Right after boss died.

But i already have that trinket on so if that was why there was 0 reason to do so.

See that is a beleivable situation right? Is it beleivable that somebody is getting kicked in the MAJORITY of their dungeons for 11-15k damage?

It’s silly to even take this guys side at this point.

Ah aoe rotation is :
unleash // for flame shock buff
flame shock
lava lash // for flame shock dot spread
fire nova
chain lightning
storm strike
flame shock to a non doted target
lava lash the empowered dot
fire nova

Should try elemental you can pretty much spam chain lightning and top the dps charts if the AOE group is big enough. :joy: