Getting kicked in dungeons for low DPS

Gonna try to get me hidden rather than address the argument? I can say mean things to you, but I won’t because I would feel sorry if I did

The logic you’re using is so flawed… there is no argument to be had honestly. It’s like they say. It’s damn hard to win an argument with a smart man… It’s impossible to win one with an idiot.

Wow this thread took an unexpected turn.

so prove it false

It doesn’t matter how few people get kicked for doing low DPS. It’s abused and flawed. The alternative isn’t to get rid of deserter, but to improve the RDF system and penalize people who vote kick without cause,

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there is zero argument about cancer and vote kicks being equal in life

Like I said man, Impossible to win an argument with an idiot. I’m not even going to entertain the dolt a second more. Not worth any of our time.

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I can’t tell if you’re being obtuse on purpose or not, I don’t know your education level so I’ll throw this to you

h ttps://

Hopefully you gained something from it

I’m currently valor capped at 9.6k.

I have not seen an unfair vote to kick yet. I’ve only seen people leave because the dungeon isn’t what they wanted. The fairest vote kick I’ve seen was an arms warrior doing less damage than me (disc priest), but granted I was geared and they weren’t, I didn’t hit yes and they stayed.

My personal experience running only healer RDFs is that I have not seen any vote kick abuse, only kicks that were warranted.

I have him ignored, and how much you wanna bet even after he sees that I’ve ignored him he’ll reply to this specific post lol.

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Once again has said it’s never abused, that seems to confuse you.

If the only two options were getting deserter for 30 minutes for getting kicked and no deserter at all, I would say deserter for 30 minutes would be the better choice.

The most practical solution is actually tweaking the current system to ensure people are punished for leaving, but not letting people abuse the system. For example, only getting a 5-10 minute deserter for getting kicked, rather than leaving. Or increasing the duration of deserter if kicked twice in a row. Or putting a CD on kicking people.

Yeah I tried doing heroics as beast mastery on my hunter because I actually like that spec, but was made fun of for doing only 12k dps which was still higher than the rogue. I still like my hunter the best so I’m having to play as boring survival because it’s an S tier damage spec which is sad. If people weren’t such min/max nerds I could have more fun playing a perfectly viable spec but because one spec does more damage i’m supposed to use it instead.

Same problem people have with playing boomkins or enhance shamans. Like, those are the most fun interesting specs but people hate on them for not being min/max and playing the current meta.


Not at all.
My education level is high enough to know by your name, you are a troll.
My education level is high enough to know that comparing cancer to a video game kick as an analogy is not a good analogy at all.

What did I learn? You are a troll.

My name is ironic

I used that analogy because if I didn’t use something that was extremely terrible, people would nitpick and argue “so what” to support their point. Nobody is going to say anything positive about the analogy I used, so it did its job. To prove the flaw in the premise, i had to pick an extreme analogy.

That just because few people are negatively affected by something, does not mean it isn’t a problem. I apologize in retrospect if I caused you emotional harm or damage with this analogy.

You need to apologize for your crimes against logic first and foremost haha.


Yeah i would just ignore this clown OP. In every post he just calls people liars and says out of the million heroics hes done hes never even seen the votekick tool used.

Ive leveled 6 chara to 85 now and have ran quite a bit of heroics. Ive been kicked for no reason before, not often but it happens. The amount of votekicking for no reason ive seen though is pretty sad. Id say every 1/6 heroic ive run ive seen 3 stacks or guilds, or even strangers just all voting yes for the hell of it or other stupid reasons

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This is simply not what the majority of players are seeing. Including me. I’ve never once seen a single person kicked for anything other than being AFK or toxic in chat.

I’ve def not seen people getting kicked 1 out of every 6 heroics. And not while doing 14k dps like the OP claims. I’ve been running them literally all day and not a single vote kick has come up with the exception of 1 for somebody who disconnected. And even then, the group waited all the way to the next boss to replace them…

I’m not saying vote kicks never ever happen for BS reasons. I’m saying that it’s so few and far between, that it’s a non issue.

It’s quite evident that the OP is not being truthful. A review of his posts reveals a clear intention to cause drama.

Initially, he claimed to be kicked from EVERY run due to poor DPS. Then, he edited this to say the majority of his runs. In subsequent posts, he provided inconsistent statements, first claiming he was kicked from a third to a quarter of his runs, then changing it to half, and then back to a third to a quarter.

He also alleged that it was premades who were trolling people non-stop. Later, he altered his story entirely, claiming he was vote-kicked for being confused about buffs and again for pulling side mobs with AOE.

After these suspicious posts, he was asked to provide proof by replying with his level 85 Paladin, to show that he even plays Cataclysm content, but he refused to do so. This refusal only adds to the suspicion.

Given these inconsistencies and his refusal to provide evidence, it is reasonable to conclude that the OP is here merely to troll the forums. If you believe otherwise, I really have to question your judgment and critical thinking skills.

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Yeah I do have a 85 holy/ret pal, but even if I prove it you will just scream liar about something else. Let’s face it you don’t agree and instead of focusing on the issue you just attack people.

I’d also like to add this isn’t a gamebreaking issue, but it is annoying and a waste of time if you are unreasonably kicked.

Then post on it. Simple as that… just post on it. Prove me wrong that you have an 85 paladin.

Post on the 85 pally, that will be 1 step in the direction of this conversation moving from. I think you’re a COMPLETE liar, to maybe something more constructive.

I know if i was getting called out as a liar, and a step in proving that I was not a liar was a simple as posting on another character… I would do it.

You CLAIM to want to have a conversation about a perceived problem, well if you want that conversation, it’s as simple as posting on the character you’re having that issue on.

You are attacking the person instead of the issue. You cannot possibly say there is 0 votekick abuse that is unrealistic.

There are 160 posts in this thread and its mostly of you going LIAR LIAR LIAR YOU DONT HAVE A PALADIN. I hope a mod or dev looks up my account and logs and laughs at you (and me and not change a thing).